[comp.software-eng] use of RDBMS for prototyping

kodiak@matt.ksu.ksu.edu (Bryan D. Nehl) (02/08/91)

I have heard of approaches to structured rapid prototyping that use
a RDBMS package.  Now what I am wondering is just how do you use such
a package?  The reason I ask is that currently Borland is offering there
current customers a special rate of $175 for the new Parodox.  I would
be interested especially from people who are currently using RDBMS's for
prototype development.



/* === Bryan Nehl ========= kodiak@Kodiakpc.Manhattan.KS.US =======+
[  Software Engineer -- USDA -- WERU ][ bdn@chepil.weru.ksu.edu    ]
[     (913) 532-6233 or 532-6495     ][ kodiak@matt.ksu.ksu.edu    ]
+_________ ...!rutgers!ksuvax1!matt.ksu.ksu.edu!kodiak __________ */