[comp.software-eng] Workshop on Software Metrics

warren@psu-cs.UUCP (Warren Harrison) (11/24/88)

    The First Annual Oregon Workshop on Software Metrics

The First Annual Oregon Workshop on Software Metrics will be
held in Portland Oregon on March 1 and 2, 1989.  The
workshop will bring together both practioners and
researchers from throughout the country to discuss the
application and use of software metrics.  In order to ensure
close interaction among participants, attendance will be
limited to 75.

The first day of the workshop will consist of a tutorial on
software metrics, followed by presentations from
practitioners currently using metrics.  The second day of
the workshop will include presentations by metrics
researchers and a panel session addressing how well current
metrics serve the needs of the software development

The First Annual Oregon Workshop on Software Metrics is
being jointly sponsored by the Oregon Center for Advanced
Technology Education, Portland State University and Oregon
State University.  For more information contact:

                      Warren Harrison
               Department of Computer Science
                 Portland State University
                         PO Box 751
                  Portland, OR 97207-0751

                       (503) 464-3108

Warren Harrison                 CSNET: warren@pdx.edu
Department of Computer Science  UUCP:  {ucbvax,decvax}!tektronix!psu-cs!warren
Portland State University       Internet: warren%pdx.edu@relay.cs.net
Portland, OR 97207-0751

warren@psu-cs.UUCP (Warren Harrison) (01/05/89)

Thank you to everyone who responded to my earlier posting about the
First Annual Oregon Workshop on Software Metrics, to be held March 1
and 2 in Portland Oregon.  If I have your US Mail address already,
you are on our mailing list to receive the brochure. 

I am taking the liberty of duplicating it in this posting in case anyone
would like to find out what will be going on at the Workshop.  If you
send me your US Mail address, I will make sure you receive a copy of
the brochure when it gets back from the printers.  If you'd like to
find out more about the Workshop, give me a call at 503-464-3108, or to
register, call the Oregon Center for Advanced Technology Education
(OCATE) at 503-464-4860, and mention the Workshop on Software Metrics.

While I am partly responsible for the technical program, administrative
details are handled by OCATE so if you want to know if we can take Purchase
Orders or bank cards, if you can just register for one day, or whatever,
call OCATE.


            The First Annual Oregon Workshop on
                      Software Metrics

One of the most exciting developments in the software
industry today is the growing interest in software
measurement and metrics.  In response to interest from local
industry, the Oregon Center for Advanced Technology
Education, Portland State University and Oregon State
University are proud to present The First Annual Oregon
Workshop on Software Metrics.  The goal of the Workshop will
be to focus on the use of software metrics by industry.


The Workshop will be held March 1 and 2, 1989 from 8:30 AM
to 4:00 PM.


The Workshop will be held in the Ballroom at Smith Center on
the Portland State University campus in Portland, Oregon.
Maps, parking permits and hotel information will be sent to
each registrant.


Wednesday Morning, March 1.

8:00-8:15 Registration and coffee.

8:15-8:30 Welcome and Introduction, Len Shapiro, PSU and
          Walt Rudd, OSU

8:30-11:30 Warren Harrison, PSU A Software Metrics Tutorial

11:30-1:00 Lunch

Wednesday Afternoon

1:00-4:00 The User's Perspective:

        o+ Steve Wilkinson, Ashton-Tate, Adding Value to
          Metrics for Managers.

        o+ Samuel Hon, III, Bell Communications, Assessing
          Software Quality Through Measurements - A Buyer's

        o+ Ken Oar, Hewlett-Packard, The Use of Metrics for
          Improvement of Products and Processes.

        o+ Alberto Savoia and Dave Kehlet, Sun Microsystems,
          Software Quality Metrics and Applications at Sun

4:00-5:30 Reception

Thursday Morning, March 2

8:30-11:30 The Researcher's Perspective:

        o+ Albert Baker, Iowa State University, Metrics Do's
          and Don'ts: Practical Implications from a
          Mathematical Perspective on Software Metrics.

        o+ Sallie Henry, Virginia Tech, Validation of Metric
          Analysis Requires Commercial Software.

        o+ Ken Magel, North Dakota State University,
          Configuring Metric Use to a Specific Industrial

11:30-1:00 Lunch

Thursday Afternoon

1:00-3:00 Panel Session, Participants TBA, How can we
          improve metrics and their application?
          Coordinated by Curt Cook, OSU.

