[comp.software-eng] education

UH2@PSUVM.BITNET (Lee Sailer) (11/25/87)

Does anyone have ideas about *teaching* CASE in a small college environment.
Here at Penn State Erie we have about 40 students in a two semester
Analysis, Design, and Implementation course (Info Systems in a B school).
Currently we use Excelerator on personal computers, and make do with
3 workstations.

cml@tove.cs.umd.edu (Christopher Lott) (04/25/91)

In article <jls.672529800@rutabaga> jls@rutabaga.Rational.COM (Jim Showalter)
quotes me:

  Either they suffer from NIH syndrome or are
  simply ill informed. What can be done to reach the ill-informed practictioner?

and answers:
>Large caliber handguns come to mind...

Well, ok fella, I know you're just making a joke.  ha ha.  But I claim that
this is the KEY, absolutely VITAL to solving many of the problem of software.
Education and training can help so may programmers, coders, designers, and
yes, s/w engineers (drat title inflation!) do their jobs better.  It's not
that they should sign up for the $2000/week education classes, but starting
with perhaps a IEEE tutorial manual would be terrific!  Maybe take a course
at the local college in software engineering, if there is one.  Read some
papers, books, etc.  Read comp.softare-eng for leads.

Time, as always, is the constraint.  But (to quote someone else) sometimes you
have to stop fighting fires long enough to turn off the gas.  Getting the word
out about tools, techniques, and process improvement is difficult, and I for
one do not joke about its importance.

People have to want to learn about this stuff before it will be learned.  How
does one convince the average practitioner that s/he is doing a below-par job
and can improve?  Without firing him/her, etc., etc.

Christopher Lott \/ Dept of Comp Sci, Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
  cml@cs.umd.edu /\ 4122 AV Williams Bldg  301 405-2721 <standard disclaimers>

jls@rutabaga.Rational.COM (Jim Showalter) (04/27/91)

>Well, ok fella, I know you're just making a joke.  ha ha.

Sorry, it was in rather poor taste. I meant by it that the problem
of re-education (or, in some cases, EDUCATION) is so difficult that
at times it seems intractable and the response is to throw up my hands
in disgust and suggest violence...

The company I work at sells tools to aid software engineers, but for
us to be successful we also have to act as catalysts for the growth
of a software engineering culture itself. Our role is often more of
an educator than a vendor, and it is a long slow uphill grind in many
places. But we are making progress.

We're in violent agreement--I have no argument with anything in your
fine post.

And, by the way, this is a GREAT quote:

>sometimes you
>have to stop fighting fires long enough to turn off the gas.
* "Beyond 100,000 lines of code, you should probably be coding in Ada." *
*      - P.G. Plauger, Convener and Secretary of the ANSI C Committee   *
*                                                                       *
*                The opinions expressed herein are my own.              *