[alt.sources] new survey to supplement arbitron. Please run this program.

reid@decwrl.dec.com (Brian Reid) (05/19/89)

I'm escalating my network measurement surveys. below is a short
C program that analyzes flow paths and reports them to a central location.

It has been alpha-tested at 25 sites, including Vax, Sun 3, Sun 4, Pyramid,
and some 3B machines. There may well be bugs, but I guarantee that if there
are, that they will be obscure and difficult bugs. 

This program takes about as long as "expire -r" to run, so it's not something
you want to do very often. Here at decwrl where we keep 45 or 50 days of news
online, it can take several hours to run. On smaller machines which keep only
a few days of news online, it finishes in several minutes.

Ideally I'd like everybody to run this program once a month and mail the
results to pathsurvey@decwrl.dec.com. It's important that small sites as well
as big ones participate.

Thank you. Once the data starts rolling in, I'll be posting the results once
a month, just like arbitron.

	Brian Reid
	DEC Western Research


/* inpaths.c -- track the paths of incoming news articles and prepare
 *	      in a format suitable for decwrl pathsurveys
 * This program inputs a list of filenames of news articles, and outputs a
 * data report which should be mailed to the decwrl Network Monitoring
 * Project at address "pathsurvey@decwrl.dec.com".
 * Run it like this:
 *  cd /usr/spool/news
 *  find . -type f -print | inpaths "yourhost" | mail pathsurvey@decwrl.dec.com
 *  where "yourhost" is the host name of your computer.
 * If you have a huge amount of news spooled and don't want to run 
 * all of it through inpaths, you can do something like
 *   find . -type f -mtime -10 -print | ...
 * there are 3 options: -s, -m, and -l for short, medium, and long report.
 * The default is to produce a long report. If you are worried about mail
 * expenses you can send a shorter report. The long report is typically
 * about 50K bytes for a major site, and perhaps 25K bytes for a smaller
 * site. 
 * Brian Reid
 *	V1.0	 Sep 1986
 *	V2.0	 May 1989

#define VERSION "2.2"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

#define SURVEYPERIOD 21		/* Maximum number of days in survey period */
#define HEADBYTES 1024

main (argc,argv)
  int argc;
  char **argv;
    char linebuf[1024], jc, *lptr, *cp, *cp1, *cp2;
    char rightdelim;
    char *pathfield;
    char artbuf[HEADBYTES];
    char * scanlimit;
    char *hostname;
    char hostString[128];
    int needHost;
    static int passChar[256];
    int isopen,columns,verbose,totalTraffic;

	/* definitions for getopt */
    extern int optind;
    extern char *optarg;

 /* structure used to tally the traffic between two hosts */
    typedef struct trec {
	struct trec *rlink;
	struct nrec *linkid;
	int tally;
    } ;

 /* structure to hold the information about a host */
    typedef struct nrec {
	struct nrec *link;
	struct trec *rlink;
	char *id;
	long sentto; /* tally of articles sent to somebody from here */
    } ;
    struct nrec *hosthash[128], *hnptr, *list, *relay;
    struct trec *rlist;
    int i, article, gotbytes, c;
    extern errno;

    hostname = "unknown";
    verbose = 2;
    while (( c=getopt(argc, argv, "sml" )) != EOF)
    switch (c) {
	case 's': verbose=0; break;
	case 'm': verbose=1; break;
	case 'l': verbose=2; break;
	case '?': fprintf(stderr,
	"usage: %s [-s] [-m] [-l] hostname\n",argv[0]);
    if (optind < argc) {
        hostname = argv[optind];
    } else {
	fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s [-s] [-m] [-l] `hostname`\n",argv[0]);

    fprintf(stderr,"computing %s inpaths for host %s\n",
	verbose==0 ? "short" : (verbose==1 ? "medium" : "long"),hostname);
    for (i = 0; i<128; i++) hosthash[i] = (struct nrec *) NULL;

/* precompute character types to speed up scan */
    for (i = 0; i<=255; i++) {
    	passChar[i] = 0;
	if (isalpha(i) || isdigit(i)) passChar[i] = 1;
	if (i == '-' || i == '.' || i == '_') passChar[i] = 1;
    totalTraffic = 0;    

    while (gets(linebuf) != NULL) {
        lptr = linebuf;
	isopen = 0;

/* Skip files that do not have pure numeric names */
	i = strlen(lptr)-1;
	do {
	    if (!isdigit(linebuf[i])) {
	        if (linebuf[i]=='/') break;
		goto bypass;
	} while (i>=0);

/* Open the file for reading */
	article = open(lptr, O_RDONLY);
	isopen = (article > 0);