3:00-3:30 Opportunities for Industry-Academic Cooperation,
          Curt Cook, OSU and Warren Harrison, PSU

3:30-4:00 Wrap up and discussion.

The number of attendees is limited, so register early.  All
registrations will be handled on a first-come, first-served
basis.  The registration fee is $195 for two days, including

Warren Harrison                 CSNET: warren@pdx.edu
Department of Computer Science  UUCP:  {ucbvax,decvax}!tektronix!psu-cs!warren
Portland State University       Internet: warren%pdx.edu@relay.cs.net
Portland, OR 97207-0751

warren@psu-cs.UUCP (Warren Harrison) (01/12/89)

I'm really sorry to be using the net this way, but I have received a large
number of e-mail requests for information about the Workshop on Software
Metrics scheduled for March 1 and 2.  Unfortunately, many requests did not
include a USMail address, and I have had trouble getting through to some
of these people.  In particular, Cynthia@nyborg needs to resend me her USMail
address and Brian@huron needs to send me his phone number since my mail keeps
getting returned.

If you sent me an e-mail request and you're not sure if you included a USMail
address, please resend to ensure you will be on the mailing list.

Thanks,   Warren
Warren Harrison                 CSNET: warren@pdx.edu
Department of Computer Science  UUCP:  {ucbvax,decvax}!tektronix!psu-cs!warren
Portland State University       Internet: warren%pdx.edu@relay.cs.net
Portland, OR 97207-0751

warren@psu-cs.UUCP (Warren Harrison) (02/23/89)

Just a reminder that the pre-registration deadline for the First Annual
Oregon Workshop on Software Metrics (March 1 and 2 in Portland, Oregon)
is February 23.  We will be having presentations on how metrics are be-
ing used at Ashton-Tate, Sun Microsystems, Bell Communications, and HP
as well as presentations by researchers from Iowa State, Virginia Tech
and North Dakota State. The first morning will be devoted to a tutorial
on Software Metrics, and the second afternoon will include a panel ses-
sion discussing where metrics are today, and where they are going in the

To register, call Roger Olsen at the Oregon Center for Advanced Technology
Education at 503-464-4860.  Attendence will be limited, and the Workshop
looks like it is filling up rapidly.


Warren Harrison                 CSNET: warren@pdx.edu
Department of Computer Science  UUCP:  {ucbvax,decvax}!tektronix!psu-cs!warren
Portland State University       Internet: warren%pdx.edu@relay.cs.net
Portland, OR 97207-0751

warren@eecs.cs.pdx.edu (Warren Harrison) (01/08/91)


                             March 17-19, 1991

                      Silver Falls Conference Center
                            Silver Falls Oregon

     Software measurement is  becoming  more  and  more  pervasive  in  the
software  industry.  Until  recently, no international forum has existed to
allow the interchange of ideas and experiences between those using  metrics
and  those  performing  research in the area. The Annual Oregon Workshop on
Software Metrics  (AOWSM) was founded in 1989 to address  this  issue.  For
the  third  year  in a row, Portland State University and the Oregon Center
for Advanced Technology Education are proud to sponsor  the  Annual  Oregon
Workshop on Software Metrics.

     The focus of the Workshop will be on both the application  of  current
metrics  research  to  real-life  problems,  as well as advances being made
which will provide the foundation for software measurement in  the  future.
In  addition,  participants  will  have  an  opportunity to attend advanced
tutorials in the application and management of software measurement.

     AOWSM '91 will be held at the  Silver  Falls  Conference  Center.  The
Conference Center is a rustic facility designed for comfort and tranquility
in the natural setting of  Silver  Falls  State  Park's  8,700  acres.  The
Center is situated in a secluded meadow, surrounded by lush forests of Hem-
lock and Douglas Fir. Facilities include a swimming pool, an activity field
and  a  seven  mile hiking trail providing access to ten spectacular water-
falls in Silver Creek Canyon.  Participants will share a semi-private  room
in  one  of  the  Center's  lodges or cabins to help facilitate significant
interaction. We are looking forward to meeting  you  at  the  Silver  Falls
Conference Center on March 17-19 for what will certainly be the most excit-
ing event of the year for software metric users and researchers.


