smithbp@halibut.NOSC.MIL (Brad P. Smith) (02/11/88)
We have purchased a AST laser printer that only understands Postscript. We would like to print regular ascii text files on this printer. Can anyone send me a C program that takes an ascii file and would encode the text in Postscript and so output a file ready to send to this AST printer? Thanks, Brad Smith email address: (Prof. Torben N. Nielsen) (02/11/88)
In article <202@halibut.NOSC.MIL> smithbp@halibut.NOSC.MIL (Brad P. Smith) writes: >We have purchased a AST laser printer that only understands Postscript. >We would like to print regular ascii text files on this printer. > >Can anyone send me a C program that takes an ascii file and would encode >the text in Postscript and so output a file ready to send to this AST printer? I know that the ``enscript" program that comes with the Transcript package does that. But that one isn't public domain. If any public domain ones are out there, I too would be interested as I only have the Transcript stuff on a Sun-3 while my workstation is a Sun-4 and I need the ``enscript" stuff... ---Torben
jipping@frodo.cs.hope.EDU (Mike Jipping) (02/12/88)
In article <202@halibut.NOSC.MIL> Brad P. Smith wrote: >We have purchased a AST laser printer that only understands Postscript. >We would like to print regular ascii text files on this printer. > >Can anyone send me a C program that takes an ascii file and would encode >the text in Postscript and so output a file ready to send to this AST printer? And in article <1561@uhccux.UUCP> Torben Neilsen responded that Transcript puts our "enscript" but it's not in the public domain. Back in April '86 (4/23/86), Glenn Reid posted a PostScript prolog that made PostScript printers behave like line printers when the prolog was prepended to a file of ASCII. A clip from his message: --- This is a file which will allow a PostScript printer to behave like a --- line printer for text files. It is designed to be as short as possible --- while maintaining great flexibility. It works by reading from --- "currentfile", and may simply be PREpended to the beginning of a text --- file and shipped to the printer. If this is what you need, I could send the original posting. Perhaps the archives have it too. -- Mike Jipping Dept of Computer Science Hope College (;;;;KB37) (02/13/88)
Following is a Turbo-Pascal program which was posted to the net some time ago. It isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job of translating files. --------------- cut here --------------- PROGRAM Postscript; {$U+} {ASCII menu driven listing program that generates PostScript commands to the Apple LaserWriter. Allows selction of bold and normal fonts, font size and line spacing. Output can go to a disk file ( or directly to the printer. Limitations: Handling tabs is limited to move to an absolute location on the line. Program is not smart about the actual widths of characters in different fonts... it just uses an average width per character of fontsize/2. Program cannot handle tabs and font change escapes on the same line. Epson font change escapes ESC G for bold and ESC H for normal are used. Bold font and normal font do not mix too well on the same line. Spacing for a tab is based on an average of 8 nominal characters... as a result the tab spacing after some text with capital letters may not be wide enough and the text starting after the tab may overlap with previous text. (On the other hand, the worst case width of 8 characters is too large for normal use). Can be invoked with filename as a parameter: nlist filename Free for non-commercial use only. (C) Copywrite Nate Liskov 27 Jan 1986} { Version 1.0 - Original Version } { Version 1.1 - Fonts