[comp.lang.postscript] Postscript Calendar

jim@syteke.be (Jim Sanchez) (11/15/90)

Since my earlier posting for a version of the postscript calendar
program that prints week numbers, I have gotten a bunch of requests
for the original program.  Since it seems to have been missed by a
bunch of people, I am posting it here.  Sorry if you already have it
but it seems to be a popular request.  I still don't have a version
that does week numbers - hope you postscript hackers are out there
working on it :-).  Anyway, here she comes ....

#	pscal
#	pscal [-Pprinter] [other option flags] month year
#	`Pscal' is a PostScript program to print calendars.
#	The file $HOME/.holiday is read and used to print short messages
#	on specified days.  The .holiday file should consist of lines of
#	the form 
#		month:day:message string
#	Messages should be 20 characters or less, with no more than 6
#	messages per day.  No spaces should appear from the beginning
#	of a line until after the second colon.
#	Month and day should be numbers in the obvious ranges.
#	12/89 - The holiday checking has been loosened up in that the
#	following takes place:
#		1. The Shell Variable EFILE is used preferentially
#		2. Then the file Events in the current directory is used
#		3. Finally the $HOME/.holiday file is used.
#	The whole process can be turned off by setting EFILE=/dev/null.
#	Any argument whose first character is '-' is passed on to lpr.
#	The shell variables BANNER, LFOOT, CFOOT, and RFOOT become a
#	top centered banner, and left, centered, or right justified
#	footers respectively.  As in:
#		BANNER="Schedule 1"; CFOOT=Preliminary; pscal 4 90
#	Patrick Wood
#	Copyright (C) 1987 by Pipeline Associates, Inc.
#	Permission is granted to modify and distribute this free of charge.
#	@Original From: patwood@unirot.UUCP (Patrick Wood)
#	@Shell stuff added 3/9/87 by King Ables
#	@Made pretty by tjt 1988
#	@Holiday and printer flag passing hacks added Dec 1988 
#	@  by smann@june.cs.washington.edu 
#	@Used the better looking version with 5 rows of days rather than 6
#	@  hacked together with holiday and banner/footnotes added
#	@  by Joe (No Relation) Wood, 12/89, jlw@lzga.ATT.COM
#	@Fixed "-R" (didn't work at all; now it at least works on 8.5x11)
#	@Also fixed handling of unrecognized arguments
#	@  by Jeff Mogul, 1/90, mogul@decwrl.dec.com
#       @Moon routines added; 1000 changed to 400 in isleap and startday;
#       @  fixed bug involving printing events on isdouble 30,31 days.
#       @  by Mark Hanson, 2/90, cs62a12@wind.ucsd.edu
#	`Pscal' doesn't work for months before 1753 (weird stuff happened
#	in September, 1752).
#	A better format for the dates of holidays would be nice.
#	An escape to allow holiday messages to be raw PostScript would
#	also be nice.
#	The holiday messages should be handled more intelligently (ie,
#	the messages should be clipped to the day).
USAGE="Usage: pscal [ -Rrtm ] [ -F hfont ] [ -f font ] [ month [ year ] ]"


SCALE="1.0 1.0"
TRANSLATE="50 -120"

LPR="lp"  # here you should put whatever you need to direct the output to
	   # a laser printer; or you can replace it with "cat" or use the
	   # -t option if you want the the code to go to standard output.

while test $# != 0
    case $1 in
	-m) MOON="true"; shift;;
	-P) test $# -lt 2 && { echo "$USAGE" 1>&2; exit 1; }
	    eval ENVAR="$1$2"; shift 2;;
	-P*) eval ENVAR=$1; shift 1;;
	-F) test $# -lt 2 && { echo "$USAGE" 1>&2; exit 1; }
	    TFONT="$2"; shift 2;;
	-F*) TFONT=`echo $1 | sed -n 1s/-.//p`; shift 1;;
	-f) test $# -lt 2 && { echo "$USAGE" 1>&2; exit 1; }
	    DFONT="$2"; shift 2;;
	-f*) DFONT=`echo $1 | sed -n 1s/-.//p`; shift 1;;
	-t) LPR="cat"; shift 1;;
	-r) ROTATE=90; shift 1;;
	-R) ROTATE=0; SCALE="0.75 0.75"; TRANSLATE="50 900"; shift 1;;
	--|-) break;;
	-*) eval ENVAR=\"$ENVAR $1\"; shift 1;;
	*) break

