[comp.lang.postscript] Opinions about AGFA Laserprinters urgently wanted

fmr@cwi.nl (Frank Rahmani) (06/20/89)

As we have to decide rather quickly what type of laserprinter(s) we
are going to buy at our site, I would invite opinions on the Agfa
range of printers, especially the PS400 and the PS3400 concerning
print quality, MBTF (meantime between failures), print volume and
what experiences other sites had with the quality of service
delivered by Agfa.
Our needs are high-volume quality output and uninterrupted day
and night service. Agfa quoted us some rather interesting prices
but your opinions will tip the scale.


It is better never to have been born. But who among us has such luck?
Maintainer's Motto:
	If we can't fix it, it ain't broke.
These opinions are solely mine and in no way reflect those of my employer.