[comp.lang.postscript] Need help: psfig/transcript

pim@mrevox.UUCP (08/19/89)

I'd appreciate it if anyone could forward any suggestions that could 
cure this problem. When a user tries to include a PostScript figure
(in this case a Microsoft Excel encapsulated file) in a ditroff memorandum 
it blows up real good. 

I just installed psfig as the preprocessor.
There are tables in this document as well as local macros.

I'm not sure if psfig, transcript or PostScript is giving me this problem.

NOTE: the outfile of "psfig foo.eps >outfile" and "cat foo.eps | psfig >outfile"
      reports the same byte count as foo.eps before psfig preprocessing.
      Is this normal?

HARDWARE: Printer=QMS PS-1500  OS=Amdahl UTS v1.2.3 (There UNIX product)

SOFTWARE: ditroff, transcript2.1, psfig (UNIX version)

CAN PRINT:   fix=      add showpage to end of the encapsulated file
             command=  "lp -dqms15 foo.eps"
             output=   lone figure prints with the title "File=foo.XLS"

CANNOT PRINT: command= "tbl foo.eps | psfig | psroff -mpsfig -mbcr"

              notes:   -mpsfig calls tmac.psfig which defines the
                        macros(.F+ and .F-) according to the psfig man page.
		        -mbcr calls our local document macro definitions
                        psfig macro call is:

		             document text
		             figure foo.eps
		             document continues

              output: 1. the document prints correctly up to the figure
                      2. at the figure, the output is


                      3. space is apparently is allocated for the figure
		      4. the document completes normally

I had to add showpage to get the first example to print.
I tried the second example with both showpage and without showpage.

I would sincerely appreciate any suggestions.

Paul MacMurdo