test $# -gt 2 && { echo "$USAGE" 1>&2; exit 1; }

case $# in
    0)	set `date`; YEAR=$6
	MONTH=`case $2 in Jan) echo 1;;Feb) echo 2;;Mar) echo 3;;Apr) echo 4;;
		May) echo 5;;Jun) echo 6;;Jul) echo 7;;Aug) echo 8;;
		Sep) echo 9;;Oct) echo 10;;Nov) echo 11;;Dec) echo 12;;esac`;;
    1)	MONTH=$1; set `date`; YEAR=$6;;
    2)	MONTH=$1 YEAR=$2;;

if [ -n "$EFILE" -a -r "$EFILE" ]
elif [ -r Events ]
elif [ -r $HOME/.holiday ]

holidays=`cat $Files | grep \^$MONTH: | awk -F: '{printf("%s ( %s",$2,$3);\
		for(i = 4; i <= NF; i++) printf(":%s", $i);printf(")\n"); }'`

test $YEAR -lt 100 && YEAR=`expr $YEAR + 1900`

% PostScript program to draw calendar
% Copyright (C) 1987 by Pipeline Associates, Inc.
% Permission is granted to modify and distribute this free of charge.
% The number after /month should be set to a number from 1 to 12.
% The number after /year should be set to the year you want.
% You can change the title and date fonts, if you want.
% We figure out the rest.
% This program won't produce valid calendars before 1800 due to the switch
% from Julian to Gregorian calendars in September of 1752 wherever English
% was spoken.

/month $MONTH def
/year $YEAR def
/titlefont /$TFONT def
/dayfont /$DFONT def
/eventfont /$EFONT def
/holidays [ $holidays ] def
/Bannerstring ($BANNER) def
/Lfootstring ($LFOOT) def
/Rfootstring ($RFOOT) def
/Cfootstring ($CFOOT) def

% calendar names - change these if you don't speak english
% "August", "April" and "February" could stand to be kerned even if you do

[ (January) (February) (March) (April) (May) (June) (July)
(August) (September) (October) (November) (December) ]

[ (Sunday) (Monday) (Tuesday) (Wednesday) (Thursday) (Friday) (Saturday) ]

% layout parameters - you can change these, but things may not look nice

/daywidth 100 def
/dayheight 95 def

/titlefontsize 48 def
/weekdayfontsize 12 def
/datefontsize 30 def
/footfontsize 20 def

/topgridmarg 35 def
/leftmarg 35 def
/daytopmarg 10 def
/dayleftmarg 5 def

% layout constants - don't change these, things probably won't work

/rows 5 def
/subrows 6 def

% calendar constants - change these if you want a French revolutionary calendar

/days_week 7 def

/days_month [ 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 ] def

/isleap {				% is this a leap year?
        /theyear exch def
	theyear 4 mod 0 eq		% multiple of 4
	theyear 100 mod 0 ne 		% not century
	theyear 400 mod 0 eq or and	% unless it's divisible by 400
} def

/ndays {				% number of days in this month
        /themonth exch def
	/theyear exch def
	days_month themonth 1 sub get
	month 2 eq			% February
	theyear isleap and
		1 add
	} if
} def

/weekday {				% weekday (range 0-6) for integer date
	days_week mod
} def

/startday {				% starting day-of-week for this month
	/off year 2000 sub def		% offset from start of "epoch"
	off 4 idiv add			% number of leap years
	off 100 idiv sub		% number of centuries
	off 400 idiv add		% number of extra weird days
	6 add weekday days_week add 	% offset from Jan 1 2000
	/off exch def
	1 1 month 1 sub {
		/idx exch def
		days_month idx 1 sub get
		idx 2 eq
		year isleap and
			1 add
		} if
		/off exch off add def
	} for
	off weekday			% 0--Sunday, 1--monday, etc.
} def

