[comp.software-eng] CASE tools - survey

raghan@pico.OZ (Raghavan Ganeson) (02/06/91)

Is there any one who has some info or can point me
to articles/reports on CASE tools product comparision ?

Thanks in advance


Raghavan Ganeson             Phone: +61 09 3241641
Network Systems              Fax  : +61 09 3241642
QPSX Communications Ltd      Email: raghan@pico.qpsx.oz.au
33 Richardson St             
West Perth
Australia 6005

wheeler@IDA.ORG (David Wheeler) (02/13/91)

=From: raghan@pico.OZ (Raghavan Ganeson)
=Is there any one who has some info or can point me
=to articles/reports on CASE tools product comparision ?

This question comes up occasionally in this newsgroup, so rather
than emailing a reply to Raghavan I'm posting instead.

Some coworkers & I have done just that and written two reports
(one in 1990, one in 1987).  I have a **LIMITED** supply of the
newer report that I'd be happy to give to a few of you for free,
but more likely you'll need to contact one of two
U.S. government agencies (DTIC or NTIS) who handle the printing
of such things.  Below are the references to the reports, followed
by addresses & phone numbers of the agencies.


1. ``Reviews of Selected System and Software Tools for Strategic Defense
Applications''.  IDA Paper P-2177.  David A. Wheeler, Dennis W. Fife,
Edgar H. Sibley, J. Bret Michael.  February 1990.
DTIC Session Number ADA226 982.
Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA.

This paper covers Software through Pictures, Teamwork, TAGS, Auto-G,
DCDS, RDD, Statemate, Refine, Design/IDEF & Design/Family, 001, Foresight,
Virtual Software Factory, and Adagen.

2. ``Evaluation of Computer-Aided System Design Tools for SDI
Battle Management/C3 Architecture Development''.  IDA Paper P-2062.
Dennis W. Fife, editor.  October 1987.
Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA.

Covers TAGS, Auto-G, DCDS, Software through Pictures, and Teamwork.


To get these you'll need to contact one of two offices:

DTIC (if you're a U.S. government agency or contractor):

Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)
Bdlg, 5, Cameron Station
Alexandria, VA 22304-6145
(703) 274-7633 (document orders)
Costs $5.00 last I asked.

NTIS (if you're not a U.S. gov't agency or contractor):
National Technical Information Services (NTIS)
5285 Port Royal Rd.
Springfield, VA 22161
(800) 553-6847
(703) 487-4650 (in VA/Washington, DC area)
Last I asked $17 book, microfiche $8.  Double for foreign.

I hope this helps!

--- David A. Wheeler