hamlet@alan.cs.pdx.edu (02/06/91)

                         Ninth Annual
          Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference
                        CALL FOR PAPERS

The mission of the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference is to
increase awareness of the importance of software quality.  As a
non-profit corporation it seeks to promote software quality by
providing education and opportunities for information exchange within
the software community.

Original papers are solicited on all aspects of software quality.
Conference attendance will be about 400 software professionals from
industry, government, and universities.  Papers will be selected on the
basis of abstracts, then refereed for publication in the Proceedings.
Any topic related to software quality is of interest, for example:

productivity and quality       parallel software         legal issues
re-engineering software        object-oriented design    testing technology
real-time software             cost/schedule estimation  risk management
project management             design methodologies      software metrics 
user interfaces                documentation             CASE environments
on-line transaction processing software standards        version control
off-the shelf software         data base design          marketing quality
distributed data processing    case studies              user interfaces
PC information technology      resuability

We are particularly interested in reports of direct experience with
methods, ideas, and tools.

Abstracts should be 2-4 pages long, with enough detail to give
reviewers an understanding of the final paper, including a rough
outline of its contents.  Indicate if the most likely audience is
technical or managerial, and please make clear the topic's relevance to
software quality.  Include a cover page with:

     paper title,
     complete mailing address, telephone, e-mail address,
     a list of keywords/phrases identifying the subject,
     a brief biographical sketch of the author(s).

Submit 10 copies BY MARCH 4 to:     Hilly Alexander, Program Co-Chair
                                    ADP Dealer Services Group
                                    2525 SW First Avenue
                                    Portland, OR 97201-4760

                                    Electronic mail to Dick Hamlet, Co-Chair
                                    Internet:  hamlet@cs.pdx.edu

Conference date: 7 October 1991
Abstract deadline: 4 March 1991
Notice of selection: 15 April 1991
Draft paper due: 5 June 1991

Note: For information about combining the PNSQ Conference with the TAV-4
conference in Victoria, 8-10 October, contact Dick Hamlet.