[comp.lang.postscript] Rotated fonts; super/subscripts

hgschulz@ecs.umass.edu (09/11/90)

2 beginner questions:
1) Is there a better way to scale an array rather than using concatmatrix?
   Plain 'mul' does not seem to work. (Note: I'm referring to a general
   array (used for font scaling), not the CTM.) 
   Specifically, my current code to
   define an operator FS that takes a rotation angle and point size and
   generates a font, runs like this:
  /FS {findfont exch /angle exch def
       exch /pt exch def
      [angle cos angle angle sin angle sin neg angle cos 0 0]
      [pt 0 0 pt 0 0] [0 0 0 0 0 0] concatmatrix
      makefont} bind def

   used as: 12 90 /Times-Roman FS
   to generate a 12-pt font rotated 90 degrees.
   This seems rather clumsy. Is there a better way?

2) What's the appropriate vertical displacement for superscripts and
   subscripts relative to the bounding box/x-height/... of the base

Thank you for any insights.

Henning Schulzrinne