(Robert Steigerwald) (05/08/91)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Papers Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 25 Koloa, Hawaii, January 7-10, 1992 in cooperation with: ACM and IEEE Computer Society The Software Minitracks of HICSS-25 will address a broad selection of topics in the areas of Rapid Prototyping with Reusable Software Com- ponents and Prototyping Languages. Please submit copies of papers, lim- ited to 22-26 double-spaced, typewritten pages including diagrams, to Prof. Luqi, Computer Science Department, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA 93943. Paper Due: June 5, 1991 Acceptance Notice: August 30,1991 Questions: call (408) 646-2468 or email to Bob Steigerwald ( Rapid Software Prototyping, Luqi, Naval Postgraduate School Executable prototypes are developed as an aid for analysis and design of proposed systems. Prototyping languages and reuse of software components are promising approaches to improving the prototyping pro- cess. Papers for the rapid prototyping track are solicited on proto- typing of hard real-time, parallel, distributed, and knowledge-based systems, with emphasis on: * Specification for reuse & experiences in using formal methods * Reusable software component retrieval for rapid prototyping * Reusable software component integration * Fundamental computational models and prototyping languages * Transformation of prototyping languages into implementation code * Prototyping languages bridging the gaps between requirements, specification, design, & implementation * Prototyping languages which facilitate reuse of software ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note: The minitrack on Rapid Prototyping is just one of seven which come under the category of Software Technology. The complete list of Software Technology minitracks is: 1. Advances in Programming Languages and their Implementations 2. Alternative Design and Programming Paradigms 3. Application Enabling Technologies 4. Computer Aided Software Design and Engineering 5. Design and Software Reuse 6. Distributed Operating Systems and Databases 7. Rapid Prototyping For detailed information on the Software Technology track, contact Dr Bruce D. Shriver, Once again, for detailed information on the Rapid Prototyping minitrack, contact or Bob Steigerwald at (408) 646-2468.