[comp.lang.postscript] Apologies to Imagen/QMS, not Mr. Bach

ted@mbunix.mitre.org (Ede) (03/07/90)

The following is a personal statement and in no way should be
construed as an official statement of The MITRE Corporation:

In a recent posting chastising Mr. Bach, in a bout of overzealousness,
I made a personal comment that our largest waste of money to date was
the Imagen printers that we had purchased.  While our UltraScript
printers are not the panacea of postscript printer world, nothing is,
and they do suit our needs (ethernet, accounting, access from
vms/unix) very nicely.  And like PostScript, there are things I'd like
to UltraScript to have, but don't, and I live with what I've got.

My apologies to Imagen (especially to Mark Camp, my local, very
attentive salesman).  They produce a good quality product and they
support it well.

Ted Ede