[comp.lang.postscript] Fax and Postscript

daveb@comspec.uucp (dave berman) (08/24/90)

In article bcockburn@acorn.co.uk writes:
>   Secondly, a question.  Does anybody have any details of the FAX and CCITT
> Group 3 & 4 extensions in PostScript level II? A recent posting from
>   Does this mean that machines are available that take PostScript in one end
> and spit Group 4 Fax images out of a PTT approved modem at the other?

I am using Hijaak and Goscript right now to send postscript faxes. It is not a
speedy process, but the results are much better than if I printed them and
then sent them in the usual fashion. Group 3 fax only so far...

>   Thirdly, a query.  Has anyone had any experience using PostScript printers
> (either Adobe or clone) with parallel (centronics) input, if so, is it
> possible to "get at" the standard output stream?  Where do those nice error
> messages go?

I have a utility somewhere around here which sends errors to the printer
instead of the %stderr file (serial). If netland can't help, mail me and I
will find it for you. -dave

Dave Berman
436 Perth Av #U-907   daveb@comspec.UUCP   Computer at work
Toronto Ontario       uunet!mnetor!becker!comspec!daveb
Canada M6P 3Y7        416-785-3668         Fax at work