[comp.lang.postscript] Seeking PS to MacDraw or Interleaf filter...

shull@kings.wharton.upenn.edu (Christopher E. Shull) (01/05/90)

I am looking for a program to convert PostScript to either MacDraw
format or Interleaf Graphics Format (IGF).  If you have one, please
either send it to me, or let me know how I can buy it.  If you want to
know the nitty gritty details, let me explain.

I can easily incorporate complex engineering line drawings into
technical  publications if the original drawings have been constructed
using CAD software.  Filters enable me to move the files into
Interleaf, where I can edit and modify  drawings within the publishing

However, if my drawings originate as old hard copy, the same
flexibility  provided by electronic publishing is a bit more elusive.
I have used a high resolution scanner and auto-tracing tools on a Mac
II to  produce editable object-oriented images using Adobe's
Illustrator 88. These  images can be exported as either PostScript
files or PICT files with embedded PostScript code, but neither can be
edited because their destination is assumed to be simple word 
processing applications.

BUT, I need to edit these files within Interleaf, which doesn't
know how to filter either PostScript files or these PICT files with
embedded PostScript in such a way as to preserve editable objects. 

The good news is that Interleaf evidently knows how to filter
files created by MacDraw -- and maintains editable objects.  I would
therefore like to convert the PostScript files to MacDraw files, 
which I can export to Interleaf on the Mac and convert to Interleaf
graphics.  Then I would be able to edit and maintain them, either on
the Mac or on a Unix Workstation.

Alternatively, if someone has a PostScript to Interleaf Graphics
Format (IGF) converter, that would simplify the process even more!
Can anyone help me?


Christopher E. Shull                    shull@kings.wharton.upenn.edu
Decision Sciences Department            shull@wharton.upenn.edu
The Wharton School                      University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA  19104-6366            215/898-5930
"Damn the torpedoes!  Full speed ahead!"  Admiral Farragut, USN, 1801-1870