a309@mindlink.UUCP (George Lin) (11/22/90)
Below are the UUENCODED files which will switch the modes of the NEC Silenwriter2 90 via software. This is useful if you are using a non IBM or a non Mac machine. (If you have an IBM compatible, the EESWITCH program provided by NEC does the same thing, if you have a Mac, there is no reason to switch to HP emulation). To use the following 3 files, clip them out between the begin and end statement (into 3 files) and UUDECODE them. To change modes, simply copy the file to the printer. NECS0 --> Switches to postscript mode NECS1 --> Switches to postscript interactive NECS5 --> Switches to HP IIP emulation (they should also work for the other NEC postscript printers, but I have not verified this. NOTE: the files contain control characters and the ascii equivalents will not work) -------- Switches to Postscript mode --------- begin 644 NECS0 -&W96YD5V%I="`R!`P`X `` end size 13 -------- Switches to Postscript Interactive mode ---------- begin 644 NECS1 M&W96YD5V%I="`R!"!S=&%T=7-D:6-T(&)E9VEN('-O9G1W87)E:6]M;V1E! I(#$@;F5[(#$@<V5T<V]F='=A<F5I;VUO9&5]:68@96YD(%=A:70@,@1M_ `` end size 86 -------- Switches to HP LaserJet IIP Emulation ------------ begin 644 NECS5 M&W96YD5V%I="`R!"!S=&%T=7-D:6-T(&)E9VEN('-O9G1W87)E:6]M;V1E! I(#4@;F5[(#4@<V5T<V]F='=A<F5I;VUO9&5]:68@96YD(%=A:70@,@1M' `` end size 86 ---------------------------- George Lin a309@mindlink uunet!van-bc!rsoft!mindlink!George_Lin