/* Read in the first few bytes of the article; find the end of the header */
	gotbytes = read(article, artbuf, HEADBYTES);
	if (gotbytes < 10) goto bypass;

/* Find "Path:" header field */
	pathfield = (char *) 0;
	scanlimit = &artbuf[gotbytes];
	for (cp=artbuf; cp <= scanlimit; cp++) {
	    if (*cp == '\n') break;
	    if (pathfield) break;
	    if (strncmp(cp, "Path: ", 6) == 0) {
		pathfield = cp; goto gotpath;
	    while (*cp != '\n' && cp <= scanlimit) cp++;
	fprintf(stderr,"%s: didn't find 'Path:' in 1st %d bytes.\n",
	goto bypass; 

gotpath: ;

/* Extract all of the host names from the "Path:" field and put them in our
host table.								 */
	cp = pathfield;
	while (*cp != NULL && *cp != '\n') cp++;
	if (cp == NULL) {
	    fprintf(stderr,"%s: end of Path line not in buffer.\n",lptr);
	    goto bypass;

	*cp = 0;
	pathfield += 5;	/* skip 'Path:' */
	cp1 = pathfield;
	relay = (struct nrec *) NULL;
	rightdelim = '!';
	while (cp1 < cp) {
	    /* get next field */
	    while (*cp1=='!') cp1++;
	    cp2 = ++cp1;
	    while (passChar[(int) (*cp2)]) cp2++;

	    rightdelim = *cp2; *cp2 = 0;
	    if (rightdelim=='!' && *cp1 != (char) NULL) {
	    /* see if already in the table */
		list = hosthash[*cp1];
		while (list != NULL) {
		     * Attempt to speed things up here a bit.  Since we hash
		     * on the first char, we see if the second char is a match
		     * before calling strcmp()
		    if (list->id[1] == cp1[1] && !strcmp(list->id, cp1)) {
			hnptr = list;
			break;		/* I hate unnecessary goto's */
		    list = list->link;
		if(list == NULL) {
			/* get storage and splice in a new one */
			hnptr = (struct nrec *) malloc(sizeof (struct nrec));
			hnptr->id = (char *) strcpy(malloc(1+strlen(cp1)),cp1);
			hnptr->link = hosthash[*cp1];
			hnptr->rlink = (struct trec *) NULL;
			hnptr->sentto = (long) 0;
			hosthash[*cp1] = hnptr;
At this point "hnptr" points to the host record of the current host. If
there was a relay host, then "relay" points to its host record (the relay
host is just the previous host on the Path: line. Since this Path means
that news has flowed from host "hnptr" to host "relay", we want to tally
one message in a data structure corresponding to that link. We will
increment the tally record that is attached to the source host "hnptr".

	    if (relay != NULL && relay != hnptr) {
		rlist = relay->rlink;
		while (rlist != NULL) {
		    if (rlist->linkid == hnptr) goto have2;
		    rlist = rlist->rlink;
		rlist = (struct trec *) malloc(sizeof (struct trec));
		rlist->rlink = relay->rlink;
		relay->rlink = rlist;
		rlist->linkid = hnptr;
		rlist->tally = 0;

    have2:      rlist->tally++;

	    cp1 = cp2;
	    relay = hnptr;
	    if (rightdelim == ' ' || rightdelim == '(') break;
bypass: if (isopen) close(article) ;
/* Now dump the host table */
    printf("ZCZC begin inhosts %s %s %d %d %d\n",
    for (jc=0; jc<127; jc++) {
	list = hosthash[jc];
	while (list != NULL) {
	    if (list->rlink != NULL) {
		if (verbose > 0 || (100*list->sentto > totalTraffic))
		    printf("%d\t%s\n",list->sentto, list->id);
	    list = list->link;
    printf("ZCZC end inhosts %s\n",hostname);

    printf("ZCZC begin inpaths %s %s %d %d %d\n",
    for (jc=0; jc<127; jc++) {
	list = hosthash[jc];
	while (list != NULL) {
	    if (verbose > 1 || (100*list->sentto > totalTraffic)) {
		if (list->rlink != NULL) {
		    columns = 3+strlen(list->id);
		    sprintf(hostString,"%s H ",list->id);
		    needHost = 1;
		    rlist = list->rlink;
		    while (rlist != NULL) {
		        if (
			     (100*rlist->tally > totalTraffic)
			  || ((verbose > 1)&&(5000*rlist->tally>totalTraffic))
			   ) {
			    if (needHost) printf("%s",hostString);
			    needHost = 0;
			    relay = rlist->linkid;
			    if (columns > 70) {
				columns = 3+strlen(list->id);
			    printf("%d Z %s U ", rlist->tally, relay->id);
			    columns += 9+strlen(relay->id);
			rlist = rlist->rlink;
		    if (!needHost) printf("\n");
	    list = list->link;
    printf("ZCZC end inpaths %s\n",hostname);

jbuck@epimass.EPI.COM (Joe Buck) (05/20/89)

Brian, your program, if invoked in the way you request, will process
crossposted articles N times, where N is the number of groups present.
Please, let's not waste net resources by conducting a large-scale survey
with a basic error in it.

