wht@tridom.uucp (Warren Tucker) (10/12/89)
---- Cut Here and unpack ---- #!/bin/sh # this is part 41 of a multipart archive # do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh # file doc/samplproc.man continued # CurArch=41 if test ! -r s2_seq_.tmp then echo "Please unpack part 1 first!" exit 1; fi ( read Scheck if test "$Scheck" != $CurArch then echo "Please unpack part $Scheck next!" exit 1; else exit 0; fi ) < s2_seq_.tmp || exit 1 echo "x - Continuing file doc/samplproc.man" sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> doc/samplproc.man X $i00 = 0 (0x00000000,00) X $i01 = 0 (0x00000000,00) X $i02 = 1 (0x00000001,01) X ftst 50> fdel $s10 # should say 'deleted' X '/tmp/ftst.tmp' deleted X ftst 51> ptrace off X X SHAR_EOF echo "File doc/samplproc.man is complete" chmod 0644 doc/samplproc.man || echo "restore of doc/samplproc.man fails" echo "x - extracting doc/ecu.man (Text)" sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > doc/ecu.man && X X X X - 1 - X X X X EEEECCCCUUUU X X ((((EEEExxxxtttteeeennnnddddeeeedddd CCCCaaaallllllll UUUUttttiiiilllliiiittttyyyy)))) X X X X X X X PPPPeeeerrrrssssoooonnnnaaaallll CCCCoooommmmmmmmuuuunnnniiiiccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnnssss PPPPaaaacccckkkkaaaaggggeeee X ffffoooorrrr XXXXEEEENNNNIIIIXXXX SSSSyyyysssstttteeeemmmm VVVV X X X X X X X X X X X X X Copyright 1986, 1989, Warren H. Tucker, III. All rights reserved. X X X X X X X Technical Description X Revision 0.50 (ecu 2.11) X PRELIMINARY X 10/8/89 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Copyright (C) 1989, Warren H. Tucker 10/8/89 X X X X X X X X ECU Technical Description 1 X X X X 1. _I_n_t_r_o_d_u_c_t_i_o_n X X X ECU (Extended Call Utility) is a personal communications program for X users of XENIX System V on 80286 and 80386 systems. This preliminary X document describes ECU functionality and implementation from a technical X point of view. X X ECU provides the classic terminal communications facility of passing X keyboard data to a serial line and incoming data to the computer video X display. In addition, a dialing directory, a function key mapping X feature, and session logging are available. X X A very flexible procedure (script) language is also incorporated to X automate many communications tasks. Using shell scripts and ECU X procedures, it is possible to use ECU in an entirely "unattended" X fashion for batch-style communications sessions. X X ECU supports numerous file transfer protocols: as of this writing, X XMODEM, XMODEM/CRC, XMODEM-1K, YMODEM/CRC Batch, ZMODEM/CRC-16, X ZMODEM/CRC-32, Kermit and SEAlink are supported. X X This document is only of a preliminary nature and is NNNNOOOOTTTT well written. X It attempts to get across to the inquiring mind how ECU works. In X places, an understanding of the UNIX programming model, XENIX and UUCP X constructs and asynchrononous communications techniques is assumed. In X other places, the document goes into tedious detail about the simplest X of concepts. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Copyright (C) 1989, Warren H. Tucker 10/8/89 X X X X X X X X ECU Technical Description 2 X X X X 2. _B_a_s_i_c _O_r_g_a_n_i_z_a_t_i_o_n X X X ECU forks to run as two separate processes, a transmitter (XMTR) and a X receiver (RCVR). The two processes communicate via signals and a System X V shared memory segment. XMTR controls RCVR and terminates it under X certain circumstances, called here auxiliary operations. After an X auxiliary operation completes, XMTR forks again to recreate RCVR. X X X 2.1 _T_r_a_n_s_m_i_t_t_e_r _P_r_o_c_e_s_s (_X_M_T_R) X X X XMTR accepts user input from the computer keyboard; input is recognized X as belonging to one of two types: 1) transmit data and 2) ECU commands. X Keyboard input is passed to the serial line driver until an ECU command X is detected. Commands are prefixed with a "hot key" which causes ECU to X accept keyboard data up to the next ENTER key as command text. After a X command has been processed, keyed data is again routed to the serial X line. X X X 2.1.1 _K_e_y_b_o_a_r_d _I_n_t_e_r_f_a_c_e X X The keyboard driver is set into the raw mode. XMTR reads characters one X at a time from the driver. Normally, characters read from the keyboard X are passed directly to the serial line driver. The ASCII ESC ("escape") X character is handled as a special case. When a function key is pressed, X the keyboard driver presents to XMTR an ESC character, followed by two X more characters describing which function key has been pressed. X Pressing the ESC key also causes XMTR to see an ESC character, but with X no subsequent function key "suffix". X X When an ESC character is read, XMTR delays transmission of the character X to the line for a short period to determine whether the ESC key has been X pressed or a function key has been pressed. If no "suffix" is detected, X the ESC is passed to the line, having suffered an insignificant delay X given human typing speeds. X X If a function key "suffix" is detected, the function key type is X decoded. A HOME key indicates an ECU command follows. Any other X function key is passed to the function key mapping feature (described X later). X X X 2.1.2 _E_C_U _C_o_m_m_a_n_d _A_s_s_e_m_b_l_y X X After a HOME function key has been pressed, XMTR presents a reverse X video prompt on the display, indicating its readiness to accept a X command. During input, the command may be edited using the same control X keys specified with stty(C). Command input is aborted by pressing ESC. X X X X Copyright (C) 1989, Warren H. Tucker 10/8/89 X X X X X X X X ECU Technical Description 3 X X X X When a command string has been assembled, it is passed to the command X processor, which breaks the command arguments into a token array similar X to the argc/argv array. When the command handler returns, XMTR returns X to its normal mode of copying keyboard data to the serial line. X X X 2.1.3 _F_u_n_c_t_i_o_n _K_e_y _M_a_p_p_i_n_g X X Function keys other than HOME are available to be mapped to transmit X short keystroke sequences on a connection by connection basis. Under X control of the dialing command ("Dial" described below) or the function X key control command ("FK"), predefined function key maps may be loaded. X X Function keys which may be mapped are F1 through F12, PgUp, PgDn, End, X Ins, Del, the unshifted keypad '5' key and the cursor control keys. X X X 2.1.4 _A_u_x_i_l_i_a_r_y _O_p_e_r_a_t_i_o_n _C_o_n_t_r_o_l X X Certain commands cause ECU to perform what is called an auxiliary X operation, requiring temporary termination of the RCVR process. There X are two types of auxiliary operations: 1) internal command execution and X 2) external program execution. X X Certain internal commands require tight control over the serial line. X For instance, the Dial command requires transmitting modem command X strings and receiving modem response codes. Such procedures are best X accomplished by single-process control of the line. External program X execution is of two kinds, file transfer invocation and local X shell/command execution. X X The RCVR process is terminated in any of these cases either to avoid the X RCVR swallowing characters intended for other targets (the modem handler X in XMTR or the file transfer protocol) or to avoid having remote data X interspersed with the output of local programs. X X X 2.2 _R_e_c_e_i_v_e_r _P_r_o_c_e_s_s (_R_C_V_R) X X X The receiver process reads the incoming serial data stream and passes it X to the user terminal driver through a filter which scans for events such X as the occurrence of ASCII BEL (bell) characters or terminal control X sequences. RCVR also handles the session logging function. X X X 2.2.1 _A_N_S_I _F_i_l_t_e_r X X Since the term "ANSI" is used to describe many variations on the ANSI X X3.64 recommendations for terminal control (read "IBM pseudo-ANSI"), the X ECU receiver process has an "ANSI filter" which attempts to translate X X X X Copyright (C) 1989, Warren H. Tucker 10/8/89 X X X X X X X X ECU Technical Description 4 X X X X ANSI-like control sequences to sequences acceptable to the XENIX display X driver. The filter can be enabled or disabled by user command. X X X 2.2.2 _S_e_s_s_i_o_n _L_o_g_g_i_n_g X X When directed by the user, the RCVR process logs incoming serial data to X a file named on the log command line. The default operation is to X filter unprintable characters (other than TAB and NL) from the log, but X raw logging is available with a command option. In a like manner, the X default is for appending to an existing file, but a command option may X specify scratching any previous contents. X X Log files receive header lines each time the file is opened, stating the X logical system name, the telephone number and the date/time. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Copyright (C) 1989, Warren H. Tucker 10/8/89 X X X X X X X X ECU Technical Description 5 X X X X 3. _F_e_a_t_u_r_e_s X X X X 3.1 _D_i_a_l_i_n_g _D_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y X X X ECU provides an on-line editable dialing directory. Remote systems are X defined as records using alphanumeric identifiers as keys. Other record X fields include telephone number, baud rate, parity and textual X description. X X X 3.2 _O_n_l_i_n_e _C_o_m_m_a_n_d _D_i_c_t_i_o_n_a_r_y X X X The ECU help command presents a display of interactive commands. The X user is then prompted to enter a command name for further, Unix-style X "usage" information. X X X 3.3 _M_u_l_t_i_s_c_r_e_e_n _E_v_e_n_t _A_l_a_r_m X X X By using the "BN" (bell notify) interactive command, an audible alert is X sent to all multiscreens when an ASCII BEL (bell) is received or when a X file transfer completes. An additional option causes an alert when ANY X data is received from the line. This makes it simple to do work on X other multiscreen consoles and be alerted when attention to the X communications session is required. X X For instance, the Berkeley 4.x Unix utility "talk" rings the bell when X another user wishes an interactive chat mode. BSD "biff" rings the bell X when incoming mail is received. Scripts or commands at remote sites can X be configured to ring the bell as in: X X make foo bar; bell; make more_stuff; bell; X X to call attention to the ECU user when work is being done on other X multiscreen consoles. X X X 3.4 _F_u_n_c_t_i_o_n _K_e_y _M_a_p_p_i_n_g X X X All function keys with the exception of the HOME and keypad unshifted 5 X key can be programmed to emit selected strings. For instance, when X communicating with a Stratus computer, a function key map might be X constructed as follows: X X X X X X Copyright (C) 1989, Warren H. Tucker 10/8/89 X X X X X X X X ECU Technical Description 6 X X X X F1 F1 F2 F2 HOME ecu cmd PGUP dispform X F3 F3 F4 F4 END enter PGDN cancel X F5 F5 F6 F6 INS local shell CUR5 Screen dump X F7 status F8 no status X F9 F10 redisp CUR^ ^ CUR> > X F11 F12 CUR< < CURv v X X X X X 3.5 _B_u_i_l_t-_i_n _M_o_d_e_m _D_i_a_l_e_r X X X The built-in ECU dialer supports modems which use the HHHHaaaayyyyeeeessss----ssssttttyyyylllleeee AAAATTTT X ccccoooommmmmmmmaaaannnndddd sssseeeetttt oooorrrr mmmmoooosssstttt vvvvaaaarrrriiiiaaaannnnttttssss tttthhhheeeerrrreeeeooooffff. It is used when HoneyDanBer UUCP X is not installed or when there is no entry in the /usr/lib/uucp/Devices X file for the selected outgoing line. X X For more information, see the later section titled "HoneyDanBer UUCP X Interface". X X The built-in dialer uses files in the /usr/lib/ecu directory which X contains modem initialization information. Modem initialization X filenames are made from concatenating the tty name with ".mi". For X instance, tty1a's initialization file is named "tty1a.mi". X X Commands for initializing the modem and for dialing may be specified in X a very flexible manner. Separate init and dial strings for each legal X baud rate, a single pair of strings for all baud rates or a combination X may be specified. X X X 3.6 _F_i_l_e _T_r_a_n_s_f_e_r X X X ECU supports numerous file transfer protocols: as of this writing, X XMODEM, XMODEM/CRC, XMODEM-1K, YMODEM/CRC Batch, ZMODEM/CRC-16, X ZMODEM/CRC-32, and Kermit are supported. Although a seamless interface X is provided to the user, transfer is facilitated by executing external X programs. X X XMODEM, YMODEM and ZMODEM transfers are supported by public domain X programs by Chuck Forsberg that have been significantly modified to keep X transfer statistics present dynamic status displays similar to the X following: X X X X X X X X X X Copyright (C) 1989, Warren H. Tucker 10/8/89 X X X X X X X X ECU Technical Description 7 X X X X Sample Modem Initialization Files X X #+----------------------------------------------------------- X # tty1a.mi - Microcom AX/9624c X # Copyright 1989 Warren H. Tucker, III. All Rights Reserved X #------------------------------------------------------------ X #+:EDITS: X #:06-17-1989-22:02-wht-creation X init_>2400:ATS11=47X4S0=0S7=30Q1X1N3 # baud rates > 2400 X init_default:ATS11=47X4S0=0S7=30Q0X0N0 # other baud rates X dial_default:ATDT X X X #+----------------------------------------------------------- X # tty2d.mi - USR Courier 2400 X # Copyright 1989 Warren H. Tucker, III. All Rights Reserved X #------------------------------------------------------------ X #+:EDITS: X #:06-17-1989-22:02-wht-creation X init_default:ATS11=47 X4 S0=0 S7=32 X dial_default:ATDT X X X X .-- ecusz 2.02 -- dir: /u1/bin ----------------------------. X | ZMODEM/CRC32 Data xfer rate ~= 234 chars/sec | X | File 1 of 1: less | X | File position: 50356 length: 50356 -rwxr-xr-x | X | Sending 50356 bytes total time ~= 3:51 | X | tx: hdr ZFIN 00000000 rx: hdr ZFIN 00000000 | X | Comm I/O: rx 176 tx 52404 bytes | X | Baud rate: 2400 BINARY blklen: 1024 comm mode: NORMAL | X | Time started: session: 18:41:51 this file: 18:41:53 | X | elapsed: 00:03:41 current: 18:45:33 | X | Error counts: this file: 0 total: 0 | X | Total file bytes transferred: 50356 | X | End of file | X | Remote: CRC32 y duplex y continuous stream y | X `----------------------------------------------------------' X X X X X 3.7 _P_r_o_c_e_d_u_r_e_s (_S_c_r_i_p_t_s) X X X A powerful, language-style procedure language is incorporated into ECU. X The lnaguage is described in later sections. X X X X X X X Copyright (C) 1989, Warren H. Tucker 10/8/89 X X X X X X X X ECU Technical Description 8 X X X X 3.8 _I_n_i_t_i_a_l (_S_t_a_r_t_u_p) _P_r_o_c_e_d_u_r_e X X X An iiiinnnniiiittttiiiiaaaallll pppprrrroooocccceeeedddduuuurrrreeee may be be specified to ECU either to initialize an X interactive session or to execute an entirely unattended or "batch" X communication session. X X X X 3.9 _H_o_m_e _D_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y _F_i_l_e_s X X X ECU control files reside in the .ecu subdirectory of each user's home X directory. For example, in home directory /usr/wht: X X /usr/wht/.ecu/dir CD interactive command history file X /usr/wht/.ecu/keys function key mapping X /usr/wht/.ecu/log connect, file transfer history X /usr/wht/.ecu/phone dialing directory X X X The .ecu directory also contains ECU procedure files (having the '.ep' X extension). X X X 3.10 _L_o_c_k _F_i_l_e_s X X X ECU maintains lock files in /usr/spool/uucp in accordance with the X HoneyDanBer UUCP conventions. Lock files are created for both device X names of a line. For example, both LCK..tty1A and LCK..tty1a are X created when /dev/tty1a OR /dev/tty1A is selected. See the later X section titled "HoneyDanBer UUCP Interface". X X X 3.11 _D_i_a_l-_I_n/_D_i_a_l-_O_u_t _L_i_n_e _S_u_p_p_o_r_t X X X ECU works with the SCO getty to support dialing out on a line enabled X for login. After use of the line is complete, ECU signals the system to X restore incoming call status to the line. See the later section titled X "HoneyDanBer UUCP Interface". X X X 3.12 _T_o_o_l_s X X X Commands are provided for conversion of hexadecimal or decimal numbers X to and from ASCII equivalents. For example, 26(10) == 0x1a == ^Z == X SUB. X X X X X Copyright (C) 1989, Warren H. Tucker 10/8/89 X X X X X X X X ECU Technical Description 9 X X X X 4. _S_t_a_r_t_i_n_g _t_h_e _P_r_o_g_r_a_m X X X X 4.1 _S_i_m_p_l_e _S_t_a_r_t_u_p - _I_n_i_t_i_a_l _S_e_t_u_p _M_e_n_u X X X ECU may be started in a number of ways through use of command line X switches, but the easiest is to enter X X ecu X X by itself. In this case, the screen is cleared and the folowing screen X will be presented. X X X X X .--[ ecu 1.96 Copyright 1986,1989, W. Tucker ]-----------------. X | | X | Name/phone number to call: ___________________ | X | | X | | X | tty: /dev/tty1a | X | | X | duplex: F baud: 2400 parity:N (data bits 8) | X | Add NL to transmitted CR: N | X | Add NL to received CR: N | X | | X | | X | TAB:next ^B:prev END:proceed ^D:phone dir ESC:quit ecu | X `- logical phone directory entry, phone number or empty -------' X X X X X X 4.1.1 _N_a_m_e/_P_h_o_n_e _N_u_m_b_e_r _F_i_e_l_d X X If a dialing directory has been configured, a literal phone number need X not be entered. However, on your first invocation, you'll very likely X have no directory. Therefore, you have three options: X X X X X X X X X X X X X Copyright (C) 1989, Warren H. Tucker 10/8/89 X X X X X X X X ECU