najmi@hpcuhb.HP.COM (Farrukh Najmi) (04/01/89)
Hi, I am looking for source code preferabbly in C that solves simultaneous linear equations and/or solve one unknown in one equation using iteration. Any clues would be welcome. Please respond by mail. I would be happy to post the result. Farrukh Najmi.
najmi@hpcuhb.HP.COM (Farrukh Najmi) (04/03/89)
Thanks everyone who replied. I have been recommended the following: 1. Numerical Recipes in C_ by Press, Flannery, Teukolsky, and Vetterling. Price 44.50 also available on disk for IBM (I imagine must be PC). 2. The LINPACK package developed at Argonne National Labs. It's suppose to be free for use, and both well published and documented. 3. Handbook for Matrix Comp. by Coleman and Van Loan. 4. MATLAB is an interactive linear alg. package built onto LINPACK. Regards Farrukh.