(Terry Gauchat) (04/20/91)
The following two uuencoded files are EPS (encapsulated postscript) versions (including 300 dpi TIFF bitmaps for display by PageMaker, etc.) of recycle logos I have drawn. The first is "recyclable", and the second is "contains recycled material". I hope they are useful! ==***> READ THIS <***== THESE LOGOS MAY BE USED FOR NON-PROFIT APPLICATIONS ONLY!!! ANY OTHER USE CONSTITUTES FRAUD, UNLESS THE DESIGNER, MYSELF, IS CONTACTED AND PERMISSION NEGOTIATED. Terry Gauchat 19-1460 Limberlost Road London, Ontario N6G 2C6. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- begin 640 rcyclble.eps MQ=#3QAX # '@ #>'@ -!$ /__)2%04RU!9&]B92TR+C @ M15!31BTQ+C(*)25";W5N9&EN9T)O>#HP(# @-C<@-3D*)25#<F5A=&]R.B!! 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M 50 *4 "J J@ +@ "Y S ,$ "W E (L M "A K *@ "K IP )\ "J Q@ ,8 "_ Q@ I +H "W OP '( !8 3 $H !* 2@ "X end ---------------------------------------------------------------- ...Terry Gauchat, MicroCosmic Computer Services. (Dick Dunn) (04/24/91) (Terry Gauchat) writes: > The following two uuencoded files are EPS (encapsulated postscript) > versions (including 300 dpi TIFF bitmaps for display by PageMaker, etc.) > of recycle logos I have drawn. As received here, after uudecoding, they each had 30 bytes of garbage ahead of the %!. What I presume to be the bitmaps were glued on right after the "showpage" line. Good for choking a spooler; otherwise requires editing. > THESE LOGOS MAY BE USED FOR NON-PROFIT APPLICATIONS ONLY!!! > ANY OTHER USE CONSTITUTES FRAUD, UNLESS THE DESIGNER, MYSELF, IS > CONTACTED AND PERMISSION NEGOTIATED. No, it doesn't constitute fraud, and you might want to be a little more careful slinging around criminal-law terms like that. It might constitute copyright infringement, which is a rather different animal. But so what; keep your precious toys...if you don't want them used, why post them? Oh, and y'oughta get that caps lock key (not to mention the bouncy "!") fixed. -- Dick Dunn -or- ico!rcd Boulder, CO (303)449-2870 ...While you were reading this, Motif grew by another kilobyte. (Richard Foulk) (04/25/91)
>> The following two uuencoded files are EPS (encapsulated postscript) >> versions (including 300 dpi TIFF bitmaps for display by PageMaker, etc.) >> of recycle logos I have drawn. > >As received here, after uudecoding, they each had 30 bytes of garbage ahead >of the %!. What I presume to be the bitmaps were glued on right after the >"showpage" line. Good for choking a spooler; otherwise requires editing. As hideous as it seems that's a valid EPS (of the tiff kind). It should really be called a tiff file with a postscript comment. -- Richard Foulk (Marc Bouron) (04/25/91)
In article <>, (Richard Foulk) writes: |> >> The following two uuencoded files are EPS (encapsulated postscript) |> >> versions (including 300 dpi TIFF bitmaps for display by PageMaker, etc.) |> >> of recycle logos I have drawn. |> > |> >As received here, after uudecoding, they each had 30 bytes of garbage ahead |> >of the %!. What I presume to be the bitmaps were glued on right after the |> >"showpage" line. Good for choking a spooler; otherwise requires editing. |> |> As hideous as it seems that's a valid EPS (of the tiff kind). |> |> It should really be called a tiff file with a postscript comment. I found the same garbage. However, I simply edited out said garbage, and lo and behold, the PostScript `worked' just fine. [M][a][r][c] ################################################################################ # # # . . # # Marc CR Bouron # (ARPA) # _|\ /|_ # # Cray Research (UK) Ltd. # M.Bouron@crayuk.uucp (DOMAIN) # (_|_V_|_) # # +44 344 485971 x2208 # (JANET) # | | # # # ...!ukc!crayuk!M.Bouron (UUCP) # # ################################################################################ (Michael Regoli) (04/26/91)
In <> (Richard Foulk) writes: >>> The following two uuencoded files are EPS (encapsulated postscript) >>> versions (including 300 dpi TIFF bitmaps for display by PageMaker, etc.) >>> of recycle logos I have drawn. >> >>As received here, after uudecoding, they each had 30 bytes of garbage ahead >>of the %!. What I presume to be the bitmaps were glued on right after the >>"showpage" line. Good for choking a spooler; otherwise requires editing. >As hideous as it seems that's a valid EPS (of the tiff kind). >It should really be called a tiff file with a postscript comment. I deleted the garbage at the head of each file and fed it to PC PageMaker 4 as an .EPS file. My HPLJIII/Adobe PostScript cartridge gave me a "PS ERROR 18". So what's the secret? How can/should these images be used? Do they need a .TIF extension? -- michael regoli regoli@iubacs.BITNET ..rutgers!iuvax!cica!mr
woods@eci386.uucp (Greg A. Woods) (04/27/91)
