[comp.software-eng] Weak mutation testing

marick@cs.uiuc.edu (Brian Marick) (02/06/91)

As it happens, I just started writing an explanation of weak mutation
testing.  Here's some text.  (Forgive it; it's only a first draft.)

.sh 2   "Fault-based Coverage"
In weak mutation coverage [Howden] [Hamlet], we suppose that a program
contains a particular simple kind of fault.  One such fault might be 
using <= instead of the correct < in an expression like this:

if (A <= B)

Given this program, a weak mutation coverage system like GCT would
produce a message like this:

"gcc.c", line 488: operator <= might be <

This message would be produced until the program was executed over a
test case such that $(A <= B)$ has a different value than $(A < B)$.
That is, we must satisfy a _test condition_ that 

(A <= B) != (A < B)

or, equivalently, that

A != B

Notice the similarity of this requirement to the old 
black-box testing advice:  "always check boundary conditions".
Suppose we execute the program and satisfy this test condition.  In
this case, the incorrect program (the one we're executing) will take
the wrong branch.  Our hope is that this incorrect program state will
persist until the output, at which point we'll see it and say "Bug!".
Of course, the effect might not persist.  However, there's some
evidence [Marick] that over 90% of such faults will be detected by weak
mutation coverage.  Of course, not all faults are such simple
deviations from the correct program; probably a minority are [Marick].
However, the hope of weak mutation testing is that a test suite
thorough enough to detect such simple faults will also detect more
complicated faults; this is called the _coupling effect_
[DeMillo].  The coupling effect has been shown to hold in some special
cases [Offutt], but more experiments are needed on large-scale
GCT implements two kinds of weak mutation testing.  _Operator_
coverage is as already described -- we require test cases that
distinguish operators from other operators.  _Operand_ coverage is
similar -- for any operand, such as a variable, we assume that it
ought to have been some other one.  That is, in 


we require test cases that distinguish A from B (test condition $A !=
B$), A from C, A from D, and so on.  Since there may be a very large
number of possible alternate variables, there are usually a very large
number of test conditions to satisfy.  The hope is that a relatively
few test cases will satisfy most of them.

Brian Marick
Motorola @ University of Illinois
marick@cs.uiuc.edu, uiucdcs!marick

marick@cs.uiuc.edu (Brian Marick) (02/07/91)

marick@cs.uiuc.edu (Brian Marick) writes:

a typo.  The test condition that distinguishes A<=B from A<B is not

>A != B

of course.  It's A==B, which causes A<=B to be TRUE and A<B to be FALSE.

Brian Marick
Motorola @ University of Illinois
marick@cs.uiuc.edu, uiucdcs!marick