[comp.software-eng] CASE Tool Request

hsrender@happy.colorado.edu (05/02/91)

We are looking at getting CASE tools for use by students in our undergraduate
and graduate software engineering courses.  Ideally, we'd like tools that
have the following features:

	+ integrated support for requirements analysis and design (using
	  standard notation)
	+ some support for converting design elements into code elements
	   (C, Ada, and Pascal)
	+ X and/or Windows based GUI
	+ runs on Unix workstations and/or 386 PCs
        + relatively low-cost educational licenses

I've looked at a couple but thought I should broaden my search.  Please
e-mail any suggestions to me.  I'll post a summary if there is sufficient
interest.  Thanks in advance.

hal render
univ. of colorado at colorado springs

hsrender@happy.colorado.edu (05/02/91)

To head off the incipient flames, yes, I already have a copy of David Lambs
listing of some CASE tools, and I am in the process of the calling the vendors
on it.  I posted my request anyway to see if there are things out there that
are not on the list (which I know there are).  So, please don't give me the
news equivalent of RTFM (RTFFAQL?) and feel free to contribute your comments
and suggestions.  Thanks to all who have responded so far.   Keep those cards
and letters coming.


Oh yeah, from my software engineering class:

    Q: What's the difference between a programmer and a software engineer?
    A: About $10K per year.