[comp.software-eng] IEEE Software Special Issue on Software Reliability

srimani@mozart.cs.colostate.edu (pradip srimani) (06/18/91)

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                      CALL FOR PAPERS

               Special Issue of IEEE Software

        Applications of Software Reliability Models

          (Tentative Publication Date: July 1992)

There is an ever increasing demand to  improve  the  quality
and reliability of software by better design and appropriate
testing. Software Reliability models provide the hard  quan-
titative  measures to certify the dependability  and quality
of a software. These models are used to evaluate development
status  of  a  software  project  as well as to evaluate the
software engineering technology (tools) quantitatively; they
are used to assess operational dependability of software and
to control addition/alteration of  features  during  mainte-
nance  of  a product. These models also provide the informa-
tion needed for planning the personnel  requirements  during
the test phase, which can account for a major portion of the
development cost.  The purpose of this special issue  is  to
focus on the applications of the software reliability models
in  managing,  estimating  and  certifying  the  quality  of
software.  Papers on all aspects of applying software relia-
bility  models  are  sought.  Case  studies  and  experience
reports  from  actual users of these models in real life are
particularly welcome. Example topics include,  but  are  not
limited to, the following:

     Reliability modeling as a part of a software  project's
     total information needs.

     Optimal selection  of  models  and  computational  pro-

     Adaptability of the models.

     Analysis of safety critical software.

     Use of the operational profile.

     Relationship of failure intensity  with  test  coverage

     Automation of software reliability management.

     Empirical models for pretest use  and  cost/reliability

     Effects of imperfect debugging, fault clustering etc.

PLEASE SUBMIT seven copies of your manuscript to either of the 
guest editors by OCTOBER 1, 1991:

Professor Pradip K. Srimani       Professor Yashwant K. Malaiya
Department of Computer Science    Department of Computer Science
Colorado State University         Colorado State University
Ft. Collins, CO 80523             Ft. Collins, CO 80523
Tel: (303) 491-7097               Tel: (303) 491-7031
Fax: (303) 491-2293               Fax: (303) 491-2293
Email: srimani@CS.ColoState.Edu   Email: malaiya@CS.ColoState.Edu

INSTRUCTIONS for submitting papers: Papers should  be  10-15
double  spaced pages. Papers should not have been previously
published, nor currently submitted  elsewhere  for  publica-
tion.  Papers  should include a title page containing title,
authors' names and affiliations, postal and email addresses,
telephone  numbers  and Fax numbers. Papers should include a
300-word abstract.
Pradip K Srimani                Tel: (303) 491-7097
Department of Computer Science  Email: srimani@handel.CS.Colostate.EDU
Colorado State University       Fax: (303) 491-2293
Ft. Collins, CO 80523