[comp.software-eng] AvAaA: Try APL descendant "J"

xtbjh@levels.sait.edu.au (behoffski) (05/10/91)

In article <b54a1g.hvl@wang.com>, wdr@wang.com (William Ricker) writes:
> Take a look in comp.lang.apl.  The new language J, by Iverson Software Inc
> (yes, that Ken Iverson) has a regularized grammar modeled on Verbs,Nouns,
> Adverbs/adjectives, Conjunctions -- rather than Functors, Operators, Things.
> Refernces ACM SigAPL QuoteQuod a/k/a Proceedings APL'90, Iverson & Hui, 
> "APL\?". 

Interesting.  You will be pleased to know that *the* first language 
that I ever programmed in was a version of APL running on an IBM-370.  
Trying to understand News postings of APL programs with ASCII 
translations is hard, especially since it's been about ten years 
since I last looked at APL.  

I'll try and find a copy of the APL proceedings that you referenced; 
in the mean time, could you post a summary of Iverson's ideas, and 
possibly even a summary of "Functors, Operators, Things?"

> /s/ Bill Ricker                wdr@wang.wang.com 
> "The Freedom of the Press belongs to those who own one."
> *** Warning: This account is not authorized to express opinions. ***
Brenton Hoff (behoffski)  | Senior Software Engineer | My opinions are mine
xtbjh@Levels.UniSA.edu.au | AWA Transponder          | (and they're weird).

wdr@wang.com (William Ricker) (05/16/91)

xtbjh@levels.sait.edu.au (behoffski) writes:

>In article <b54a1g.hvl@wang.com>, wdr@wang.com (William Ricker) writes:
>> Take a look in comp.lang.apl.  The new language J, by Iverson Software Inc
>> (yes, that Ken Iverson) has a regularized grammar modeled on Verbs,Nouns,
>> Adverbs/adjectives, Conjunctions -- rather than Functors, Operators, Things.
>> Refernces ACM SigAPL QuoteQuod a/k/a Proceedings APL'90, Iverson & Hui, 
>> "APL\?". 

>Interesting.  You will be pleased to know that *the* first language 
>that I ever programmed in was a version of APL running on an IBM-370.  
>I'll try and find a copy of the APL proceedings that you referenced; 
>in the mean time, could you post a summary of Iverson's ideas, and 
>possibly even a summary of "Functors, Operators, Things?"

I didn't dare try, so I sent a request off to the folks at Iverson Software,
Inc., and received the following reply.  I hope this helps.
    Roger Hui is the public spokesman and primary co-author (with Ken
Iverson) of Iverson Software, Inc.'s software and journal articles.
(Their domain address is an artifact more of their corporate ancestry
& mail routing than current ownership, if I understand aright.)
    To get your own copy of J, 
FTP watserv1.waterloo.edu
USER anonymous
CD languages/apl/j
cd pc
GET j_pc_30.arc

(there are other j/[machine] directories ... sun3, sun4, mips, 386ix etc.;
a list of which are up-to-date is in the status document in apl/j.)

 --- bill wdr@[wang.]wang.com

>From: hui@yrloc.ipsa.reuter.com (Roger Hui)
Subject: J
To: xtbjh@levels.sait.edu.au
Date: Thu, 16 May 91 5:39:21 GMT
Cc: ljdickey@watmath.waterloo.edu, wdr@elf.wang.com, rbe@yrloc.ipsa.reuter.com