/prtevent {		% event-string day prtevent
			%  print out an event
	/start startday def
	/day 2 1 roll def
	day start add 1 sub 7 mod daywidth mul
	day start add 1 sub 7 div truncate dayheight neg mul 
	-5    % offset
	numevents day start add get -10 mul add
	numevents day start add 
	numevents day start add get 1 add put
	add moveto  % move DOWN appropriate amount
	isdouble {                  % go UP some if it's double and 30 or 31 
   	    { 0 dayheight numevents day 7 sub start add get 10 mul sub rmoveto 
	      ( /*) show }
	    { ( */) show }  % give a hint as to what day the event is on
	} if   
} def

/drawevents {		% read in a file full of events; print
			%  the events for this month
	[0 0 0 0 0 0 0
	 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
	 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
	 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
	 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
	 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] def 
	 eventfont findfont 9 scalefont setfont
	 0 2 holidays length 2 sub {
		1 add holidays 2 1 roll get       % loads string
		2 1 roll holidays 2 1 roll get    % loads day
	} for
} def

% ------------------------------------------------------------------------

/prtnum { 3 string cvs show } def

/center {				% center string in given width
	/width exch def
	/str exch def width str 
	stringwidth pop sub 2 div 0 rmoveto str show
} def

/centernum { exch 3 string cvs exch center } def

/drawgrid {				% draw calendar boxes
	titlefont findfont weekdayfontsize scalefont setfont
	currentpoint /y0 exch def /x0 exch def
	0 1 days_week 1 sub {
		submonth 0 eq
			x0 y0 moveto
			dup dup daywidth mul 40 rmoveto
			day_names exch get
			daywidth center
		} if
		x0 y0 moveto
		daywidth mul topgridmarg rmoveto
		1.0 setlinewidth
		submonth 0 eq
			/rowsused rows 1 sub def
			/rowsused rows def
		0 1 rowsused {
			daywidth 0 rlineto 
			0 dayheight neg rlineto
			daywidth neg 0 rlineto
			closepath stroke
			0 dayheight neg rmoveto
		} for
	} for
} def

/drawnums {				% place day numbers on calendar
	dayfont findfont datefontsize
	submonth 0 ne
		2.5 mul
	} if scalefont setfont
	/start startday def
	/days year month ndays def
	start daywidth mul dayleftmarg add daytopmarg rmoveto
	submonth 0 ne
		dayleftmarg neg dayheight -2 div rmoveto
	} if
	1 1 days {
		/day exch def
		day start add weekday 0 eq
			submonth 0 eq
				.7 setgray
			} if
		} if
		day start add weekday 1 eq
			submonth 0 eq
				.7 setgray
			} if
		} if
		submonth 0 eq
				day prtdouble
				day prtnum
			} ifelse
			day daywidth centernum
		} ifelse
		day start add weekday 0 eq
			currentpoint exch pop dayheight sub 0 exch moveto
			submonth 0 eq
				dayleftmarg 0 rmoveto
			} if
			daywidth 0 rmoveto
		} ifelse
	} for
} def

/isdouble {				% overlay today with next/last week?
	days start add rows days_week mul gt
		day start add rows days_week mul gt
			true true
			day start add rows 1 sub days_week mul gt
			day days_week add days le and
				false true
			} ifelse
		} ifelse
	} ifelse
} def

/prtdouble {
	  dayfont findfont datefontsize 2 mul 3 div scalefont setfont
		(23/) stringwidth pop dayheight rmoveto
		0 datefontsize 5 div rmoveto
		0 datefontsize -5 div rmoveto
		  dayfont findfont datefontsize scalefont setfont
		  (/) show
	  } ifelse
} def

/drawfill {				% place fill squares on calendar
	/start startday def
	/days year month ndays def
	currentpoint /y0 exch def /x0 exch def
	submonth 0 eq
			/fillstart 2 def
			/fillstart 0 def
		/fillstart 0 def
	fillstart daywidth mul topgridmarg rmoveto
	1.0 setlinewidth
	fillstart 1 start 1 sub {
		.9 setgray
		daywidth 0 rlineto 
		0 dayheight neg rlineto
		daywidth neg 0 rlineto
		closepath fill
		daywidth 0 rmoveto
	} for
	x0 y0 moveto
	submonth 0 ne
		/lastday rows 1 add days_week mul def
		days_week 1 sub daywidth mul -440 rmoveto
		/lastday rows days_week mul 2 sub fillstart add def
		days_week 3 sub fillstart add daywidth mul
		-440 dayheight add rmoveto
	} ifelse
	lastday -1 year month ndays start 1 add add
		/day exch def
		.9 setgray
		daywidth 0 rlineto 
		0 dayheight neg rlineto
		daywidth neg 0 rlineto
		closepath fill
		day weekday 1 eq
			x0 y0 moveto
			days_week 1 sub daywidth mul -440 dayheight add rmoveto
			daywidth neg 0 rmoveto
		} ifelse
	} for
} def

