ogata@degas.nswc.navy.mil (Eric Ogata) (04/08/91)
Call for Papers 1991 Systems Design Synthesis Technology Workshop September 10-13, 1991 Naval Surface Warfare Center 10901 New Hampshire Avenue Silver Spring, Maryland 20903-5000 This is a call for papers to be presented at the 1991 Systems Design Synthesis Technology Workshop which will be held September 10-13, 1991 at Naval Surface Warfare Center in Silver Spring, Maryland. This workshop is sponsored by the Naval Surface Warfare Center and the Office of Naval Technology (ONT). This workshop will explore issues related to the design synthesis of complex, computer based MCCS. Many DoD related systems tend to be large, complex, fault tolerant, distributed, real-time, time critical systems. Of interest is the development and enhancement of the system level ability to specify, capture, synthesize, analyze, model, prototype, test and implement such systems. The emphasis is on developing forward engineering capabilities, however reverse engineering capabilities will also be addressed. Submitted papers should attempt to focus on one of the areas listed below: Requirements Specification and Traceability: - Specification of top level system requirements - Traceability of the requirements through the system development process System Design Capture and Analysis: - Capture and analysis of systems including -- Methods used to represent different aspects of the systems -- Analysis which can be performed on these representations System Design Structuring and Allocation Optimization: - Methods to improve a design given measures of effectiveness Engineering of Massively Interconnected Systems: - Design and engineering of systems where communication requirements dominate computational requirements Real-Time Fault Tolerant Systems Design: - Real-time and/or fault tolerance technologies - Integration of real-time and/or fault tolerance technologies into system design Please enclose (5) copies of the paper along with a cover letter with the author's name(s), paper title, area of interest, and the name, address, FAX, telephone number, and e-mail address (if available) of the author who is responsible for all correspondence and preparation for the workshop by 14 June 1991. The accepted papers will be published as a Proceedings, which will be distributed within the Government and also made available to the general public. Submission Deadline: 14 June 1991 Acceptance Notification: 12 July 1991 Final Paper Submission: 16 August 1991 Submission Address: Steve Howell Naval Surface Warfare Center Code U33 10901 New Hampshire Avenue Silver Spring, MD, USA 20903-5000 e-mail inquires: showell@nswc-wo.navy.mil phone inquires: 301-394-3987