[comp.lang.postscript] Front Panel Display on NEC LC890

shiva@well.sf.ca.us (Kenneth Porter) (09/07/90)

Here's an excerpt from my lpd script that handles the NEC LC890
display.  The host name and file name is extracted from the lpd
cf file.  This is run on a Sun 386i.
Note the funny operatortype business with redefining showpage. 
If showpage is an operator, it can be stuck inline in the new
showpage procedure body with no problem.  If it's a procedure,
it has to be exec-ed because the // operator just stuffs the
procedure on the stack.
Many of my utilities redefine showpage.  They go through this
operatortype contortion (or some variation) to allow seamless
inheritance of previous showpage definitions without colliding
with proc names like oldshowpage.
A few warnings about the front-panel display:  This is very
device-dependent.  Don't expect it to work on another kind of
printer.  The fp display does NOT use ASCII.  Upper-case
letters seem to work okay, but punctuation and lower-case gets
displayed as some strange (possibly Japanese?) characters.  I'd
appreciate it if someone with more time could map out the
character set.  (This is why "capitalize -u" is used below.)
# Extract info about file from config file
CFFILE=`grep cf $LOCKF`
FILENAME=`grep '^N' $CFFILE | cut -c2-`
FPS1=\(`basename "$FILENAME" | sed -e "y/./ /" | capitalize -u`\)
CLASS=`grep '^C' $CFFILE  | cut -c2-`
FPS2=\(`echo $CLASS | capitalize -u`\)
# Put jobname in printer display
echo "statusdict begin /jobname ($FILENAME) def end"
echo "statusdict begin /jobsource $FPS2 def end"
sleep 1
echo "/putjobtofp {statusdict begin $FPS1 $FPS2 setfpdisplay end} def"
echo "putjobtofp"
# next is so that "status-printing" gets reset to jobname after paper feed
echo "/showpage dup load type /operatortype eq"
echo "{ { //showpage putjobtofp } }"
echo "{ { //showpage exec putjobtofp } }"
echo "ifelse bind def"