[comp.lang.postscript] Question about UniqueID values for user-defined fonts.

piyush@applix.com (Piyush Jain [ext 250]) (11/14/90)

Red Book: Section 5.3: Page 96 says:

	"........................  Each FONTTYPE has its own
	independent space of UNIQUEID values."

(i.e., within the super-range of 0 to 16777215.)

Does anyone in PostScriptLand know the range of valid UniqueID values
for Type 3 fonts?  This is not documented in the Red Book.

Piyush Jain

cet1@cl.cam.ac.uk (C.E. Thompson) (11/20/90)

In article <1090@applix.com> piyush@applix.com (Piyush Jain [ext 250]) writes:
>Red Book: Section 5.3: Page 96 says:

(Page 92 in my copy)

>	"........................  Each FONTTYPE has its own
>	independent space of UNIQUEID values."
>(i.e., within the super-range of 0 to 16777215.)

I don't think that your exegesis can be supported by the text. The range
is 0 to 16777215 for each FontType, separately. That is, fonts with different
FontType need not have different UniqueID in order for font cache integrity
to be maintained.

>Does anyone in PostScriptLand know the range of valid UniqueID values
>for Type 3 fonts?  This is not documented in the Red Book.

In my reading, the range is 0 to 16777215 and this fact is documented in
the section you just quoted.

Chris Thompson
JANET:    cet1@uk.ac.cam.phx
Internet: cet1%phx.cam.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk

kibo@pawl.rpi.edu (James 'Kibo' Parry) (11/20/90)

In article <1990Nov19.180259.2099@cl.cam.ac.uk> cet1@cl.cam.ac.uk (C.E. Thompson) writes:
>I don't think that your exegesis can be supported by the text. The range
>is 0 to 16777215 for each FontType, separately. That is, fonts with different
>FontType need not have different UniqueID in order for font cache integrity
>to be maintained.

Whew!  I can finally stop worrying about what will happen when I add
those 9 million fonts to my printer.

james "kibo" parry, 138 birch lane, scotia, ny 12302 <-- close to schenectady.
kibo@rpi.edu                /  Kibology   /   All colors    /  Kibo is no
userfe0n@rpitsmts.bitnet   /  is better! /  are arbitrary. / ordinary bozo.
Anything I say is my own opinion, which is always the opposite of Xibo's.