[comp.software-eng] Info wanted: Odin - an env. integration system

tolboel@iesd.auc.dk (Morten Tolboel) (02/01/91)

I just read the article:

A Mechanism for Environment Integration
by Geoffrey Clemm and Leon Osterweil
University of Colorado at Boulder

published in ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems,
Vol. 12, No 1, January 1990, Pages 1-25

It is about an environment integration system called "Odin".

I would very much like if somebody would mail me some references to
further literature on this subject and perhaps indicate whether the
software is a commercial- or public domain product and how to get it
in any case.

Morten Tolboel                       ! 
Systems programmer                   ! 
Institute of electronic systems      ! 
University of Aalborg                !      \-/\-/
Denmark (not a suburb of Sweden!)    !      < F3 >
                                     !      /-\/-\
Mail: tolboel@iesd.auc.dk            ! 
                                     ! PRO REGE ET GREGE