[comp.lang.postscript] Graphing

woody@chinacat.Unicom.COM (Woody Baker @ Eagle Signal) (05/07/90)

Some time ago, I posted a note that I had a graphing program.  This program
takes data points and graphs them with diffrent line styles.  It does NOT
do directed graphs.  Normaly, I program in 'C' and Postscript.  But I have
found that the combination of BASIC and Postscript is rather potent.  I
basicaly design and debug the postscript programs with hard coded data.  Then
I run a little program that creates a disk file that has a line number, and
the word  LPRINT "   followed by a line of postscript text, and terminated
by a "   This routine reads the debugged Postscript code, and creates a simple
program that when run from IBM basic, simply prints the code to the printer.
Then I go into where the hard coded data is, and replace it with variables.
After that I write BASIC code to fill out the variables and print the stuff
to the printer.  This is how my Bumpersticker program and Business card
program, etc work.  I find this easy, and very powerful.  The results of
a program run, is a unique Postscript program that goes to the printer.

The following routine was written in order to do a presentation to a
church business meeting for our church.  IT was designed to show
graphicly, the current financial state of the church at that time.  It
will have to be modified rather heavily to be of use, but it may be

5 REM GOTO 410
100  DIM MON$(24):FOR I = 0 TO 23: READ MON$(I):NEXT I
110  DATA "Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"
120  DATA "Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec","spar"
410 READ NL,XINC,YINC,PTSIZ,XDIV,YDIV:GOSUB 1000:GOSUB 4000:REM lay down the axis.
440 FOR I= 1 TO NL:GOSUB 500: NEXT I:GOSUB 15000:LPRINT"showpage";CHR$(4)
499 END
510 READ A:IF A=-999 THEN 560
540 GOTO 510
560 LPRINT"stroke ":RETURN
899 REM select correct line
900 ON NUM GOSUB 1300,1400,1500,1600,1700,1800,1900,2000:RETURN
1000 LPRINT"/Courier findfont";PTSIZ;" scalefont setfont"
1005 LPRINT "90 rotate 0 -612 translate 50 50 translate .01 setlinewidth ":RETURN
1100 LPRINT X,Y;"moveto ":RETURN
1200 LPRINT X,Y;" lineto ":RETURN
1300 LPRINT"[] 0 setdash":RETURN
1400 LPRINT"[3] 0 setdash":RETURN
1500 LPRINT"[2] 0 setdash":RETURN
1600 LPRINT"[2 1] 0 setdash":RETURN
1700 LPRINT "[1 2 1] 0 setdash":RETURN
1800 LPRINT"[2 3] 0 setdash":RETURN
1900 LPRINT"[3 1] 0 setdash":RETURN
2000 LPRINT"[4 1 1] 0 setdash":RETURN
4000 LPRINT"0 0 moveto 790 0 lineto stroke":REM base line
4010 LPRINT"0 0 moveto 0 512 lineto stroke":REM vertical line
4020 FOR I = 0 TO 512 STEP YINC:LPRINT "-5";I;"  moveto 5";I;"  lineto stroke"
4030 LPRINT 0-(PTSIZ*6);I-(PTSIZ/4);"moveto (";I/YDIV;") show"
4050 NEXT I:REM 6 above is number of digits max
4120 FOR I = 0 TO 792 STEP XINC:LPRINT I;"-5  moveto ";I;"5  lineto stroke"
4130 Z1=I/XDIV:M$=MON$(Z1):LPRINT I-(PTSIZ/4);-6;" moveto -90 rotate (";Z1;M$;") show 90 rotate"
4140 NEXT I
9000 REM each line consists of the following elements
9010 REM first is a line style number, next the horizontal increment
9020 REM next is the x and y coord of start of the line
9030 REM relative to 0, and the next points are the y values for each
9040 REM point on the line.  The increment is  governed by the inc
9050 REM parameter.The end of each data line is -999 but this can be
9060 REM changed at will.
9070 REM
9100 REM the x and y axis numbering increments are used to scale the
9200 REM data.  For example, the xinc and yinc are used to space the
9250 REM coordinates on the graph.  They are in points.  The xinc
9260 REM  gets set on a line by line basis, that is the evenly
9270 REM spaced x coordinates are computed in points.  in the example
9280 REM the xcord is 35 points, or approx 1/2 inch.  The verical increment
9290 REM is every 5 points.  However, the vertical axis needs to represent
9300 REM 200 per increment, there fore the y numbering inrements needs to
9320 REM be divided by .25 (or multiplied by 4) to generate the labels for
9340 REM in this case, we want the xasis to be spaced every 1/2 inch
9350 REM and we don't want the xaxis labeld in points, rather we want
9370 REM 35 (remember in this example, each division is 35 points wide
9380 REM ) we get numbers 0-whatever.
9390 REM
9999 DATA 35,.025: REM x and y axis numbering increments, (units divider)
10000 REM DATA 1,35,0,12,14,19,29,19,29,-999
10010 REM DATA 4,35,0,16,19,29,49,59,-999
10100 DATA 1,35,0,12847,11722,12140,12403,10959,14834,13474,14142,10433,7844,16361,13791,-999:REM total income
10200 DATA 2,35,0,7950,7409,7775,7713,6465,6475,8994,9165,5874,3671,9096,9626,-999:REM tithe
10300 DATA 3,35,0,8532,8195,8414,8566,7293,7045,9831,9954,6465,4197,9746,12207,-999:REM conference
10400 DATA 4,35,0,3104,2503,2639,2747,2918,3713,2941,2841,2552,1785,4027,3123,-999:REM local fundsin
10500 DATA 5,35,0,3044,3723,2996,3331,3915,2259,3492,2924,4313,3752,2628,3042,-999:REM local expenses
15000 NUM=1:GOSUB 900:LPRINT "470 400 moveto 530 400 lineto stroke 540 400 moveto (total income) show"
15010 NUM=2:GOSUB 900:LPRINT "470 390 moveto 530 390 lineto stroke 540 390 moveto (tithe) show"
15020 NUM=3:GOSUB 900:LPRINT "470 380 moveto 530 380 lineto stroke 540 380 moveto (confrence remittance) show"
15030 NUM=4:GOSUB 900:LPRINT "470 370 moveto 530 370 lineto stroke 540 370 moveto (LOCAL FUNDS IN) show"
15040 NUM=5:GOSUB 900:LPRINT "470 360 moveto 530 360 lineto stroke 540 360 moveto (LOCAL EXPENSES) show"
15050  NUM=1:GOSUB 900:LPRINT "176 371 moveto 225 371 lineto stroke ":LPRINT" 230 371 moveto (TAPPED SAVINGS 4000.00) show"
15999 RETURN