J is a dialect of APL specified by Ken Iverson's "A Dictionary
of J" (21 pp.).  The salient characteristics are that it is shareware,
runs on a variety of machines (PC, Mac, Sun Sparc, Sun 3, MIPS, SGI,
Atari ST, NeXT, IBM RS 6000, ...), uses only ASCII characters 0-127,
and removes anomalous constructs from existing APL (e.g. bracket-semicolon
indexing, del function defn) to result in a simple and consistent syntax.
It has equivalents to data, functions, and operators found in existing APLs.
The dictionary describes nouns (arrays), verbs (functions), adverbs
(monadic operators), and conjunctions (dyadic operators).  The new
terminology is readily understandable by a wider audience, and has also
been helpful in suggesting concepts from natural languages which are
fruitful for investigation.
Words in J are spelled with one or two letters from the ASCII alphabet;
2-letter words end in a period (.) or colon (:).  The spelling scheme
is more mnemonic that those in other APL dialects using special characters.
For example,
  =  equal                     <  less than             >  larger than
  =. is (local  assignment)    <. lesser of             >. larger of
  =: is (global assignment)    <: lesser or equal       >: larger or equal
Those familiar with older APLs would already know some adverbs.  For
example, / is an adverb, and f/ is a derived verb which inserts f
between the items of its argument.  Thus
  +/ 3 4 5 6   is   3+4+5+6   is 18
  */ 3 4 5 6   is   3*4*5*6   is 360
A conjunction takes 2 arguments and (usually) results in a verb.
For example, one of the cases of the conjunction " is rank, wherein
f"n is a verb which applies f to cells (subarrays) of the arguments
according to n.  A recent query to comp.lang.apl was on multiplying a
2 3 matrix M by a 2-element vector V.  This can be accomplished by  
M *"1 0 V  , meaning multiply the rank-1 objects on the left by the 
rank-0 objects on the right.
& is another example of a conjunction, defined as follows (f,g are
verbs; m,n,x,y are nouns):
  m&g y     is  m f y
  g&n y     is  y g n
  f&g y     is  f g y
  x f&g y   is  (g x) f g y
Here are some common verbs defined using & :
  halve  =. 0.5&*
  square =. ^&2
  sqrt   =. ^&0.5
  norm   =. sqrt & (+/) & square
As the last example indicates, J permits any verb to be used as an
argument to an adverb or conjunction.
A fork is a sequence of 3 verbs, and a hook one of 2 verbs:
    (g h) y      is   y g h y
  x (g h) y      is   x g h y
    (f g h) y    is   (f y) g (h y)
  x (f g h) y    is   (x f y) g (x h y)
For example, (+%)/1 1 1 1 1  computes a continued fractions approximation
to the golden ratio, and  mean=.+/ % #  computes averages.
Adverbs, conjunctions, and forks and hooks make possible a style of
programming called tacit definition, so-called because verbs defined
in this way makes no explicit reference to its arguments.  Other authors
call this functional programming or adverbial programming.  See "Tacit
Definition" by Hui/Iverson/McDonnell, to appear in APL91.
In natural languages, a gerund is a verbal forms that can be used as
a noun, as "programming" in "programming is an art".  The ` (accent)
conjunction converts verb arguments into their atomic representations.
Gerunds are arrays of such atomic representations.  Since gerunds are
nouns, they can be manipulated by verbs, thus making verbs "first class
objects".  The conjunction `: derives a variety of useful verbs from
gerunds, including if-then-else, do-until, case, and recursion.  See
"Gerunds and Representations", by Bernecky and Hui, to appear in APL91.
The following publications are also relevant:
K.E. Iverson, "A Dictionary of APL", APL Quote-Quad, Volume 18, Number 1,
September 1987.
  Precursor to J.
Hui/Iverson/McDonnell/Whitney, "APL\?", APL90 Conference Proceedings,
APL Quote-Quad, Volumn 20, Number 4, July 1990.
  Introduced J; discussed some of the reasoning behind the design.
Iverson, "Tangible Math and the ISI Dictionary of J", Iverson Software Inc.
March 1991.
  Tangible Math is a set of math lessions using J.  The dictionary is
  the language specification.
Iverson, "Programming in J", Iverson Software Inc., March 1991.
  Introduction to programming.  Includes J dictionary.
McIntyre, "Mastering J", APL91 Conference Proceedings, to appear.
  Describes one long-time APLer's experience in learning J.