                Portland                Oregon Center
                   State                for Advanced Technology
              University                Education ("OCATE")


Paul Below                    Hareton K.N. Leung
Electronic Data Systems       Bell-Northern Research

Sandy Bhide                   Jon Marshall
Mentor Graphics               Eastman Kodak

Bob Birss                     Austin Melton
Sun Microsystems              Kansas State University

John Burley                   Everald Mills
                              Seattle University

Curtis Cook                   John Munson
Oregon State University       University of West Florida

Srinivasarao Demerla          Richard Selby
University of Illinois        University of California-Irvine

Teresa Steinbock Harrison     Eric Schnellman
SET Laboratories, Inc.

George X. Kambic              Robin Whitty
Allen-Bradley                 South Bank Polytechnic

Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar         Barbara Zimmer
Florida Atlantic University   Hewlett-Packard


                          SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 1991

3:30 PM Registration & Check-in

7:00 PM Tutorial - "Metrics and Tools  for  Improving  the  Process",  Gene
Miluk, Denver Metrics Group.

9:00 PM Wine & Cheese Social.

                          MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1991

Session A				Session B

8:30 AM

Implementing a Metrics Program    The Measurement of Software Product
S. Wilkinson, ACUCOBOL (USA)      Size: New and Reused Code, J. Gaffney
                                  and  R. Cruickshank, Software Product-
                                  ivity Consortium (USA)

Using Process Metrics With an     Hierarchical Generation of Process-
Unstable Process, M. Purdue,      Integrated Metrics, S. Bhide, Mentor
Sun Microsystems (USA)            Graphics Corp. (USA)

10:30 AM

Panel on Metric Standardization      Statistical Methods for the Analysis of
J. Gaffney, Software Productivity    Software Metrics Data, A. Mayer
Consortium, N. Marselos, AT&T,       and A. Sykes University of Wales (UK)
Harley Ham, Naval Avionics Center
(USA)                                Multivariate Assessment of Software Prod-
                                     ucts, M. Neil, Glasgow College

1:30 PM

An Information Theory Metric for   Testing Metric Based Upon the Estimated
Assembly Language, C. Cook,        Ability of a Program to Hide Faults,
Oregon State University (USA)      J. Voas, NASA (USA)

Metrics Validation: The Need for   U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Panel
Data, J. Lewis and S. Henry        Software Metrics, J. Beavers, US Army
Virginia Polytechnic               (USA)

Some Primitive Control Flow
Metrics, J. Munson and T.
Khosgoftaar, Univ. of West
Florida (USA)

3:30 PM

An Application of Applying            Identification of the Structural Weakness
Metrics to the Software Product       of the Function Points Metric, A. Abran,
Review Process, C. Seddio,            Montreal Trust, P. Robillard, Ecole
Eastman-Kodak (USA)                   Polytechnic (CANADA)

Experience With Complexity            Counting Function Points from Dataflow
Metrics for Coding Standards,         Diagrams, R. Rask, University of Joensuu
G. Stark, the MITRE Corp-             (FINLAND)
oration, M. Shooman, Poly-
technic Univ., R. Packer, R. Packer
Associates (USA)

7:00 PM Tutorial - "Measuring Productivity and Defect/Cause Analysis",
Gene Miluk, Denver Metrics Group

9:00 PM Wine & Cheese Social

                          TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1991

Session A				Session B

8:30 AM

Front-End Measurement Tool           Software Metrics Reporting: Presentation
Based on Fenton-Whitty Theory,       of Multiple Metrics for Analysis of Imp-
A. Pengelly and C. Simons,           rovement, S. Lawrence-Pfleeger, J. Fitz-,
British Telecom Research Labs        gerald, D. Rippy, Contel Technology Center
(UK)                                 (USA)

The Metrification of Data Designs,   An Investigation of the Maintenance and
D. Ince, The Open University,        Support Characteristics of Commercial
M. Shepperd, Wolverhampton           Software, S. Cherf, Tandem Computers
Polytechnic, A. Pengelly, H.         (USA)
Benwood, British Telecom Re-
search Labs (UK)

