[comp.lang.postscript] Need LaserWriter Plus Font names for use in Postscript programming

cohen@dasys1.UUCP (David Cohen) (05/12/88)

My partner and I are interested in using all the fonts in the LaserWriter +
in the postscript programs that we are writing but unfortunately, none of the 
postscript books that we have (the 3 Adobe books and the Sybex book) seem to
have any information on font names except for those supplied in the original
LaserWriter. Can anyone out there supply us with a list of all the correct
font names or at least supply us with a pointer to this information?

Thank you very much.


David Cohen					{uunet}!mstan\
Big Electric Cat Public Unix           {bellcore,cmcl2}!cucard!dasys1!cohen
New York, NY, USA                               {sun}!hoptoad/         

ted@mitre-bedford.ARPA (Edward J. Ede) (05/12/88)

In article <4395@dasys1.UUCP> cohen@dasys1.UUCP (David Cohen) writes:
>My partner and I are interested in using all the fonts in the LaserWriter +
>in the postscript programs that we are writing but unfortunately, none of the 
>postscript books that we have (the 3 Adobe books and the Sybex book) seem to
>have any information on font names except for those supplied in the original
>LaserWriter. Can anyone out there supply us with a list of all the correct
>font names or at least supply us with a pointer to this information?

Here's some PostScript that will print a list and a few other bits
of information.  Sorry, the list is not sorted in any particular
------------------------------ cut ----------------------------------
/LabelFont /Times-Roman findfont 12 scalefont def
/Lead 14 def
/LM 20 def
/Tab 160 def
/TM 670 def
/BM 30 def
/Name 50 string def
/Line 740 def

/Helvetica findfont 20 scalefont setfont
statusdict begin
LM         Line moveto (Printername:) show
LM 120 add Line moveto Name printername show
LM 370 add Line moveto (Page Count:) show
LM 490 add Line moveto pagecount (          ) cvs show
/Line Line 25 sub store
LM         Line moveto (Product:) show
LM 120 add Line moveto product show
LM 370 add Line moveto (Vers / Rev:) show
LM 490 add Line moveto version show ( / ) show revision (        ) cvs show 

/y TM def
/LM 40 def
LabelFont setfont
	pop			% pop font dict, leave key on top
	Name cvs dup 		% convert key into a string
	LM y moveto show	% print name
	/y y Lead sub dup BM lt {pop 280 0 translate TM} if def
} forall

------------------------------ cut ----------------------------------

Here's the list of the fonts:
Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-Oblique, Helvetica-BoldOblique,
Courier, Courier-Bold, Courier-Oblique, Courier-BoldOblique,
Times-Roman, Times-Italic, Times-Bold, Times-BoldItalic,
NewCenturySchblk-Roman, NewCenturySchblk-Italic, NewCenturySchblk-Bold,
Helvetica-Narrow, Helvetica-Narrow-Bold, Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique, 
Bookman-Light, Bookman-Demi, Bookman-LightItalic, Bookman-DemiItalic,
AvantGarde-Book, AvantGarde-Demi, AvantGarde-BookItalic, AvantGarde-DemiItalic,
Palatino-Roman, Palatino-Italic, Palatino-Bold, Palatino-BoldItalic,
ZapfDingbats, ZaphChancery-MediumItalic, Symbol

Ted Ede -- ted@mitre-bedford.arpa -- The MITRE Corporation -- Burlington Road  
|        -- Bedford MA, 01730 -- Mail Stop B015 -- (617) 271-2524 --        |
|                   - this line intentionally left blank -                  |

fleishman-glenn@CS.YALE.EDU (Glenn Fleishman) (05/12/88)

In article <4395@dasys1.UUCP> cohen@dasys1.UUCP (David Cohen) writes:
>My partner and I are interested in using all the fonts in the LaserWriter +
>in the postscript programs that we are writing but unfortunately, none of the 
>postscript books that we have (the 3 Adobe books and the Sybex book) seem to
>have any information on font names except for those supplied in the original
>LaserWriter. Can anyone out there supply us with a list of all the correct
>font names or at least supply us with a pointer to this information?
>David Cohen					{uunet}!mstan\
>Big Electric Cat Public Unix           {bellcore,cmcl2}!cucard!dasys1!cohen
>New York, NY, USA                               {sun}!hoptoad/         

If you are using a Mac setup or have access to one, a program called
LaserStatus from the same company that makes DiskTop will provide you
with an on-line list of accessible fonts.

The L+ and LW NT(X) has:
Times(R,B,I,BI), Helvetica(R,B,O,BO), Courier and Symbol
New Century Schoolbook(R,B,I,BI)
Avant Garde (R,O,B,BO)
Zapf Chancery (Medium)
Zapf Dingbats(R,I)
Bookman (R,B,I,BI)
Helvetica Narrow (R,B,O,BO)
(*R=Roman, I=Italic, O=Oblique, B=Bold)

One LW+ I have used also had the font Seattle built in, although I
don't know why.

Glenn I. Fleishman, graphic designer & Mac apologist
FLEGLEI@YALEVM.BITNET or through r/Reply  
"Andy Warhol lives. I think. Maybe not."

greid@ondine.COM (Glenn Reid) (05/14/88)

Here is a list of the PostScript names of the fonts found into
the Apple LaserWriter Plus.
