chan@chansw.UUCP (Jerry H. Chan) (06/28/91)
Please excuse my ignorance... I'm not a Postscript programmer... Is it possible to scale what would be a page of output in a single direction, i.e., print a page of graphics / text to a PostScript file and add the appropriate PostScript commands to reduce / stretch that page by a specific percentage on one axis? Scaling the output within the application would *not* be acceptable for my application. If so, then *how* would one do it? Thanks in advance -- -- Jerry Chan 508-853-0747, Fax 508-853-2262 |"My views necessarily reflect the Chan Smart!Ware Computer Services & Prods | views of the Company because Worcester, MA 01606 | I *am* the Company." :-) jjmhome!chansw!chan \---------------------------------