[comp.lang.postscript] PS to 24" Versatec Plotter

rel@mtu.edu (Robert Landsparger) (03/15/91)

Well folks, after using the pstorast program that was posted, myself and
our versatec guru were able to turn a 8.5x11 sheet into a 22x27.5 plot
with 200 dpi resolution.

Might not be of that much interest to ppl, but at 2:25 am it was quite
the accomplishment.  B.T.W. it looks cool.

	Equipment/Software used:

	SPARCstation 1+
		NeWS (has to be installed)
		8 meg of disk space

	IBM4381 HPO 5.0
		cv (we wrote this to shove the file to the plotter)
		8 meg of disk space

This would work with ghostscript, but NeWS handles the fonts better.
After fighting to get ghostscript compiled/running because I feared
the NeWS approach, I found I was sadly mistaken.  Conversion takes
about 3-5 minutes. Then plot!

Anyone who is actually interest in the "complete" process let me know.

Back to the programming pit now that the fun is over.

--The Rel Monster

| Robert E. Landsparger (rel@mtu.edu)	| 
| Computing Technology Services		|  "Fall behind early, it gives you
| Michigan Technological University	|  more time to catch up"
| Houghton, MI 49931	(906) 487-2110	|                         -rel
| The above comments do not always represent those of my employer.