[comp.software-eng] Anyone Using Westmount's RTEE ?

matheys@online.cern.ch (05/17/91)

We've recently started to use RTEE (Real Time Engineering Environment)
from Westmount
(Delft, Holland) and we would like to make contact with anyone using

Jean-Pol Matheys

CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics
ECP Division  /  Data-acquisition Systems Group

HEP DECnet   online::matheys
Internet     matheys@online.cern.ch
X.400        C=ch;ADMD=arcom;PRMD=cern;O=cern;OU=online;S=matheys;

matheys@online.cern.ch (05/17/91)

We've recently started using RTEE (Real Time Engineering Environment), an iCASE
tool from Westmount (Delft, Holland) and we'd like to make contact with anyone
using it.

Jean-Pol Matheys

CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics
ECP Division  /  Data-acquisition Systems Group

HEP DECnet   online::matheys
Internet     matheys@online.cern.ch
X.400        C=ch;ADMD=arcom;PRMD=cern;O=cern;OU=online;S=matheys;

matheys@online.cern.ch (05/17/91)

We've recently started to use RTEE (Real Time Engineering Environment),
an iCASE
tool from Westmount (Delft, Holland), and we'd like to make contact with
else using it as well.

Jean-Pol Matheys

CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics
ECP Division  /  Data-acquisition Systems Group

HEP DECnet   online::matheys
Internet     matheys@online.cern.ch
X.400        C=ch;ADMD=arcom;PRMD=cern;O=cern;OU=online;S=matheys;