ted@mbunix.mitre.org (Ede) (06/15/90)
Excuse me if these are simple questions, I'm posting for a friend. 1) Where can I get bitmap font images of the "standard" 35 Adobe fonts that are suitable for windows 3.0. The applications I want to use them with are PowerPoint and Word for Windows, if that matters. 2) Can anyone recommend a font design utility to build custom PostScript fonts for windows? Alternatively, how about a converstion utility suitable for use with Fontographer(sp?). thanks, ted |Ted Ede -- ted@mbunix.mitre.org -- The MITRE Corporation -- Burlington Road| | linus!mbunix!ted -- Bedford MA, 01730 -- Mail Stop B090 -- (617) 271-7465 | | - this line intentionally left blank - | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+