In <> (Richard Foulk) writes: > >> The following two uuencoded files are EPS (encapsulated postscript) > >> versions (including 300 dpi TIFF bitmaps for display by PageMaker, etc.) > >> of recycle logos I have drawn. > > > >As received here, after uudecoding, they each had 30 bytes of garbage ahead > >of the %!. What I presume to be the bitmaps were glued on right after the > >"showpage" line. Good for choking a spooler; otherwise requires editing. > >As hideous as it seems that's a valid EPS (of the tiff kind). > >It should really be called a tiff file with a postscript comment. Hmmm... well I deleted the 30 bytes of garbage, and all the garbage at the end (i.e. after the 'showpage end'), and then ran them off to the printer. Other than the fact that they are at origin 0,0 they look fine and are now perfectly reasonable EPSF. In fact, they work very well with psfig, ditroff, and tpscript! -- Greg A. Woods woods@{eci386,gate,robohack,ontmoh,tmsoft}.UUCP ECI and UniForum Canada +1-416-443-1734 [h] +1-416-595-5425 [w] VE3TCP Toronto, Ontario CANADA Political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible-ORWELL
dkletter@adobe.COM (SUGAR in their vitamins?) (04/27/91)
i also deleted the small bit of garbage before the first %! and i still couldn't read it in any of my programs. is it an IBM PC file? the documentation was a little unclear (at least to me). hasta. -- Yes. Beautiful, wonderful nature. Hear it sing to us: *snap* Yes. natURE. (Richard Smith) (04/27/91)
In <14482@adobe.UUCP> dkletter@adobe.COM (SUGAR in their vitamins?) writes: >i also deleted the small bit of garbage before the first %! and i still >couldn't read it in any of my programs. is it an IBM PC file? the >documentation was a little unclear (at least to me). Perhaps, given the interest in the symbols and the difficulty using the original posts, we could have a re-post of a version that is easier to use or includes more documentation. Some people have mentioned that they have got it to work. EXACTLY how? ...r -- Richard Smith Management of Technological Change Research Project Bell Northern Research/BCTel/SSHRC/NSERC/SFU/Waterloo (Marc Bouron) (04/29/91)
In article <>, (Richard Smith) writes: |> In <14482@adobe.UUCP> dkletter@adobe.COM (SUGAR in their vitamins?) writes: |> |> >i also deleted the small bit of garbage before the first %! and i still |> >couldn't read it in any of my programs. is it an IBM PC file? the |> >documentation was a little unclear (at least to me). |> |> Perhaps, given the interest in the symbols and the difficulty using the |> original posts, we could have a re-post of a version that is easier to |> use or includes more documentation. |> |> Some people have mentioned that they have got it to work. EXACTLY how? I deleted anything that looked like garbage, i.e. the stuff before the %! and after the showpage. PageView (very picky) then accepted it. [M][a][r][c] ################################################################################ # # # . . # # Marc CR Bouron # (ARPA) # _|\ /|_ # # Cray Research (UK) Ltd. # M.Bouron@crayuk.uucp (DOMAIN) # (_|_V_|_) # # +44 344 485971 x2208 # (JANET) # | | # # # ...!ukc!crayuk!M.Bouron (UUCP) # # ################################################################################ (Richard Foulk) (05/02/91)
In article <> (Richard Foulk) writes: >>> The following two uuencoded files are EPS (encapsulated postscript) >>> versions (including 300 dpi TIFF bitmaps for display by PageMaker, etc.) >>> of recycle logos I have drawn. >> >>As received here, after uudecoding, they each had 30 bytes of garbage ahead >>of the %!. What I presume to be the bitmaps were glued on right after the >>"showpage" line. Good for choking a spooler; otherwise requires editing. > >As hideous as it seems that's a valid EPS (of the tiff kind). > >It should really be called a tiff file with a postscript comment. My apologies. It looked like a valid EPS file, the header has the necessary magic cookie, but the tiff doesn't work with anything I've got either. Note though, that the Adobe document; "Encapsulated PostScript File Format" does specify an EPS file format that contains a binary header and embedded binary in the form of a TIFF image. Here's a quote from that document for your edification (horrification?). (Don't read this just before lunch.) ---------------------begin quote-------------------------------- MS-DOS: MetaFile or TIFF Representation Either a Microsoft Windows MetaFile or a TIFF (Tag Image File Format) section can be included as the screen representation of an EPS file. The file format for EPS files is: Header: Bytes Description 0-3 Must be hex C5D0D3C6 (byte 0=C5) 4-7 Byte position in file for start of PostScript code section. 8-11 Byte length of PostScript section 12-15 Byte position in file for start of Metafile screen representation. 16-19 Byte length of Metafile section (PSize) 20-23 Byte position of TIFF representation 24-27 Byte length of TIFF section 28-29 Checksum of header (XOR of bytes 0-27) NOTE: if FFFF then it is to be ignored. Body: Bytes Description 0-PSize-1 Metafile contents (according to Microsoft specification for Windows) Note: It is assumed that either the MetaFile or the TIFF position and length fields are zero; only one or the other of these two forms are included in the EPS file. ---------------------end quote-------------------------------- I get the impression that somebody like Microsoft whipped up this format and then Adobe was pressured to accept it as an EPS. So, yes, there is "valid" EPS code that you can't send to your printer. -- Richard Foulk