[comp.lang.postscript] PS->VERS and fonts

rel@mtu.edu (Robert Landsparger) (03/17/91)

First of all, thanks for the positive e-mail response on the PS->VERSATEC
plotter.  I am going to put together a short thing on it this week and
mail it out to those who responded.

Now my turn, our posts have just started going out on-net due to new
software, so I don't know if my original post got out on this topic.
I would like to know if there is some small piece of code to make
a variable with font fixed width?

	The Rel Monster

| Robert E. Landsparger (rel@mtu.edu)	| 
| Computing Technology Services		|  "Fall behind early, it gives you
| Michigan Technological University	|  more time to catch up"
| Houghton, MI 49931	(906) 487-2110	|                         -rel
| The above comments do not always represent those of my employer.