Rather than do a "find" to locate article names, you can count
crossposted articles only once by reading the history file to obtain
article filenames.  Since this is going to alt.sources, I obviously
need to include a source: here is a perl program that eats a history
file and spits out a sorted list of host pairs, showing the links your
news has travelled through.

------------------------------ cut here ------------------------------
#! /usr/bin/perl

# This perl program scans through all the news on your spool
# (using the history file to find the articles) and prints
# out a sorted list of frequencies that each pair of hosts
# appears in the Path: headers.  That is, it determines how,
# on average, your news gets to you.
# If an argument is given, it is the name of a previous output
# of this program.  The figures are read in, and host pairs
# from articles newer than the input file are added in.
# So that this will work, the first line of the output of the
# program is of the form
# Last-ID: <5679@chinet.UUCP>
# (without the # sign).  It records the last Message-ID in the
# history file; to add new articles, we skip in the history file
# until we find the message-ID that matches "Last-ID".

$skip = 0;
if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
    $ofile = $ARGV[0];
    die "Can't open $ofile!\n" unless open (of, $ofile);
# First line must contain last msgid to use.
    $_ = <of>;
    ($key, $last_id) = split (' ');
    die "Invalid input file format!\n" if ($key ne "Last-ID:");
    $skip = 1;
# Read in the old file.
    while (<of>) {
	($cnt, $pair) = split(' ');
	$pcount{$pair} = $cnt;
# Let's go.

die "Can't open history file!\n" unless open (hist, "/usr/lib/news/history");
die "Can't cd to news spool directory!\n" unless chdir ("/usr/spool/news");

$np = $nlocal = 0;
while (<hist>) {
# $_ contains a line from the history file.  Parse it.
# Skip it if the article has been cancelled or expired
# If the $skip flag is true, we skip until we have the right msgid
    ($id, $date, $time, $file) = split (' ');
    next if ($file eq 'cancelled' || $file eq '');
    if ($skip) {
	if ($id eq $last_id) { $skip = 0; }
# format of field is like comp.sources.unix/2345 .  Get ng and filename.
    ($ng, $n) = split (/\//, $file);
    $file =~ tr%.%/%;
# The following may be used to skip any local groups.  Here, we
# skip group names beginning with "epi" or "su".  Change to suit taste.
    next if $ng =~ /^epi|^su/;
    next unless open (art, $file);	# skip if cannot open file
# Article OK.  Get its path.
    while (<art>) {
        ($htype, $hvalue) = split (' ');
	if ($htype eq "Path:") {
# We have the path, in hvalue.
	    @path = split (/!/, $hvalue);
# Handle locally posted articles.
	    if ($#path < 2) { $nlocal++; last;}
# Create and count pairs.
	    for ($i = 0; $i < $#path - 1; $i++) {
		$pair = $path[$i] . "!" . $path[$i+1];
		$pcount{$pair} += 1;
# Make sure print message comes out before sort data.
$| = 1;
print "Last-ID: $id\n";
$| = 0;
# write the data out, sorted.  Open a pipe.
die "Can't exec sort!\n" unless open (sortf, "|sort -nr");

while (($pair, $n) = each (pcount)) {
    printf sortf ("%6d %s\n", $n, $pair);
close sortf;
-- Joe Buck	jbuck@epimass.epi.com, uunet!epimass.epi.com!jbuck

simpson@poseidon.uucp (Scott Simpson) (05/21/89)

NNTP sites cannot run this.  We don't get news.
	Scott Simpson
	TRW Space and Defense Sector
	oberon!trwarcadia!simpson  	(UUCP)
	trwarcadia!simpson@usc.edu	(Internet)

grr@cbmvax.UUCP (George Robbins) (05/24/89)

In article <80@jove.dec.com> reid@decwrl.dec.com (Brian Reid) writes:
> I'm escalating my network measurement surveys. below is a short
> C program that analyzes flow paths and reports them to a central location.
OK, I've let this fine program run for hours on my spool area and mailed
off the results.  How about posting a copy of the analysis program so I
can interpret my own data?

George Robbins - now working for,	uucp: {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!grr
but no way officially representing	arpa: cbmvax!grr@uunet.uu.net
Commodore, Engineering Department	fone: 215-431-9255 (only by moonlite)