/usefirst {				% are last two boxes used by days?
	start year month ndays add rows days_week mul 3 sub gt
	start 2 ge and
} def

	titlefont findfont titlefontsize scalefont setfont
	0 60 moveto
	/month_name month_names month 1 sub get def
	month_name show
	/yearstring year 10 string cvs def
	daywidth days_week mul yearstring stringwidth pop sub 60 moveto
	yearstring show

	eventflag {
   		                  % Show a centered Banner if any at the Top
		daywidth days_week mul 2 div
		Bannerstring stringwidth pop 2 div sub
		60 moveto
		Bannerstring show
		                           % Show footnotes left-center-right
		eventfont findfont footfontsize scalefont setfont
		/bottomrow { dayheight rows mul 5 sub neg } def
		0 bottomrow moveto
		Lfootstring show
		daywidth days_week mul Rfootstring stringwidth pop sub
		bottomrow moveto
		Rfootstring show
		daywidth days_week mul Cfootstring stringwidth pop sub 2 div
		bottomrow moveto
		Cfootstring show
	} if

	0 -5 moveto

	0 -5 moveto

	eventflag {
		0 0 moveto
	} if

	0 -5 moveto
} def

/doy {                 % year month day doy -> returns the number of the day 
  /theday   exch def   % of the year
  /themonth exch def
  /theyear  exch def
  /dayofyear 0 def
  themonth 1 ne {
    1 1 themonth .5 sub {
      /mo exch cvi def
      /dayofyear theyear mo ndays dayofyear add def
    } for
  } if
  dayofyear theday add 
} def                    % doy
/findphase {            % find the difference between any day and the reference
  /thisday   exch def   % day of the full moon
  /thismonth exch def   % will probably be one off if the reference is leap yr.
  /thisyear  exch def
  /daysdiff  thisyear thismonth thisday doy
             fullyear fullmonth fullday doy sub 
	     longer mul def      % try to be accurate about it
  /yearsdiff thisyear fullyear sub def
  yearsdiff 0 ne {
    /daysdiff daysdiff yearsdiff daysperyear mul
              yearsdiff 100 idiv yearsdiff 400 idiv sub sub add def
  } if
  daysdiff  % return difference in days
} def       % findphase

/shrink { 2 sqrt div } def

/transmogrify { 10000 mul cvi         % take a real number and 'mod it down'
                period 10000 mul cvi  % so it is in the range 0->period
                mod                   % or -period->0
                10000 div } def       % the 10000's preserve the accuracy

/domoon {           % draw the moon at the current phase
  /phase exch def

  0 0 radius                           % might as well push these on now
  0 0 radius 
  phase halfperiod lt
    { 270 90 arc stroke                % line on right, fill on left
      0 radius neg moveto
      270 90 arcn 
    { 90 270 arc stroke                % line on left, fill on right
      0 radius neg moveto
      270 90 arc 
      /phase phase halfperiod sub def  % get rid of top halfperiod

  /phase phase quartperiod sub      % scale it down to -r(root2) -> r(root2)
         rect mul

  phase                 % x1
  phase abs shrink      % y1 need abs!
  phase                 % x2 
  phase abs shrink neg  % y2 need abs!
  0                     % x3
  radius neg            % y3 
} def    % domoon

/shiftdo {
  startphase day longer mul add
  transmogrify neg period add domoon 
} def

/drawmoons {
    /fullyear       1990 def      % these are the dates of a full moon,
    /fullmonth      2 def         % any date should work if it is that
    /fullday        9 def         % of a full moon, but I haven't tried many
    % I wouldn't make this reference date fall in a leap year, wierdness
    % will probably happen in findphase. You will probably gain or lose a day
    % somewhere. MBH

