[comp.lang.postscript] Latitudes/Longitudes

ric@rioja.ifs.umich.edu (Richard Campbell) (07/17/90)

I've got a copy of Brian Reid's netmaps. I'd like
to have an example of the algorithm used to translate
between a given latitude and longitude to the
position on the map. I've tried some empirical forumals,
but nothing is quite working out.



reid@wrl.dec.com (Brian Reid) (08/15/90)

In article <1990Jul16.193115.26400@terminator.cc.umich.edu> ric@rioja.ifs.umich.edu (Richard Campbell) writes:
>I've got a copy of Brian Reid's netmaps. I'd like
>to have an example of the algorithm used to translate
>between a given latitude and longitude to the
>position on the map. I've tried some empirical forumals,
>but nothing is quite working out.

   These are the functions that implement various cartographic projections.
   At the moment there are implementations of Mercator projection and Lambert
   Conformal projection, though it is a simple matter of adding 4 functions
   to implement any new kind of projection.

	Brian K. Reid, DEC Western Research, 1986
	Copyright (c) 1986, 1990    Digital Equipment Corporation
	All Rights Reserved

#include "netmap.h"

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* This is the user-level function that projects a latitude and longitude
   onto the cartesian plane, storing into x and y.
   double lat,longit,*x,*y;
    double PolarR, PolarTheta, T;

    switch(Projection) {
	case Mercator: mercat(lat,longit,x,y); break;
	case Lambert: lambert(lat,longit,x,y); break;
	case Gall: gallpr(lat,longit,x,y); break;
        *x -= CenterX;   *y -= CenterY;
	switch (RotDegrees) {
	  case 0: break;
	  case 90: T = *y; *y = - *x; *x = T; break;
	  case -90: T = *y; *y = *x; *x = -T; break;
	    PolarR = sqrt (*x * *x + *y * *y);
	    PolarTheta = rotate + atan2(*x,*y);
	    *x = PolarR*sin(PolarTheta);
	    *y = PolarR*cos(PolarTheta);

#ifdef DEBUG
{ double ddlat,ddlong;
 fprintf(stderr,"P(%3.1f,%3.1f) --> [%3.1f,%3.1f]\n",lat,longit,*x,*y);
#endif DEBUG

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

   This is a reverse projection: given a cartesian point, return the latitude
   and longitude that project to that point.
   double *lat,*longit,xin,yin;
    double Rpolar,Theta,x=xin,y=yin;
    if (rotate != 0) {
	Rpolar = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
	Theta = atan2(x, y) - rotate;
	x = Rpolar*sin(Theta);
	y = Rpolar*cos(Theta);
    x += CenterX;   y += CenterY;
    switch(Projection) {
	case Mercator: invmerc(x,y,lat,longit); break;
	case Lambert: invlamb(x,y,lat,longit); break;
	case Gall: invgall(x,y,lat,longit); break;
    *longit = fixlong(*longit);
#ifdef DEBUG
 fprintf(stderr,"U(%3.1f,%3.1f) <-- [%3.1f,%3.1f]\n",*lat,*longit,xin,yin);
#endif DEBUG

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
   This function is called from init to print an identification string for
   the map caption.
identify() {
    switch(Projection) {
	case Mercator: identMerc(); break;
	case Lambert: identLamb(); break;
	case Gall: identGall(); break;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

     Lambert Projection: the paper is a cone whose axis is vertical and
     which intersects the sphere at two places, called Lam1 and Lam2.
     If Lam1=Lam2 it is an ordinary conic projection.

/* These are precomputed intermediate values  */
static double	L,		/* half-ht of lambert zone in radians */
		alpha,		/* latitude of L w.r.t. equator */
		ralpha,		/* length of perp from center to L */
		H;		/* height of cone */

#define	R	1.0	/* radius of the sphere */
initLamb() {
	if (Lamb1==0 || Lamb2==0) {
	    fputs("LC error: -l option missing, or bad values.\n",stderr);

	if (abs(Lamb2) > abs(Lamb1)) {double T;
	    T=Lamb1; Lamb1=Lamb2; Lamb2=T;