for LaserWriter Plus Added } { Version 1.2 - Landscape Format Option Added - Apr 1987 } TYPE DateTimeStr = STRING[26]; OnorOff = ARRAY[1..2] OF STRING[3]; pageform = ARRAY[1..2] OF STRING[9]; fonttype = ARRAY[1..33] OF STRING[28]; outfile = ARRAY[1..2] OF STRING[21]; parmtype = STRING[127]; maxspaces = STRING[255]; VAR linecount, n, m, page, linelength, entryline : integer; topspaces, bottomspaces, leftmargin, rightmargin, lm, rm : integer; option : char; pagestr : STRING[3]; filename : STRING[45]; temp, lineout : STRING[255]; right, left : maxspaces; source, sink : text; linesize, header, automatic, maxline : integer; x : parmtype; hellfreezesover : boolean; datetimestamp: datetimestr; yposition,linesperpage,linespacing,nfont,bfont,currentfont, nout,pagefeed,fontsize,pagetype : integer; CONST onoff: onoroff = ('On ','Off'); pageformat: pageform = ('Portrait ','Landscape'); font: fonttype = ('Helvetica','Times-Roman','Courier', 'Helvetica-Oblique','Times-Italic','Courier-Oblique', 'Helvetica-Bold','Times-Bold','Courier-Bold', 'Helvetica-BoldOblique','Times-BoldItalic', 'Courier-BoldOblique','AvantGuarde-Book', 'AvantGuard-BookOblique','AvantGuarde-Demi', 'AvantGuarde-DemiOblique','Bookman-Demi', 'Bookman-DemiItalic','Bookman-Light', 'Bookman-LightItalic','Helvetica-Narrow', 'Helvetica-Narrow-Bold','Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique', 'Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique','NewCenturySchlbk-Roman', 'NewCenturySchlbk-Bold','NewCenturySchlbk-Italic', 'NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic','Palatino-Roman', 'Palatino-Bold','Palatino-Italic','Palatino-BoldItalic', 'ZapfChancery-MediumItalic'); output: outfile = ('Printer','Disk File:'); PROCEDURE init; BEGIN nfont := 1 ; {default normal font is helvetica} bfont := 7; {default bold font is helvetica-bold} nout := 1; {default output is to printer} pagefeed := 1; {default is to do page feed} pagetype := 1; {default is portrait page format} fontsize := 10; linespacing := 12; linesize := 1152 DIV fontsize; linesperpage := 792 DIV linespacing; header := 1; {default is header line on} automatic := 2; {default is zero margins} topspaces := 2; bottomspaces := 0; leftmargin := 0; rightmargin := 0; right := ''; left := ''; entryline := 22; IF paramcount<>0 THEN BEGIN filename := paramstr(1); assign(source,filename); END ELSE filename := ''; assign(sink,''); hellfreezesover := false; END; FUNCTION DateTime: DateTimeStr; TYPE regpack = RECORD ax,bx,cx,dx,bp,si,ds,es,flags: integer; END; dayname = STRING[3]; TYPE monthname = ARRAY[1..12] OF STRING[3]; CONST mon: monthname = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun', 'Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'); VAR recpack: regpack; {record for MsDos call} day,hours,minutes,seconds: STRING[2]; year: STRING[4]; month,dx,cx,daynumber,yearnumber: integer; dayoftheweek : dayname; FUNCTION DayofWeek(juliandate:real): dayname; {finds day of week for 10 feb 1985 or later} TYPE daynames = ARRAY[1..7] OF STRING[3]; CONST day: daynames = ('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'); VAR daynumber : real; BEGIN daynumber := (juliandate + 1.5)/7; daynumber := daynumber -349444.0; {sun 10 feb 1985} WHILE daynumber > 32000 DO daynumber := daynumber - 32000; daynumber := (daynumber - trunc(daynumber))*7; dayofweek := day[round(daynumber)+1]; END; FUNCTION juliandate(daynumber, monthnumber, yearnumber:integer): real; VAR a,b,c,d : real; BEGIN IF monthnumber < 3 THEN BEGIN yearnumber := yearnumber -1; monthnumber := monthnumber + 12; END; a := trunc(yearnumber/100)*1.0; b := 2-a+trunc(a/4)*1.0; c := 365.0 * yearnumber+trunc(yearnumber/4); d := trunc(30.6001*(monthnumber+1)); juliandate := b+c+d+1720994.5+daynumber; { writeln('julian date ',b+c+d+1720994.5+daynumber:10:1);} END; BEGIN WITH recpack DO BEGIN ax := $2a shl 8; END; MsDos(recpack); { call function } WITH recpack DO BEGIN str(cx,year); {convert to string} yearnumber := cx; daynumber := dx MOD 256; str(daynumber,day); { " } month := dx shr 8; END; WITH recpack DO BEGIN ax := $2c shl 8; END; MsDos(recpack); WITH recpack DO BEGIN str(cx shr 8,hours); IF (cx shr 8)<10 THEN hours := '0'+hours; str(cx MOD 256,minutes); IF (cx MOD 256)<10 THEN minutes := '0'+minutes; str(dx shr 8,seconds); IF (dx shr 8)<10 THEN seconds := '0'+seconds; END; dayoftheweek := (dayofweek(juliandate(daynumber,month,yearnumber))); IF daynumber > 9 THEN datetime := dayoftheweek+' '+day+' '+mon[month]+' '+year +' '+hours+':'+minutes+':'+seconds ELSE datetime := dayoftheweek+' '+' '+day+' '+mon[month]+' '+year+' ' +hours+':'+minutes+':'+seconds; END; PROCEDURE optionline; BEGIN gotoxy(1,entryline); normvideo; writeln(' Enter Option Choice '); gotoxy(36,entryline); END; PROCEDURE menu; {gives main menu options} BEGIN clrscr; lowvideo; writeln('Postscript File Listing Utility for Apple LaserWriter - Version 1.2'); writeln(' ____________(C) 1986 Nathan Liskov_____________'); writeln; writeln(' 0 := Font Size : ',fontsize); writeln(' 1 := Line Spacing : ',linespacing,' (',linesperpage, ' lines per page)'); writeln(' 2 := Page Feed : ',onoff[pagefeed]); writeln(' 3 := Normal Font : ',font[nfont]); writeln(' 4 := Bold Font : ',font[bfont]); writeln(' 5 := Header Line : ',onoff[header]); writeln(' 6 := Output Goes To : ',output[nout]); writeln(' 7 := Extra Top Blank Lines : ',topspaces); writeln(' 8 := Extra Bottom Blank Lines : ',bottomspaces); writeln(' 9 := Automatic L/R Margins : ',onoff[automatic]); writeln(' L := Extra Left Margin : ',leftmargin); writeln(' R := Extra Right Margin : ',rightmargin); writeln(' P := Page Format : ',pageformat[pagetype]); writeln; normvideo; writeln(' F := File Name : ',filename); writeln; writeln(' G := GO Q := QUIT'); writeln; optionline; page := 0; END; PROCEDURE get_file; BEGIN gotoxy(1,entryline); write(' Enter name of file to list: '); readln(filename); assign(source,filename); gotoxy(36,18); write(filename,' '); optionline; END; PROCEDURE settopmargin; BEGIN gotoxy(1,entryline); write(' Enter number of extra top spaces: '); readln(topspaces); gotoxy(36,11); write(topspaces,' '); optionline; END; PROCEDURE setbottommargin; BEGIN gotoxy(1,entryline); write(' Enter number of extra bottom spaces: '); readln(bottomspaces); gotoxy(36,12); write(bottomspaces,' '); optionline; END; FUNCTION spaces(n:integer): maxspaces; VAR tmp: STRING[255]; m: integer; BEGIN tmp := ''; FOR m :=1 TO n DO tmp := tmp + ' '; spaces := tmp; END; PROCEDURE setleftmargin; BEGIN gotoxy(1,entryline); write(' Enter number of extra left margin spaces: '); readln(leftmargin); left := spaces(leftmargin); gotoxy(36,14); write(leftmargin,' '); optionline; END; PROCEDURE setfontsize; BEGIN gotoxy(1,entryline); write(' Enter new fontsize: '); readln(fontsize); IF pagetype = 1 THEN linesize := 1152 DIV fontsize ELSE linesize := 1512 DIV fontsize; gotoxy(36,4); write(fontsize,' '); optionline; END; PROCEDURE setlinespacing; BEGIN gotoxy(1,entryline); write(' Enter new linespacing: '); readln(linespacing); IF pagetype = 1 THEN linesperpage := 792 DIV linespacing ELSE linesperpage := 612 DIV linespacing; gotoxy(36,5); write(linespacing,' (',linesperpage,' lines per page) '); optionline; END; PROCEDURE setrightmargin; BEGIN gotoxy(1,entryline); write(' Enter number of extra right margin spaces: '); readln(rightmargin); right := spaces(rightmargin); gotoxy(36,15); write(rightmargin,' '); optionline; END; PROCEDURE