[comp.software-eng] Constraints

dc@sci.UUCP (D. C. Sessions) (05/03/91)

In article <1259@grapevine.EBay.Sun.COM> chrisp@regenmeister.EBay.Sun.COM (Chris Prael) writes:

  [Prefatory discussion deleted]

# One of the grossest conceptual errors of well intended designers is the
# idea that it is useful to constrain a programmer to do the right thing.
# While it is demonstrably useful to harness, bridle, and blinder a draft
# animal, it is just as obviously disfunctional to try to do this with
# programmers/engineers/designers.  Tools that control the programmer can
# only do so by disabling.  The result is not a technician forced to
# behave like an engineer but a hobbled technician.
# Chris Prael

  This may be obvious to some, but if so I'm just not with it.  I've 
  been designing electronic hardware for the last 20 years, and one of 
  the great improvements in the trade has been the advance in tool 
  intelligence.  By that, I mean that the design tools we're starting 
  to use now catch human errors at the design-entry stage rather than 
  the design-checking stage -- a *vast* improvement in productivity.

  I've used the free-for-all kind of tools (schematic capture, PWB 
  layout, C, etc.) only to have to rewind as much as a day's work when
  I caught an error.  (And yes, I *do* make errors.  I'm even learning 
  to admit it.)  I don't *want* tools which blithely assume that if I 
  connect two outputs, or route a trace too close to a pad, I must
  have had a good reason.  The same applies in software; I would much 
  rather the compiler do all of the picky consistency checks it 
  possibly can, because:

    1) compilers don't get fried on caffiene and exhaustion at 0300
       when the crunch is on;
    2) compilers are *never* too busy to attend to details;
    3) compilers are *never* so sure they got it right that they don't 
       need to check it again;
    4) compilers are *never* so familiar with what they *intend* to do 
       that they can't see the flaws in what they *do*.

  I sure do.  Go home, look in a mirror, and try to say that you don't.

  I understand where you're coming from.  I'm lucky I haven't gone 
  bald from the hair I've torn out in fights with inflexible tools.  
  No doubt about it, Pascal could drive you crazy trying to work 
  around its limitations.  The solution is *not* to go back to coding 
  in absolute binary! (Does anybody remember Doug Lee?)  The solution 
  isn't even to throw caution to the wind ala K&R C.  The solution 
  *is* to fix the tools to make it easy to do things right without 
  hacks and *possible* (but not easy) to do the occasional really
  weird stuff.

  I repeat, *occasional*.  Sometimes (analogy again) we really *do* 
  need to connect two outputs -- for instance, when there are 
  mutually-exclusive population options.  This had ****ing well better 
  be rarely enough that the extra hassle is acceptable, or chances are 
  you're a long way down a seriously wrong track.  Take a hint.

  Face up to the (not always comforting) fact of human limitations.  
  Sure, it's *possible* to do good software engineering in C.  It's 
  *possible* to do good S/E in assembler, too.  It's also *possible* 
  to design aircraft using nothing more sophisticated than a pencil 
  and paper.  (The P51 only took 120 *days* from go to prototype.)  
  You think maybe that this justifies doing the YF22 airframe the same
  way?  How about the YF22 software?

  It took the radio electronics community something like forty years 
  to realize that they weren't so different from bridge builders that 
  they couldn't learn a few lessons.  Large portions of the digital 
  hardware world still haven't caught on to the fact that engineering 
  is a process that has precious little to do with the technology in 
  use.  As far as I can tell from (mostly) the outside, most of the
  software subculture still hasn't got a clue -- they're still busy 
  making excuses based on how the lessons of history really don't 
  apply to something as new and wonderful as <what they do>.
| The above opinions may not be original, but they are mine and mine alone. |
|            "While it may not be for you to complete the task,             |
|                 neither are you free to refrain from it."                 |
+-=-=-    (I wish this _was_ original!)        D. C. Sessions          -=-=-+