Roger Hui
Iverson Software Inc., 33 Major Street, Toronto, Ontario  M5S 2K9
(416) 925 6096

/s/ Bill Ricker                wdr@wang.wang.com 
"The Freedom of the Press belongs to those who own one."
*** Warning: This account is not authorized to express opinions. ***

xtbjh@levels.sait.edu.au (behoffski) (05/17/91)

In article <b5ix83.i25@wang.com>, wdr@wang.com (William Ricker) writes:
> The J dictionary describes nouns (arrays), verbs (functions), adverbs
> (monadic operators), and conjunctions (dyadic operators).  The new
> terminology is readily understandable by a wider audience, and has also
> been helpful in suggesting concepts from natural languages which are
> fruitful for investigation.


Thanks for this discussion.  I'll download the PC version and see if my 
ideas can be mapped onto J.

How close does J get to adjectives, e.g. "all positive elements of array" 
or "all diagonal elements"?  How would you go about implementing a binary 
tree, and how would you then operate on the "leaf nodes"?  How many 
primitives do you need to specify to implement "leaf nodes"?  How easy is 
it to change the implementation of an operation without changing the 
original program specification?  

> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Roger Hui
> Iverson Software Inc., 33 Major Street, Toronto, Ontario  M5S 2K9
> (416) 925 6096
Brenton Hoff (behoffski)  | Senior Software Engineer | My opinions are mine
xtbjh@Levels.UniSA.edu.au | AWA Transponder          | (and they're weird).

hui@yrloc.ipsa.reuter.COM (Roger Hui) (05/20/91)

Brenton Hoff writes:
> How close does J get to adjectives, e.g. "all positive elements of array"
> or "all diagonal elements"?  How would you go about implementing a binary
> tree, and how would you then operate on the "leaf nodes"?  How many
> primitives do you need to specify to implement "leaf nodes"?  How easy is
> it to change the implementation of an operation without changing the
> original program specification?
a) J does not currently exploit the idea of adjectives.  However,
I am not sure that adjectives are needed for the examples you cited:
"All positive elements of an array"
   0&<          Proposition indicating positive elements, or
   #~ 0&<@,     Verb to select the actual positive elements
"All diagonal elements"
   =@i.@#       Proposition indicating diagonal elements, or
   (<0 1)&|:    Verb to select the actual diagonal elements
b) Binary trees can be implemented using boxed arrays.  Operations on
leaves are usually recursive verbs.
c) Many verbs and adverbs are modelled in J itself, and the implementation
is quite close to the models in many instances.  The programming style in
the C implementation is very much an APL style.  The paper "APL\?", by Hui,
Iverson, McDonnell, and Whitney, in the APL 90 Conference Proceedings,
discusses this topic.

Roger Hui
Iverson Software Inc., 33 Major Street, Toronto, Ontario  M5S 2K9
(416) 925 6096

wdr@wang.com (William Ricker) (05/22/91)

xtbjh@levels.sait.edu.au (behoffski) writes:
>How close does J get to adjectives,
    Quite close if you're careful.  There were some very literate APL
programs back in the heyday of mainframe timesharing services; Rose's
book had some, as I recall.  The regularity of the J grammar makes it
even easier to design plug-and-play domain specific languages than it
had been in APL of yore, and the expressiveness of the built-in adverbs
and conjunctions makes compounding simpler than in Forth, I think.
    I'm afraid generarl purpose analysis of compound nouns, such as the
examples given, however, belongs more in comp.ai.n-lang (natural language) --
context really affects how we as humans interpret these phrases.
    However, we can build J functions which act as english adjectives
in the sense of discussing properties and selecting subsets based on properties
that will in limited domains compose nicely.

> e.g. "all positive elements of array" 

 -- this is a simple enough example I can do it myself
without appealing to the COMP.LANG.APL folks for help.