setpageformat; BEGIN IF pagetype = 1 THEN pagetype := 2 ELSE pagetype := 1; gotoxy(36,16); write(pageformat[pagetype],' '); IF pagetype = 1 THEN linesize := 1152 DIV fontsize ELSE linesize := 1512 DIV fontsize; IF pagetype = 1 THEN linesperpage := 792 DIV linespacing ELSE linesperpage := 612 DIV linespacing; gotoxy(36,5); write(linespacing,' (',linesperpage,' lines per page) '); optionline; END; PROCEDURE setfont(n:integer); BEGIN IF nout = 1 THEN IF n = nfont then writeln(lst,'normalfont') ELSE writeln(lst,'boldfont') ELSE IF n=nfont then writeln(sink,'normalfont') ELSE writeln(sink,'boldfont'); END; PROCEDURE page_feed; BEGIN IF nout = 1 THEN BEGIN writeln(lst,' showpage'); writeln(lst,'saveobj2 restore'); writeln(lst,'/saveobj2 save def'); END ELSE BEGIN writeln(sink,' showpage'); writeln(sink,'saveobj2 restore'); writeln(sink,'/saveobj2 save def'); END; setfont(nfont); linecount := 1; page := page + 1; END; PROCEDURE output_line; TYPE txt = STRING [255]; VAR restofline,textpiece,templine : txt; ypos : STRING[4]; startofpiece,leadingblanks : integer; PROCEDURE escape(ch :char ; VAR txtline : txt); {adds \ escape for postscript} VAR lineout,restofline,remainder : txt; m : integer; BEGIN restofline := txtline; lineout := ''; remainder := ''; IF pos(ch,txtline) = 0 THEN lineout := txtline; WHILE pos(ch,restofline) > 0 DO BEGIN m := pos(ch,restofline); lineout := lineout + copy(restofline,1,m-1) + '\' + ch; restofline := copy(restofline,m+1,length(restofline)-m); remainder := restofline; END; txtline := lineout + remainder; END; PROCEDURE dosubpiece(VAR txtpiece : txt); {process text piece without tabs or font escapes} BEGIN escape('\',txtpiece); escape(')',txtpiece); escape('(',txtpiece); IF nout = 1 THEN BEGIN writeln(lst,'('+txtpiece+')' + ' s '); END ELSE BEGIN writeln(sink,'('+txtpiece+')' + ' s '); END; END; PROCEDURE dotextpiece(VAR textpiece : txt); {process text that may have tabs} VAR m,xposition : integer; xpos,ypos : STRING[4]; txtpiece : txt; BEGIN IF pagetype = 1 THEN yposition := 792-linespacing*linecount ELSE yposition := 612-linespacing*linecount; str(yposition,ypos); str((leadingblanks+startofpiece-1)*fontsize div 2 + 45,xpos); WHILE pos(chr(9),textpiece)>0 DO BEGIN IF nout = 1 THEN write(lst,' ',xpos,' ',ypos,' mto ') ELSE write(sink,' ',xpos,' ',ypos,' mto '); m := pos(chr(9),textpiece); txtpiece := copy(textpiece,1,m-1); dosubpiece(txtpiece); xposition := startofpiece + m-1; xposition := ((xposition-1) DIV 8 + 1)*8; startofpiece := xposition+1; xposition := (leadingblanks+xposition)*fontsize div 2 + 45; str(xposition,xpos); textpiece := copy(textpiece,m+1,length(textpiece)-m); END; IF length(textpiece)>0 THEN BEGIN IF nout = 1 THEN BEGIN write(lst,' ',xpos,' ',ypos,' mto '); dosubpiece(textpiece); END ELSE BEGIN write(sink,' ',xpos,' ',ypos,' mto '); dosubpiece(textpiece); END; END; END; BEGIN {output_line} IF pos(chr(12),temp)>0 {assume form feed is only character on a line} THEN BEGIN page_feed; exit; END; {compute number of leading blanks} leadingblanks := 0; templine := copy(temp,leadingblanks+1,length(temp)-leadingblanks); WHILE pos(' ',templine) = 1 DO BEGIN leadingblanks := leadingblanks+1; templine := copy(templine,2,length(templine)-1); END; temp := templine; {temp has leading blanks stripped off} {look for enable or disable bold} restofline := temp; WHILE (pos(chr(27)+'G',restofline)>0) OR (pos(chr(27)+'H',restofline)>0) DO BEGIN IF pos(chr(27)+'G',restofline)>0 {esc G enables bold} THEN BEGIN m := pos(chr(27)+'G',restofline); textpiece := copy(restofline,1,m-1); startofpiece := length(temp)-length(restofline)+1; restofline := copy(restofline,m+2,length(restofline)); IF length(textpiece) <> 0 THEN