[comp.lang.postscript] PostScript Output to Mac and IBM-PC Screens

jrstremikis@vms.macc.wisc.edu (11/15/89)

A PostScript interpreter that runs on a Mac Plus, SE or II
and displays output pages on the screen is now available
from Lincoln & Co. Product for Macs is called PostShow,
and requires no printer or other hardware to operate.

PS Tutor is the IBM-PC product. Either product is meant 
for the graphics arts professional, who has knowledge of
PostScript... and for learners. PostScript files created
by publishing and illustration software may be interpreted
and viewed. Such files can also be created or modified 
using the system's built-in editor. An interactive mode
is active and available so commands can be executed from
the keyboard.

The Mac product has an on-line reference manual describing
all of PostScript's operators and error messages, pull-down
windows into the operand stack and graphics state, and 
zoom-and-pan function to show parts of page, magnification,
and reduction.

Produces hardcopy output on both PostScript and non-PostScript
printers. On non-PS units, it prints PS pages at the screen
resolution of 72 dpi. With PS printers, it transmits PS files
for the unit to interpret.

Mac application is available for US 224.95, and includes the
13 standard PS fonts, similar to Helvetica, Courier, and 
Times and Symbol. Additional fonts are available, for the
more recent laser printers.

For further information:
	Lincoln & Co.,
	David Jellison, Director of Software Sales
	45 Winthrop Street,
	Concord, Massachusetts 01742
	phone 508.369.1441
	FAX   508.371.2287

This is not an endorsement of the product... I would be
most interested in comments and experiences with either
Mac or PC product. Direct inquiries about the product
to David Jellison, above.  Send comments, evaluations,
to me.