10:30 AM

Panel on How to Get Senior       Comparative Analysis of Software Comp-
Management to Use Software       lexity Metrics and Program Modules - A
Metrics, S. Wilkinson,           Multidimensional Scaling Approach, T.
ACUCOBOL (USA)                   Khoshgoftaar, J. Munson and S. Ravi-
                                 chandran, Florida Atlantic University and
                                 University of West Florida (USA)

                                 A Study on the Normality of Metric Distr-
                                 ibutions, P. Robillard and D. Coupel
                                 Ecole Polytechnic (CANADA)

     Registration fees will be $475 ($525 after February 7). This  includes
double  occupancy  lodging,  all  meals,  breaks, socials and a copy of the
proceedings.  A courtesy bus will shuttle people between  the  airport  and
Silver Falls (a trip of about 2 hours). 

     The Conference Center will only hold about 75 people, so with about 25
authors  and  administrative  personnel,  we're  already   down to about 50
slots.  These places should fill up fast,  so  register  *now*!   For  more
information,  contact  the  Oregon Center for Advanced Technology Education
(OCATE) at 503-690-1460. For technical information, feel free to send me
e-mail or call.


Warren Harrison                                          warren@cs.pdx.edu
Laboratory for Software Quality Research                 503/725-3108
Portland State University/CMPS   

warren@eecs.cs.pdx.edu (Warren Harrison) (01/17/91)


                             March 17-19, 1991

                      Silver Falls Conference Center
                            Silver Falls Oregon

     Software measurement is  becoming  more  and  more  pervasive  in  the
software  industry.  Until  recently, no international forum has existed to
allow the interchange of ideas and experiences between those using  metrics
and  those  performing  research in the area. The Annual Oregon Workshop on
Software Metrics  (AOWSM) was founded in 1989 to address  this  issue.  For
the  third  year  in a row, Portland State University and the Oregon Center
for Advanced Technology Education are proud to sponsor  the  Annual  Oregon
Workshop on Software Metrics.

     The focus of the Workshop will be on both the application  of  current
metrics  research  to  real-life  problems,  as well as advances being made
which will provide the foundation for software measurement in  the  future.
In  addition,  participants  will  have  an  opportunity to attend advanced
tutorials in the application and management of software measurement.

     AOWSM '91 will be held at the  Silver  Falls  Conference  Center.  The
Conference Center is a rustic facility designed for comfort and tranquility
in the natural setting of  Silver  Falls  State  Park's  8,700  acres.  The
Center is situated in a secluded meadow, surrounded by lush forests of Hem-
lock and Douglas Fir. Facilities include a swimming pool, an activity field
and  a  seven  mile hiking trail providing access to ten spectacular water-
falls in Silver Creek Canyon.  Participants will share a semi-private  room
in  one  of  the  Center's  lodges or cabins to help facilitate significant
interaction. We are looking forward to meeting  you  at  the  Silver  Falls
Conference Center on March 17-19 for what will certainly be the most excit-
ing event of the year for software metric users and researchers.


                Portland                Oregon Center
                   State                for Advanced Technology
              University                Education ("OCATE")


Paul Below                    Hareton K.N. Leung
Electronic Data Systems       Bell-Northern Research

Sandy Bhide                   Jon Marshall
Mentor Graphics               Eastman Kodak

Bob Birss                     Austin Melton
Sun Microsystems              Kansas State University

John Burley                   Everald Mills
                              Seattle University

Curtis Cook                   John Munson
Oregon State University       University of West Florida

Srinivasarao Demerla          Richard Selby
University of Illinois        University of California-Irvine

Teresa Steinbock Harrison     Eric Schnellman
SET Laboratories, Inc.

George X. Kambic              Robin Whitty
Allen-Bradley                 South Bank Polytechnic

Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar         Barbara Zimmer
Florida Atlantic University   Hewlett-Packard


                          SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 1991

3:30 PM Registration & Check-in

7:00 PM Tutorial - "Metrics and Tools  for  Improving  the  Process",  Gene
Miluk, Denver Metrics Group.

9:00 PM Wine & Cheese Social.

