(Allen M Crider) (03/08/89)
I've read about Bitstream releasing a library of 1,000 type 1 fonts for PostScript devices, and laughed at the thought, but it's true. Bitstream sent me a book of one line showings, and a copy of "dutch" in Macintosh format. I looked at it with a file edit utility and it is indeed a type one font and is encoded with eexec. It does not appear to have hints for low-resolution (300dpi) output. I'm assuming they had produced their standard library over the years on a system similiar to Ikarus. Perhaps Ikarus now has a PostScript generating utility that works. :) At any rate, I really believe thay can finish a 1,000 font PostScript conversion by late Spring. The fonts won't be available to the general public, just to service bureaus for the time being. $26,000 for the set. The library has ITC and ATF faces, and a lot of cheap pirates of Linotype, Monotype & Berthold faces. Bitstream's brochure claims these fonts will work with "clone typesetters such as the Compugraphic Genics typesetters and the Itek Graphix IGX7000." I haven't heard of any PostScript clone supporting eexec. Has anybody run an Adobe font on a clone? What about the prospect of Adobe suing? Perhaps no clone maker is willing to be the first one to step forward and announce they support eexec.