dotextpiece(textpiece); setfont(bfont); currentfont := bfont; END; IF pos(chr(27)+'H',restofline)>0 {esc H disables bold} THEN BEGIN m := pos(chr(27)+'H',restofline); textpiece := copy(restofline,1,m-1); startofpiece := length(temp)-length(restofline)+1; restofline := copy(restofline,m+2,length(restofline)); IF length(textpiece) <> 0 THEN dotextpiece(textpiece); setfont(nfont); currentfont := nfont; END; END; IF length(restofline)>0 THEN BEGIN startofpiece := length(temp)-length(restofline)+1; dotextpiece(restofline); END; END; PROCEDURE title; {prints filename, datetime, and page number on each page} VAR nspaces : integer; BEGIN nspaces := (linesize - 36- length(filename)) DIV 2; IF nfont IN [3,6,9,12] {test for courier font} THEN nspaces := (linesize - 36- length(filename)) DIV 4; temp := 'File: '+ filename + spaces(nspaces); temp := temp + datetimestamp + spaces(nspaces) + 'Page '; str(page:3,pagestr); temp := temp + pagestr; output_line; write('.'); linecount := 2; END; PROCEDURE insertblankline; BEGIN temp := ''; output_line; write('.'); linecount := linecount + 1; END; PROCEDURE inserttoplines; BEGIN FOR n := 1 TO topspaces DO insertblankline; END; PROCEDURE composeline; {inserts left and right margin spaces} VAR len : integer; BEGIN len := linesize - leftmargin - rightmargin; m := (length(temp)-1) DIV len + 1; {number of sublines per line of input is m} lineout := ''; FOR n := 1 TO m DO BEGIN lineout := lineout+left+ copy(temp,(n-1)*len+1,len) +right; END; IF length(lineout) > 255 THEN BEGIN writeln; writeln('Warning....Line in excess of 255 characters in length.'); END; END; PROCEDURE automaticmargins; {sets margins so longest line in file is centered} BEGIN reset(source); lm := leftmargin; rm := rightmargin; maxline := 0; REPEAT readln(source,temp); m := length(temp); IF m > maxline THEN maxline := m; UNTIL EOF(source); close(source); leftmargin := (linesize-maxline) div 2; IF nfont IN [3,6,9,12] {test for courier font} THEN leftmargin := (linesize-maxline) div 4; IF leftmargin < 0 THEN leftmargin := 0; rightmargin := 0; right := spaces(rightmargin); left := spaces(leftmargin); END; PROCEDURE printfile; VAR n : integer; ypos : STRING[4]; siz : STRING [3]; BEGIN datetimestamp := datetime; IF automatic = 1 THEN automaticmargins; IF nout = 2 THEN rewrite(sink); reset(source); str(fontsize,siz); IF nout = 1 THEN BEGIN writeln(lst,'/saveobj1 save def'); writeln(lst,'/mto {moveto} def'); writeln(lst,'/s {show} def'); writeln(lst,'/normalfont {/'+font[nfont]+' findfont '+siz+' '+ ' scalefont setfont} def'); writeln(lst,'/boldfont {/'+font[bfont]+' findfont '+siz+' '+ ' scalefont setfont} def'); writeln(lst,'clippath pathbbox'); writeln(lst,'/ymax exch def /xmax exch def /ymin exch def /xmin exch def'); writeln(lst,'xmin ymin translate'); writeln(lst,'0.98 0.98 scale'); IF pagetype = 2 THEN writeln(lst,'612 0 translate 90 rotate'); writeln(lst,'/saveobj2 save def'); END ELSE BEGIN writeln(sink,'/saveobj1 save def'); writeln(sink,'/mto {moveto} def'); writeln(sink,'/s {show} def'); writeln(sink,'/normalfont {/'+font[nfont]+' findfont '+siz+' '+ ' scalefont setfont} def'); writeln(sink,'/boldfont {/'+font[bfont]+' findfont '+siz+' '+ ' scalefont setfont} def'); writeln(sink,'clippath pathbbox'); writeln(sink,'/ymax exch def /xmax exch def /ymin exch def /xmin exch def'); writeln(sink,'xmin ymin translate'); writeln(sink,'0.98 0.98 scale'); IF pagetype = 2 THEN writeln(sink,'612 0 translate 90 rotate'); writeln(sink,'/saveobj2 save def'); END; setfont(nfont); page := 1; linecount := 1; linelength := linesize -rightmargin-leftmargin; IF linelength <= 0 THEN BEGIN clrscr; writeln('ERROR...Illegal margin size'); halt; END; writeln; REPEAT {for every