[comp.software-eng] AvAaA: will be discussing this soon...

xtbjh@levels.sait.edu.au (behoffski) (05/09/91)

Apologies to anybody trying to reach me via News.  The local machine 
is still catching up -- it's currently up to about Monday morning.  
I'm reliably told that the pairing of the disk problems and my posting 
is only a fluke.  

I deliberately withheld many of my ideas about how I'd implement 
Languish in order to not colour your thinking on the first look.  
I'll describe my ideas in more detail as time goes by.  

In the meantime, the functional programming lobby has given me a few 
comments via email... time for behoffski to start some serious reading.

Brenton Hoff (behoffski)  | Senior Software Engineer | My opinions are mine
xtbjh@Levels.UniSA.edu.au | AWA Transponder          | (and they're weird).