[comp.lang.postscript] Problems with EPS in a LaTeX document

peg@cs.brown.edu (Pete Granger) (04/06/91)

This is kind of a long story, but I will try to make it short. From a look at
the articles that are posted to these newsgroups, they seem like appropriate
places to ask.

I have figures which were created as part of slides in FrameMaker. I am now
writing a paper to go with the presentation, and wish to reuse the slides. I
wrote to Frame, and they sent me a script which took the figures in PS format
and converted them to EPS format, so that I could include them in my LaTeX

I run my document (paper.tex) through latex, and get the file paper.dvi with
no problems. Looking at the file with xdvi, all the text and captions are
there, but there is just the appropriate white space for the figures. This is
as expected.

I then use dvips to convert paper.dvi to paper.ps, and look at paper.ps with
GhostScript. It looks fine, with all figures, captions, and text correct. I
can also switch to OpenWindows and look at the paper with PageView, and again
it looks fine(1).

But, when I print paper.dvi, either by sending it directly to the printer with
dvips or by printing the paper.ps file, the figures vanish. For each page
with a figure or figures, the page is blank down to the caption for the last
figure on the page. That caption, and all text after it, are correct.

I can print the figures (in their .eps files) with no problem. It is only when
I try to include them in the document that there is trouble. Also, when I take
other figures (not related to this paper) which were generated in EPS format
to start with, they can be included without difficulty. It is just these
converted ones that do something bad to the document.

No one here has been able to come up with any ideas. I even went so far as to
write to the author of the PS --> EPS conversion program to ask him, but his
account mailed back that he is on vacation for another ten days.

Until I solve this problem, I will be stuck cutting and pasting text and
figures, so I am very anxious to get it worked out. I can supply copies of the
figure.eps files, paper.tex, and paper.ps to anyone who might want to take a
look at the problem. It will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

(1) The figures look fine in PageView except that in one case, a group of
    small circles are displayed as small squares. I'm assuming this is just
    some runtime simplification by PageView, and not a real problem.
 Pete Granger   peg@cs.brown.edu  "Use treachery whenever possible. It is
                ...!brunix!peg     cheaper than armies."
                                      - Torkerkanzlag II, Oligarch of Sibornal