[comp.lang.postscript] Is it possible to "or" paint onto the page?

david@ridley.coyote.trw.com (David Hull) (06/18/91)

The PostScript Language Reference Manual says that as each painting
operator is executed, "each new mark completely obscures any marks that
it may overlay.  This method is known as a painting model:  no matter
what color a mark has ... it is put onto the current page as if it
were applied with opaque paint."

My question is, is there some way to "or" a mark onto the page?
I want to superimpose a large grey "DRAFT" on top of an already
composed page, but the letters of the word "DRAFT" are covering up
the text behind them.  I can't image the "DRAFT" before the page
is painted because then the "DRAFT" gets obscured.

It's probably possible to set up the appropriate clipping path and then
draw a whole bunch of dots, but it seems like there ought to be a
better way.

Hoping my question isn't incredibly naive,

-David Hull