/* Precompute as much as we can for the lambert conversion routine */
	L = rads((Lamb1 - Lamb2)/2);
	alpha = (rads(Lamb2) + L);
	ralpha = R * cos(L);
	sinalpha = sin(alpha);
	cosalpha = cos(alpha);
	H = ralpha / sinalpha;

identLamb() {
    printf("Lambert Conformal Projection [%s,",prll(Lamb1,1,1));

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   This function converts "inlat" and "inlong" into Lambert Conformal
   coordinates that are stored into "xout" and "yout". The Lambert cone
   intersects the earth at latitude Lam1 and Lam2; we are assuming always
   that Lam1 is farther north than Lam2. The map is centered on LongCenter.
   double inlat,inlong, *xout, *yout;
	double	beta,		/* relative lat of inlat w.r.t. alpha */
		rcone,		/* radius to cone at [lat,long] intersec */
		PolarR,		/* distance down cone from vertex */
		PolarTheta;	/* relative longitude */

	if (sign(inlat)==sign(Lamb1)) {
	    beta = rads(inlat) - alpha;
	    PolarR = H * cosalpha - (ralpha * tan(beta));
	    rcone = PolarR*sinalpha;
	    PolarTheta = (rads(fixlong(inlong-LongCenter)))*(rcone/PolarR);

	    *xout = MapScale*PolarR*sin(PolarTheta);
	    *yout =  - MapScale*(PolarR * cos(PolarTheta));
	} else {
	    beta = rads(-inlat) - alpha;
	    PolarR = H * cosalpha - (ralpha * tan(beta));
	    rcone = PolarR*sinalpha;
	    PolarTheta = (rads(fixlong(inlong-LongCenter)))*(rcone/PolarR);

	    *xout = MapScale*PolarR*sin(PolarTheta);
	    *yout =  MapScale*((PolarR * cos(PolarTheta))-2.0*H);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   Do an inverse Lambert transformation. We need this so that we can get
   a rough approximation to the clipping region in lat/long space, so that
   we don't have to transform every point to see if we need to clip it.
   double inx,iny,*latout,*longout;
    double Rpolar,Theta,Phi,beta,xx,yy,rcone;

    xx = inx/MapScale;
    yy =  -iny/MapScale;
    Rpolar = sqrt(xx*xx + yy*yy);
    if (H<0) Rpolar = -Rpolar;	/* get southern hemisphere right */
    rcone = Rpolar*sinalpha;
    Theta = atan2(xx, yy);
    if (Theta > halfpi)  Theta -= pi;
    if (Theta < -halfpi) Theta += pi;
    beta = atan((H*cosalpha-Rpolar)/ralpha);
    Phi = alpha + beta;
    *latout = degs(Phi);
    *longout = LongCenter + degs(Theta*abs(Rpolar)/rcone);

/* ----------------- End of Lambert projection code ----------------------- */

/* ------------------- Mercator Projection -------------------------------- */

/* Mercator projection: the paper is a cylinder whose axis is 
   vertical and that is tangent to the sphere at the equator.      */

initMerc() {
identMerc() {
    printf("Mercator projection");

   double inlat,inlong, *xout, *yout;
    *xout = MapScale*R*(rads(fixlong(inlong - LongCenter)));
    *yout = MapScale*R*tan(rads(inlat));

   double inx,iny,*latout,*longout;
    *longout = LongCenter + degs(inx/(R*MapScale));
    *latout = degs(atan2(iny,R*MapScale));

/* ---------------------- Gall Projection --------------------------------- */

/* Gall Stereographic projection: the paper is a cylinder whose axis is 
   vertical and that intersects the sphere at a latitude of 45 degrees.

static double RX,Ry;
initGall() {
	RX = R/sqrt(2.0);
	Ry = R + RX;
identGall() {
    printf("Gall Stereographic Projection");

   double inlat,inlong, *xout, *yout;
    *xout = MapScale*RX*(rads(fixlong(inlong - LongCenter)));
    *yout = MapScale*(Ry*sin(rads(inlat))/(1.0 + cos(rads(inlat))));

   double inx,iny,*latout,*longout;
    double alpha;
    *longout = LongCenter + degs(inx/(RX*MapScale));
    iny = iny/MapScale;
    alpha = atan2(iny, Ry);
    if (abs(iny) > Ry) *latout = 90*sign(iny);
       else  *latout = degs(asin(2*cos(alpha)*sin(alpha)));