[comp.lang.postscript] want cd and ls procedures for disk access

hue@coney.island.COM (Pond Scum) (02/19/91)


Does anyone have PostScript functions which implement "cd" and "ls".
I'd like to be able to send these to the printer while talking to it
interactively, and then be able to type "cd" and "ls" to list what
files are on the disk drive and move around the file system.  Also,
a procedure that does the same thing as the UNIX "cat" command would
be nice (I guess "more" is asking a bit too much).

Also, I have a 40MB SCSI Mac hard drive full of Kanji fonts that used to
be connected to a Laserwrite IINTX.  Can I hook this up to the SCSI port
on any PostScript printer (specifically a QMS ColorScript) and access the
fonts on it?

-Jonathan		hue@island.COM