[net.micro] IBM-AT Compatibles?

jlc@afinitc.UUCP (06/05/86)


	We are looking for information on AT compatibles.  We need a machine
that will run SCO XENIX Sys V, as well as PC-DOS.  It would help if it will
also run Digital Research's Concurrent Dos.  The machine must be able to 
accept any boards that would fit in an AT, and have enough room in it for
Two full height hard drives as well as the floppy.   We have a Compaq 286 in
house as well as about 15 ATs.  We are planning to move the news to this
new machine so one which is faster than the the AT would be preferred.
	Also, we are using Priam 60M hard drives.  We like them but are
interested in finding out about any larger volume drives for $2000 or less.
	Please mail all responses to (ihnp4 | seismo)!wucs!afinitc!jlc.  If
there is sufficient interest is will post the results in a few weeks.

pavlov@hscfvax.UUCP (840033@G.Pavlov) (06/08/86)

 The specs "faster than an AT" and "accept any boards for an AT" are contradic-
 tory, unfortunately, as many people are discovering.  

 For speed:  

  PC Designs has something called the "ET286i" (with a 6-week waiting list)
  which runs at up to 10 mhz;

  PC Limited has announced a 6/8/10/12 mhz AT compatible.

- but lots of cards won't work with either because of the speed.

   g.pavlov, fstrf, amherst, ny

mower@sunybcs.UUCP (James E. Mower) (06/11/86)

In article <200@hscfvax.UUCP> pavlov@hscfvax.UUCP (840033@G.Pavlov) writes:
> The specs "faster than an AT" and "accept any boards for an AT" are contradic-
> tory, unfortunately, as many people are discovering.  
>   g.pavlov, fstrf, amherst, ny

In the May issue of Byte (I think it was May, anyway) I read a blurb suggesting
that the magazine would be including an article on AT clone comparisons within
the next few issues.

davidsen@steinmetz.UUCP (Davidsen) (06/12/86)

In article <200@hscfvax.UUCP> pavlov@hscfvax.UUCP (840033@G.Pavlov) writes:
> The specs "faster than an AT" and "accept any boards for an AT" are contra-
> dictory, unfortunately, as many people are discovering.  

I have never seen any trouble with systems running up to 8MHz, 1ws, but
I have seen problems when the speed is boosted to 10MHz, or even
running 6MHz with 0ws. Still, I will pick and choose the board I need
when I can get things like the the AMT (8.35MHz, 0ws optional) for low
prices. At that price I can use them for particular applications which
won't need anything but serial, parallel, display and memory.

I am told that BGI (back of PC Week) can supply memory up to 14MHz or
12MHz 0ws, but I haven't tested it myself, although people I work with
are running it at 10MHz. I have no clue to what you do for a display at
12 MHz, probably buy it from PC Designs or PC's Limited, since they
sell the clones at that speed.
	-bill davidsen

                    unirot ------------->---> crdos1!davidsen
                          chinet ------/
         sixhub ---------------------/        (davidsen@ge-crd.ARPA)

"Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward"