[alt.sources] Make a Company List

tneff@bfmny0.UU.NET (Tom Neff) (09/28/89)

You might get a hoot out of this.  I use it to make a master list
of organizations (companies) and their machines.  That way if I
want to flame the bozos at Yoyodyne Industries or find someone who
works at B Ark Software Inc.  I can get a fast start.

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# companies.sh - derive a list of companies from map files

# sample usage: companies.sh > outfile &

NEWSSPOOL=/usr/spool/news      # configure to suit yourself

cd $NEWSSPOOL/comp/mail/maps || exit 1

cat * | \
while read x machname
	while test "$x" != "#N"
	do read x machname

	read x company

	while test "$x" != "#O"
	do read x company

	echo $machname::$company
done | sort | uniq
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"The country couldn't run without Prohibition.       ][  Tom Neff
 That is the industrial fact." -- Henry Ford, 1929   ][  tneff@bfmny0.UU.NET