                          MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1991

Session A				Session B

8:30 AM

Implementing a Metrics Program    The Measurement of Software Product
S. Wilkinson, ACUCOBOL (USA)      Size: New and Reused Code, J. Gaffney
                                  and  R. Cruickshank, Software Product-
                                  ivity Consortium (USA)

Using Process Metrics With an     Hierarchical Generation of Process-
Unstable Process, M. Purdue,      Integrated Metrics, S. Bhide, Mentor
Sun Microsystems (USA)            Graphics Corp. (USA)

10:30 AM

Panel on Metric Standardization      Statistical Methods for the Analysis of
J. Gaffney, Software Productivity    Software Metrics Data, A. Mayer
Consortium, N. Marselos, AT&T,       and A. Sykes University of Wales (UK)
Harley Ham, Naval Avionics Center
(USA)                                Multivariate Assessment of Software Prod-
                                     ucts, M. Neil, Glasgow College

1:30 PM

An Information Theory Metric for   Testing Metric Based Upon the Estimated
Assembly Language, C. Cook,        Ability of a Program to Hide Faults,
Oregon State University (USA)      J. Voas, NASA (USA)

Metrics Validation: The Need for   U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Panel
Data, J. Lewis and S. Henry        Software Metrics, J. Beavers, US Army
Virginia Polytechnic               (USA)

Some Primitive Control Flow
Metrics, J. Munson and T.
Khosgoftaar, Univ. of West
Florida (USA)

3:30 PM

An Application of Applying            Identification of the Structural Weakness
Metrics to the Software Product       of the Function Points Metric, A. Abran,
Review Process, C. Seddio,            Montreal Trust, P. Robillard, Ecole
Eastman-Kodak (USA)                   Polytechnic (CANADA)

Experience With Complexity            Counting Function Points from Dataflow
Metrics for Coding Standards,         Diagrams, R. Rask, University of Joensuu
G. Stark, the MITRE Corp-             (FINLAND)
oration, M. Shooman, Poly-
technic Univ., R. Packer, R. Packer
Associates (USA)

7:00 PM Tutorial - "Measuring Productivity and Defect/Cause Analysis",
Gene Miluk, Denver Metrics Group

9:00 PM Wine & Cheese Social

                          TUESDAY, MARCH 19, 1991

Session A				Session B

8:30 AM

Front-End Measurement Tool           Software Metrics Reporting: Presentation
Based on Fenton-Whitty Theory,       of Multiple Metrics for Analysis of Imp-
A. Pengelly and C. Simons,           rovement, S. Lawrence-Pfleeger, J. Fitz-,
British Telecom Research Labs        gerald, D. Rippy, Contel Technology Center
(UK)                                 (USA)

The Metrification of Data Designs,   An Investigation of the Maintenance and
D. Ince, The Open University,        Support Characteristics of Commercial
M. Shepperd, Wolverhampton           Software, S. Cherf, Tandem Computers
Polytechnic, A. Pengelly, H.         (USA)
Benwood, British Telecom Re-
search Labs (UK)

10:30 AM

Panel on How to Get Senior       Comparative Analysis of Software Comp-
Management to Use Software       lexity Metrics and Program Modules - A
Metrics, S. Wilkinson,           Multidimensional Scaling Approach, T.
ACUCOBOL (USA)                   Khoshgoftaar, J. Munson and S. Ravi-
                                 chandran, Florida Atlantic University and
                                 University of West Florida (USA)

                                 A Study on the Normality of Metric Distr-
                                 ibutions, P. Robillard and D. Coupel
                                 Ecole Polytechnic (CANADA)

     Registration fees will be $475 ($525 after February 7). This  includes
double  occupancy  lodging,  all  meals,  breaks, socials and a copy of the
proceedings.  A courtesy bus will shuttle people between  the  airport  and
Silver Falls (a trip of about 2 hours).

     The Conference Center will only hold about 75 people, so with about 25
authors  and  administrative  personnel,  we're  already   down to about 50
slots.  These places should fill up fast,  so  register  *now*!   For  more
information,  contact  the  Oregon Center for Advanced Technology Education
(OCATE) at 503-690-1460. For technical information, feel free to send me
e-mail or call.


Warren Harrison                                          warren@cs.pdx.edu
Laboratory for Software Quality Research                 503/725-3108
Portland State University/CMPS