[comp.lang.postscript] Legal Paper

richard@gryphon.CTS.COM (Richard Sexton) (06/27/88)

Could some kind soul mail me a code fragment that prints on legal
sized paper, with manual feed, that renders text on the whole
page, in landscape mode ?

                           Heart full of blood
richard@gryphon.CTS.COM                               {backbone}!gryphon!richard

rauletta@gmu90x.UUCP (rauletta) (06/15/89)

I would like to tell an Apple LaserWriter to take legal size
paper on manual feed. (Don't have a legal paper tray for
the Apple.)  Hence could someone pass along the necessary
code for the insertion into the prolog of the postscript file?

Now for the specifics. I'm running Elan's version of Troff and I plan
on using the extension \X'prologcode="<Code>"' to tell the laser
to feed legal from the manual feed. Now I regularly do this on
an HP Laserjet II using \X'code="<Code>"' and I am hoping
for a similar success on the LaserWriter as I need BIG fonts
on legal size paper.

Thanks in advance.

--Rich Auletta