Technical Description 10 X X X X 1. Enter a literal telephone number, (e.g. 18005551212). X Hyphens and open and close parentheses may also X be entered. X X 2. Press ENTER to skip the 'Name/phone' field and enter X ^D to enter the telephone directory to enter your X first directory entry. X X 3. Press END to enter interactive mode and use the Dial X interactive command to dial a literal telephone num- X ber or to enter the dialing directory. X X X X 4.1.2 _O_t_h_e_r _F_i_e_l_d_s X X The 'tty' field may be used to select an outgoing line other than the X default /dev/tty1a. Note: only the last two characters of the tty name X need be entered. The remainder of the tty name is assumed to be X '/dev/tty'. X X The 'duplex' field may be used to select a duplex value other than the X default 'F' (full). X X The 'baud' field may be used to select a baud rate value other than the X default 2400. X X The 'parity' field may be used to select a parity value other than the X default 'N' (none). X X X The 'Add NL to transmitted CR' and 'Add NL to received CR' fields are X usually left defaulted to 'N' (no). If you will be communicating with a X terminal (with a human), you will usually need to set both of these X fields to 'Y' as well as to select 'H'alf duplex. X X X 4.1.3 _S_p_e_c_i_a_l _C_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_s X X Special keyboard characters while filling in the startup screen are: X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Copyright (C) 1989, Warren H. Tucker 10/8/89 X X X X X X X X ECU Technical Description 11 X X X X TAB move to next field ... if nothing typed in X the field, do not disturb contents X X ^B back up to previous field X X END proceed with session, dialing remote if X logical directory entry name or literal X telephone number enetered X X ^D enter phone directory X X ESC quit ecu without any communications X X X X 4.2 _C_o_m_m_a_n_d _L_i_n_e _A_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s _a_n_d _S_w_i_t_c_h_e_s X X X ECU can be started in a number of ways: X X X ecu [-lxx] [-b<baud>] [-h] [-e|-o] [-t] <tel-number> X ecu [-lxx] [-b<baud>] [-h] [-e|-o] [-t] X ecu [-t] <logical> X ecu [-lxx] [-b<baud>] [-h] [-e|-o] [-d] -p <proc> [<arg> ...] X X X X 4.2.1 -_l X X When ECU starts up, it normally chooses a line as described later in the X section titled "Choosing a Dialout Line". Specifying the -l switch can X suggest that the program choose a specific line. The argument to the X switch is the last two charcters of the ttyname; e.g., "-l1a". X X X 4.2.2 -_f X Normally, ECU starts up in the full duplex mode. If half duplex is X desired, the ----ffff sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh is used. X X X 4.2.3 -_e, -_o X X Normally, ECU starts up with 8 data bits and no parity. If even parity X is desired, the ----eeee sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh is specified. If odd parity is desired, the X ----oooo sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh is specified. X X These switches X X X X X X X Copyright (C) 1989, Warren H. Tucker 10/8/89 X X X X X X X X ECU Technical Description 12 X X X X 4.2.4 -_p <_p_r_o_c_n_a_m_e> X X The ----pppp sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh causes ECU to execute the procedure <procname> X ("<procname>.ep") immediately. Such a procedure is termed the iiiinnnniiiittttiiiiaaaallll X pppprrrroooocccceeeedddduuuurrrreeee.... All non-switch arguments after <procname> are passed as X arguments to the initial procedure (see the descriptions of the integer X function %%%%aaaarrrrggggcccc and the string function %%%%aaaarrrrggggvvvv). X X X 4.2.5 -_d X X The ----dddd sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh instructs ECU to "die" (terminate with error status) if X any specified initial procedure fails. This switch ensures a batch ECU X execution will hang up any connection and terminate if a procedure error X occurs. X X Absence of the ----dddd sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh causes ecu (upon any completion of the initial X procedure) to enter the 1) interactive mode if a line was successfully X attached by the procedure or 2) the setup menu if not line was attached. X X X 4.2.6 -_t X X The ----tttt sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh instructs ECU to map incoming and outgoing carriage X returns to carriage return/line feed pairs. This is helpful if the X remote connection will be to a terminal with a human operator. Use of X the ----hhhh sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh is probably also necessary. X X X 4.3 _E_n_v_i_r_o_n_m_e_n_t _V_a_r_i_a_b_l_e_s X X X Prior to starting ECU, it is useful, but not necessary, to establish two X environment variables, ECUPROMPT and ECUHELP. X X X 4.3.1 _E_C_U_P_R_O_M_P_T X X The ECUPROMPT environment variable determines the prompt printed by ECU X when the interactive command key ("HOME") is pressed. When you first X run ECU, try setting it to your name, e. g., X X setenv ECUPROMPT Ralph if you use csh X X ECUPROMPT=Ralph if you use sh, ksh, etc. X export ECUPROMPT X X Then, when you see how it used, you may wish to establish a more X permanent choice in your .login or .profile. X X X X X X Copyright (C) 1989, Warren H. Tucker 10/8/89 X X X X X X X X ECU Technical Description 13 X X X X 4.3.2 _E_C_U_H_E_L_P X X Ordinarily, ECU looks for interactive command help information in X "/usr/lib/ecu/ecuhelp.data". The ECUHELP environment may be set to the X complete pathname of the ecu help file if an alternate file is to be X used. X X The help file is explained later in the section titled "Online Command X Dictionary". X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Copyright (C) 1989, Warren H. Tucker 10/8/89 X X X X X X X X ECU Technical Description 14 X X X X 5. _I_n_t_e_r_a_c_t_i_v_e _M_o_d_e _C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s X X X The following is a partial list of commands available in the interactive X (non-procedure) mode. It is not necessary to to enter the entire X command in most cases. The portion of each command which must be X entered is capitalized in the following section headers. X X X X 5.1 _A_N_s_i X X usage: ansi [ on | off ] X X X This command controls ECU's ansi filter. MS-DOS-based systems use non- X standard video display control sequences (SGR - Set Graphics Rendition). X Also, the "Save Cursor Position" and "Restore Cursor Position" sequences X supported by MS-DOS are not part of ANSI X3.64, either. When the ansi X filter is on, these nonstandard sequences are emulated (at some cost in X CPU overhead in the receiver process). The filter state is normally on. X When using ECU on communications lines running at baud rates above 2400 X baud, if you do not need it, you may wish to turn off the filter to X increase throughput and reduce CPU overhead. Issuing the command with X no argument shows the current filter state. X X The ANSI filter is turned on when ECU begins executing. X X X 5.2 _A_X : _a_s_c_i_i _c_h_a_r _t_o _h_e_x/_o_c_t/_d_e_c X X usage: ax [<param>] X X X <param> may be a single ASCII character, a standard ASCII identifier X (such as ETX), or a two-character control character identifier (such as X ^C, typed as a caret followed by a C). X X If no argument is supplied, a table of control characters is printed X containing decimal, octal, hex, ASCII identifiers and two-character X control character identifier. X X X X 5.3 _B_A_u_d : _s_e_t/_d_i_s_p_l_a_y _l_i_n_e _b_a_u_d _r_a_t_e X X usage: baud [<baud-rate>] X X X <baud-rate>, if specified, must be taken from the values 110, 300, 600, X 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 and 38400. On some systems, 19200 and X X X X Copyright (C) 1989, Warren H. Tucker 10/8/89 X X X X X X X X ECU Technical Description 15 X X X X 38400 may not be supported. If baud rate 110 is selected, 2 stop bits X are automatically specified; other baud rates set 1 stop bit. If X <baud-rate> is not supplied, the current baud rate is displayed. X X The setting may be automatically changed as the result of a 'dial' X command. See also the ddddiiiiaaaallll and ppppaaaarrrriiiittttyyyy command descriptions. X X X X 5.4 _B_N : _a_l_l _c_o_n_s_o_l_e _e_v_e_n_t _a_l_a_r_m SHAR_EOF echo "End of part 41" echo "File doc/ecu.man is continued in part 42" echo "42" > s2_seq_.tmp exit 0 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Warren Tucker, Tridom Corporation ...!gatech!emory!tridom!wht Ker-au'-lo-phon. An 8-foot partial flue-stop, having metal pipes surmounted by adjustable rings, and with a hole bored near the top of each pipe, producing a soft and "reedy" tone.