****** First, I'll define synonyms in english for J's key operators
   ravel=. ,         **** list the elements of any array -- reduces dim to 1
   copy =. #         **** select sub-array by selectively copying items; e.g.,
   1 0 2 0 3 0 0 copy 'abcdefg'

******* Now I'll use the Currying conjunction & to define the concept
******* of a positve number as any number greater than zero.
   positive =. > & 0
   positive 5
   positive 0
   positive _3     **** negative 3
******* applied to an array, it yeilds a binary string
   A =. _3 + i. 7
_3 _2 _1 0 1 2 3
   positive A
0 0 0 0 1 1 1
******* that can be given to copy
   (positive A) copy A
1 2 3
****** the ~ adverb will reverse the arguments, so we can dispense with ()'s
   A copy~ positive A
1 2 3
****** now we define elements to be just ravel if given only right argument
****** and to expect a boolean vector on left of same length as the right
****** which selects which elements of right to keep.
   elements =. 'ravel y.' : 'x. copy~ y.'
   elements A
_3 _2 _1 0 1 2 3
   A elements positive A
1 2 3
   (positive A) elements~ A      ***** here, the ~ adverb requires ()'s
1 2 3
****** we can use the (fg) and (gfh) forms to make a compound verb.
******    (as with the Currying adverb & above, this connects to Combinator 
****** theory!)
****** if f is monadic, '(fg)y' is just f(g(y)), which is 'f g y' in J syntax.
******    boring but sometimes useful
****** if f is dyadic,  '(fg)y' is defined as f(y,g(y)) or 'y f g y' in J 
******            and  '(gfh)y' as f(g(y),h(y)) or '(g y) f (h y)' in J
******            and 'x(gfh)y' as f(g(x),h(y)) or '(g x) f (h y)' in J
   (elements positive) A         ***** = (positive A) elements A
1 2 3

    Getting the coordinatees of the postive elements rather than their values
would be equivalent, but I'm not upto it before lunch.

>or "all diagonal elements"?  
    diagonal would have to be a function which returned the identity
matrix of the same shape ([1 0...0]...[0...0 1] ) (*clipped if
rectangular? or undefined? your choice!*).  Same elements should work in
both cases, but you'd probably need to add a conjunction or adverb to
handle squeezing a 2dim array to a 1 dim array in the process; whether
this goes in the definition of elements or in the use, I'm not sure.
(I'm getting hungrier.)

> How would you go about implementing a binary tree, 
> and how would you then operate on the "leaf nodes"? 
    The new APL's, including J, have boxing operators to encapsulate
arrays into new atoms.  This allows for ragged arrays and heterogenous
arrays and nested arrays.  So you can build a binary tree as a
recursive structure of 2x1 arrays (3x1 if you want tags!) which
bottom-out into something else as leaf-nodes.
    I haven't thought about this hard, but it is obvious to me that
one could easily implement in J the classic Lisp MAP*** functions --
which collect a list of, or return a list of results of appling a
function to, all the **** fragments of a structure: J has both recursion
and the ability to pass functions as arguments, so higher order functions
are no problem.  

> How easy is 
>it to change the implementation of an operation without changing the 
>original program specification?  
    A very good question.  The cheap answer is it always depends on
whether anyone cheated when using the operation by assuming somthing
beyond the specification.  The developers of J have considered that
mathematicologicians might wish to engage in formal manipulations of J
programs and so support a combinator style of definition (used in
'positive' above) as well as the more textual (in 'elements').  J
itself is constructed by self-specification.  So the culture is there.
However, I wouldn't say that the modularity of J is sufficient yet to
really support mechanism hiding to the extent that you can have any
confidence that only the specification is being relied upon by callers.
    Boxing itself is a great data-hiding mechanism though -- make the
record or whatever an Atom that can only be sensibly unsealed by the
module sealing it, and everyone else can just toss it around wherever.
Your choice if you have a standard to wrap all Boxed Atoms with a
label/tag (roll-your-own object oriented?) or to just have the
intended type obvious from context, which takes different discipline
(which in a strictly typed language would have been supplied).

/s/ Bill Ricker                wdr@wang.wang.com 
"The Freedom of the Press belongs to those who own one."
*** Warning: This account is not authorized to express opinions. ***