[comp.software-eng] Inspections

raj@crosfield.co.uk (Ray Jones) (04/09/91)

We are about to start  implementing  Inspections  of  the  Fagan-
modified-by-Gilb  type.  A  couple of us have been trained by Tom
Gilb (on one of his public courses) and 2/3 pilot  projects  have
been identified.

Would anyone like to share their  experiences  with  inspections,
particularly during the start up stage.

Some basic questions I have are:

How much time was spent on individual inspections?

What statistics were kept?

What savings were realised?

What percentage of moderators time was taken  up  in  inspections
(including planning and any other overheads)?

Tom Gilb did provide some answers to some of these questions  but
I would very much like to hear some independant views.

Please reply by email; if there is enough interest I will summar-
ise to the net.
Ray Jones                                    raj@cel.co.uk, raj@crosfield.co.uk
Principal Software Engineer, Crosfield Electronics, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 7RH UK