line in file} IF linecount =1 THEN BEGIN writeln; write('Page ',page,' '); {status info to screen} IF (header = 1) AND (pagefeed =1) THEN title; IF (topspaces >0) AND (pagefeed =1) THEN inserttoplines; END; readln(source,temp); {read in one line} composeline; FOR n := 1 TO 1 + (length(lineout)-1) DIV linesize DO BEGIN {process piece of full line} temp := copy(lineout,(n-1)*linesize+1,linesize); output_line; linecount := linecount + 1; write('.'); IF (linecount > (9*linesperpage DIV 10) - bottomspaces) AND (pagefeed =1) THEN page_feed; IF linecount =1 THEN BEGIN {do after page break} writeln; write('Page ',page,' '); {status info to screen} IF (header = 1) AND (pagefeed=1) THEN title; IF (topspaces >0) AND (pagefeed=1) THEN inserttoplines; END; END; {processing pieces of long line} UNTIL eof(source); {done all lines} close(source); {final page feed to eject last page} IF nout = 1 THEN BEGIN writeln(lst,' showpage'); END ELSE BEGIN writeln(sink,' showpage'); END; IF automatic = 1 {restore margin values} THEN BEGIN leftmargin := lm; left := spaces(leftmargin); rightmargin := rm; right := spaces(rightmargin); END; menu; END; PROCEDURE quit; {restores default conditions on printer} BEGIN IF nout = 1 THEN BEGIN writeln(lst,'saveobj2 restore'); writeln(lst,'saveobj1 restore'); write(lst,''); END ELSE BEGIN writeln(sink,'saveobj2 restore'); writeln(sink,'saveobj1 restore'); write(sink,''); END; IF nout = 2 THEN close(sink); clrscr; halt; END; PROCEDURE action; BEGIN CASE option OF '0': setfontsize; '1': setlinespacing; '2': BEGIN IF pagefeed = 1 THEN pagefeed := 2 ELSE pagefeed := 1; gotoxy(36,6); write(onoff[pagefeed],' '); optionline; END; '3': BEGIN nfont := (nfont MOD 33 + 1) MOD 34; gotoxy(36,7); write(font[nfont],' '); optionline; END; '4': BEGIN bfont := (bfont MOD 33 + 1) MOD 34; gotoxy(36,8); write(font[bfont],' '); optionline; END; '5': BEGIN IF header=1 THEN header := 2 ELSE header := 1; gotoxy(36,9); write(onoff[header],' '); optionline; END; '6': BEGIN IF nout=1 THEN nout := 2 ELSE nout := 1; gotoxy(36,10); write(output[nout],' '); optionline; END; '7': settopmargin; '8': setbottommargin; '9': BEGIN IF automatic=1 THEN automatic := 2 ELSE automatic := 1; gotoxy(36,13); write(onoff[automatic],' '); optionline; END; 'l': setleftmargin; 'L': setleftmargin; 'r': setrightmargin; 'R': setrightmargin; 'F': get_file; 'f': get_file; 'G': IF filename <> '' THEN printfile; 'g': IF filename <> '' THEN printfile; 'Q': quit; 'q': quit; 'p': setpageformat; 'P': setpageformat; END; END; BEGIN init; menu; REPEAT gotoxy (35,entryline); REPEAT read (kbd,option) UNTIL option IN ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','g','G','q','Q','7','8','f','F', 'r','R','l','L','9','p','P']; action; UNTIL hellfreezesover = true; END. ------------------------ Al Stangenberger Dept. of Forestry & Resource Mgt. 145 Mulford Hall - Univ. of Calif. uucp: ucbvax!ucbviolet!forags Berkeley, CA 94720 BITNET: FORAGS AT UCBVIOLE (415) 642-4424 (Barry Brachman) (02/13/88)
I've written an ASCII to postscript filter than runs under Unix (BSD 4.[23], Sun 3.2). It should be fairly easy to port to other systems. An earlier version was posted to net.sources in 1986. The output is supposed to conform to the Adobe 2.0 file structuring conventions. Here are the major features: lwf [-i#] [-l] [-m] [-olist] [-p[str]] [-r] [-s#] [-t#] [file ...] -i# Indent each line # inches -l Landscape instead of Portrait -m Use 3 hole punch margins -olist Only print pages in the specified range -p[str] Use pr to print, passing optional string -r Enable/disable page reversal -s# Use point size # -t# Spaces between tab stops is # characters The program supports multicolumn output. The program is