[comp.lang.postscript] Neat Thing to do with NEC LC-890

shiva@well.sf.ca.us (Kenneth Porter) (05/20/91)

I have the following code in my printer's if filter (installed
in the if field of printcap).  The if filter expects to get
the PostScript file as standard input and the printer as
standard output.  Put this at the top of the filter
before the actual file is copies to stdout with cat.
Ken (shiva@well.sf.ca.us)
# next line controls whether file and host gets put in printer's front panel
# (NEC Silentwriter LC-890 code for this is invoked)
if [ "$FPSUPPORT" = LC-890 ]
	echo "statusdict begin (       UP)(    SETTING) setfpdisplay end"
# Extract info about file from config file
CFFILE=`grep cf $LOCKF`
FILENAME=`grep '^N' $CFFILE | cut -c2-`
FPS1=\(`basename "$FILENAME" | sed -e "y/./ /" | capitalize -u`\)
CLASS=`grep '^C' $CFFILE  | cut -c2-`
FPS2=\(`echo $CLASS | capitalize -u`\)
# Put jobname in printer display
if [ "$FPSUPPORT" = LC-890 ]
	echo "statusdict begin /jobname ($FILENAME) def end"
	echo "statusdict begin /jobsource $FPS2 def end"
	sleep 1
	echo "/putjobtofp {statusdict begin $FPS1 $FPS2 setfpdisplay end}
	echo "putjobtofp"
	# next is so that "status-printing" gets reset
	# to jobname after paper feed
	echo "/showpage dup load type /operatortype eq"
	echo "{ { //showpage putjobtofp } }"
	echo "{ { //showpage exec putjobtofp } }"
	echo "ifelse bind def"