    /period         29.5306 def
    /daysperyear    365.2422 def
    /longer         daysperyear 365 div def
    /halfperiod     period 2 div def
    /quartperiod    period 4 div def
    /radius         13 def
    /rect           radius 2 sqrt mul quartperiod div def
    /startphase     year month 0 findphase transmogrify 
	    	    dup 0 lt { period add } if def
    /start          startday def
    /days           year month ndays def

    0.1 setlinewidth
    daywidth radius sub 3 sub 15 translate
    start daywidth mul 0 translate
    1 1 days {
	/day exch def
          { % true if 30,31 - false if 23,24 (left on the stack after isdouble)
	      { gsave
	        radius 2 div dayheight radius 2 div sub translate
	        0.5 0.5 scale
	        grestore }
	      { gsave
	        radius 2 div neg radius 2 div translate
	        0.5 0.5 scale
	        grestore } 
            ifelse }
	  { shiftdo }
	day start add 1 sub weekday 6 eq
	  { daywidth 6 mul neg dayheight neg translate }
	  { daywidth 0 translate }
    } for
  } if         % don't do anything if the argument is false
} def          % drawmoons

% Main Program 
/eventflag true def
$SCALE	scale
$ROTATE rotate
$TRANSLATE translate
/submonth 0 def
$MOON drawmoons 
/eventflag false def
month 1 sub 0 eq
	/lmonth 12 def
	/lyear year 1 sub def
	/lmonth month 1 sub def
	/lyear year def
} ifelse
month 1 add 13 eq
	/nmonth 1 def
	/nyear year 1 add def
	/nmonth month 1 add def
	/nyear year def
} ifelse
	0 30 translate
	days_week 2 sub daywidth mul -350 translate
/submonth 1 def
/year lyear def
/month lmonth def
.138 .138 scale
12 -120 translate

/submonth 1 def
/year nyear def
/month nmonth def
daywidth 0 translate
.138 .138 scale
12 -120 translate


Jim Sanchez          | jim@syteke.be (PREFERRED)
Hughes LAN Systems   | OR uunet!mcsun!ub4b!syteke!jim 
Brussels Belgium     | OR {sun,hplabs}!sytek!syteke!jim

jwz@lucid.com (Jamie Zawinski) (11/16/90)

There was a much better version of this calendar program posted to alt.sources
a while back; instead of being a shell script that produces PostScript, it is
a C program.  This gives it better command line processing, and MUCH better
date file processing.  This version is called "pcal" and is up to version 1.5
(last I heard.)  So go scout out your local alt.sources archive, it's really
a *lot* better.  I believe Joe Brownlee <jbr@cblph.att.com> is its current
keeper, though many hands have modified it.

		-- Jamie

minor@motcid.UUCP (Kevin E. Minor (+1 708 632 7043)) (11/16/90)

jwz@lucid.com (Jamie Zawinski) writes:

|>There was a much better version of this calendar program posted to alt.sources
|>a while back; instead of being a shell script that produces PostScript, it is
|>a C program.  This gives it better command line processing, and MUCH better
|>date file processing.  This version is called "pcal" and is up to version 1.5
|>(last I heard.)  So go scout out your local alt.sources archive, it's really
|>a *lot* better.  I believe Joe Brownlee <jbr@cblph.att.com> is its current
|>keeper, though many hands have modified it.

Does anyone have the latest copy of this (pcal) that they could send me ?
Or is at a mail server somewhere ?

(I don't have access to alt.sources or ftp  :-(.....)

Thanks in advance,

	|	Kevin Minor	...uunet!motcid!minor		|

smorton@uxh.cso.uiuc.edu (11/17/90)

> Written  4:30 pm  Nov 15, 1990 by jwz@lucid.com
> There was a much better version of this calendar program posted to alt.sources
> a while back; instead of being a shell script that produces PostScript, it is
> a C program.  This gives it better command line processing, and MUCH better
> date file processing.  This version is called "pcal" and is up to version 1.5
> (last I heard.)

I found the 2.1 version of pcal on an anonymous ftp server
with the Internet address of hydra.helsinki.fi.  It is in the directory

Scott Morton (smorton@ncsa.uiuc.edu)

PS. I found this source by using an extremely useful archive server called
"ARCHIE: The McGill School of Computer Science Archive Server."  To access it,
telnet to quiche.cs.mcgill.ca and sign-on as archie.  Note: no password is
required.  There is a brief on-line help which will get you started.