not ftp-able from here. Please send email to me (not to the list) if you'd like a copy, indicating if: 1. You have ftp access, 2. You're willing to provide ftp access from your site, and if 3. You get comp.sources.unix Depending on the response, I'll mail out the program, ask someone to provide ftp access, and/or submit the program to comp.sources.unix. ----- Barry Brachman | {ihnp4!alberta,uw-beaver,uunet}! Dept. of Computer Science| ubc-vision!ubc-csgrads!brachman Univ. of British Columbia| brachman@grads.cs.ubc.cdn Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1W5 | (604) 228-4327 | brachman@ubc.csnet
dtn.SD@XEROX.COM (03/04/88)
This MSDOS program was written by a friend of mine. I'd upload it for ShareWare if someone would tell me where and how from my Xerox 6085 running XDE. The following is from the doc: Program Name: PSLIST(c) - PostScript(tm) Lister Version: 1.10 of 5/04/87 Environment: MS-DOS(tm) 2 or later, 256K RAM minimum Purpose: Prints ASCII and WordStar(tm) files on LaserWriter(tm) Author: Steven Fisher CDP PO Box 457, La Mesa, CA 92044-0080 Restrictions: Copyrighted ShareWare Price: $15 per user or $150 per network Input: ASCII or WordStar(tm) files May also down-load Encapsulated PostScript(tm) files Output: Disk, port, or device (PRN: is default) ASCII Features: Prints all 256 IBM(tm) PC(tm) Extended Graphics via Extend!(tm), otherwise control-characters print as caret+symbol ("^x") User-defined pitch, tab width, margins, lines per page Word bold, double, italic, underline, strikeout, subscript, superscript, cent-sign, paragraph-mark, normal and alternate character widths, Extended Graphics characters (see Extend!(tm)) Dot commands character width, line height, page length, page offset, page number, page column, page break, conditional pagination, heading, footing, top margin, bottom margin PSLIST(c) lets you print your WordStar(tm) "document" and "non-document" files upon PostScript(tm) devices, such as the LaserWriter(tm). It uses either the built-in Courier font or the down-loaded Extend!(tm) font from DesignSystems. Both of these character sets are fixed-pitch; they are compatible with text that was justified by WordStar(tm) version 3.3 or earlier. The Extend!(tm) font lets you print any of the 256 IBM(tm) PC(tm) characters upon a PostScript device. I highly recommend it. Get it for about $30 from: DesignSystems One Kendall Square, Suite 2200 Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 577-8039 PSLIST(c) is controlled by command-line arguments. This makes it suitable for running from within batch files. You may elect to have it send its output either to a disk file for subsequent despooling, directly to a port, or to a device driver (PRN: is assumed). Full disk path names are supported. To see the "help" screen, enter the command: pslist To print an ASCII file ("pslist.doc") upon the default printer PRN: pslist pslist.doc To print the WordStar(tm) 4.0 printer features file ("print.tst") to a disk file ("") using the Courier font (wrong graphic characters): pslist -w c:\ws4\print.tst To print the WordStar(tm) 4.0 printer features file ("print.tst") to COM1 after loading the Extend!(tm) font to show all the graphics characters: pslist -dc:\util\ -x -w c:\ws4\print.tst com1: To list the control characters in the WordStar(tm) 4.0 printer features file ("print.tst") upon LPT2 for debugging: pslist -z c:\ws4\print.tst lpt2: Extend!(tm) DesignSystems; IBM(tm), PC(tm) International Business Machines LaserWriter(tm) Apple Computer Incorporated; MS-DOS(tm) Microsoft International PostScript(tm) Abode Systems, Incorporated; WordStar(tm) MicroPro International PSLIST(c) Copyright 1987 Controlled Information Environments