[comp.lang.postscript] postscript from macdrawII

hartzell@boulder.Colorado.EDU (George Hartzell) (04/03/89)

Does anyone know how to make MacDrawII dump a drawing postscript
file?  I've tried using clover-f just after I print the file, but
that didn't do it (I think that clover-f does something in the
arrange menu).

George Hartzell			                  (303) 492-4535
 MCD Biology, University of Colorado-Boulder, Boulder, CO 80309
hartzell@Boulder.Colorado.EDU  ..!{ncar,nbires}!boulder!hartzell

gae@sphere.mast.ohio-state.edu (Gerald Edgar) (04/03/89)

In article <7865@boulder.Colorado.EDU> hartzell@boulder.Colorado.EDU (George Hartzell) writes:
>Does anyone know how to make MacDrawII dump a drawing postscript
>file?  I've tried using clover-f just after I print the file, but
>that didn't do it (I think that clover-f does something in the
>arrange menu).

After you click OK in the print dialog, WAIT for the box "Printing pages 1 to 10"
to come up.  THEN hold down F (or command-F) until "Creating Postscript file"
comes up.  You have to be fast, or you will get "Searching for LaserWriter".
(I may have the text of these boxes slightly wrong).

Apparently, the new MacDraw II 1.1 allows you to do some editing
between the time you click "OK" and the time printing starts!!
Surely this is a bug, not a feature.

  Gerald A. Edgar          
  Department of Mathematics                     TS1871@OHSTVMA.bitnet
  The Ohio State University                     gae@sphere.mast.ohio-state.edu
  Columbus, OH 43210   ...!{att,pyramid}!osu-cis!sphere.mast.ohio-state.edu!gae