[net.micro] Wordstar problem

smith@ncoast.UUCP (Phil Smith) (05/22/86)

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subject: WORDSTAR problems
from: David Lesher 216-221 7722

I been attempting to cure a nagging bug on a DEC Rainbow with a
LQP02 printer. The print formatter adds (or less often-omits) an
extra blank line in the middle of the page. In other words, it
triple spaces (single spaces) once. If you reprint the page, the
error often disappears. It only happens when using the LQP02
print driver, never the default cr/lf one. It is hardware
independent, in that it happens on every LQP02 tried, and two
different CPUs. DEC service has never seen it. Micropro's claim
is it must be a) a bad cable {somehow spitting out extra bytes!}
or b) a defective disk {anybody care to guess how many disks they
sent me?}

Has somebody else seen this problem?

I also have a problem {different system} on WORDSTAR'S HP
Laserjet driver. It is 100% non-functional in that it ignores or
scrambles all format commands {example-it prints garbage when
hitting a .pa, and does not force a new page}. I looked at the
code to initialize the HPLJ and found "o"s instead of "0"s etc.
Again Micropro sent a new disk, with the same errors.

		    ncoast is dead, long live ncoast!