[comp.software-eng] Can you share your specifications?

straub@jogger.cs.umd.edu (Pablo A. Straub) (06/30/91)

   I am doing some research on the process of specification  and  design
   of  software,  as  part  of  my graduate studies at the University of

   To test my ideas, I need to see requirements and  specifications  for
   those   requirements.  The  problem  is  that  the  only  sources  of
   specifications available to me are toy problems from papers and  huge
   systems at the NASA Software Engineering Laboratory.

              Do you have small but nontrivial specifications
                      that you are willing to share?

   The ideal would be small specifications specification  for  a  useful
   program.  Because I'm only interested in doing some (manual) analysis
   on the specs I will treat any material sent to me confidentially.

   If you can help me, please email.

   Thanks,  Pablo A. Straub